Urogenital candidiasis in men - why it comes back?

December 19, 2011

 urogenital candidiasis men
 Urogenital candidiasis in men is quite difficult to diagnose because the symptoms of this fungal disease is very similar to the symptoms of other diseases, including sexually transmitted diseases - including gonorrhea, chlamydia, herpes.

All of these diseases, as well as urogenital candidiasis, can cause a skin rash or irritation of the glans penis, a burning sensation and itching, discomfort during urination and abnormal discharge from the penis. Moreover - one of the characteristic signs of urogenital candidiasis, the appearance on the trunk and the head of the penis small white pustules or boils, is not unique to this fungal disease, but also for herpes simplex Herpes simplex - in fact, not so simple  Herpes simplex - in fact, not so simple



As is the case with other forms of candidiasis, urogenital candidosis in men can be caused by many reasons. Among them:

  • Prolonged use of antibiotics, corticosteroids, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, immunosuppressants.
  • Diseases, disrupting the body's immune system - for example, leukemia or HIV infection.
  • Different types of diabetes, increase in the blood sugar level Blood sugar - one of the main indicators of human health  Blood sugar - one of the main indicators of human health

In addition, one of the most common causes of candidiasis, and urogenital candidiasis in men including - a disregard for the rules of personal hygiene: it is well known that fungal bacteria multiply fastest in warm, humid environments.



The very nature of fungal diseases makes prevention of urogenital candidiasis is quite simple. The first step is to follow the simple rules of personal hygiene, and after exercise or swimming as much as possible to take a shower and immediately change the wet clothes to dry and clean.

If your partner is diagnosed thrush, avoid sexual contact until the final completion of the treatment of fungal diseases. In no case can not use shared towels or other objects hygiene. In addition, you must wash your hands several times a day and regularly change sheets and other linens.

If candidiasis may be the result of a weakened immune system as a result of long-term use of antibiotics, with the onset of treatment is best to start taking appropriate antifungal drugs. This will help reduce the risk of candidiasis due to weakened immunity.

First of all you must remember that the poor diet, lack of physical activity and constant emotional stress How to beat stress? Create an oasis  How to beat stress? Create an oasis
   It weakens the immune system and can trigger fungal disease.



For the treatment of urogenital candidiasis in men in most cases fit the same drugs that are used to treat yeast infections in women Thrush in women - the relevance of the problem  Thrush in women - the relevance of the problem
   - Antifungal creams and ointments that are sold in pharmacies without a prescription. However, before you start self-treatment, it is best to consult your doctor and make sure that the symptoms do indicate it on the urogenital candidiasis. In no case can not be handled the affected skin cosmetics such as aftershave, or alcohol - such methods can cause skin irritation and cause worsening of the infection.

Usually, antifungal drugs sold in pharmacies without a prescription, suppress the symptoms of urogenital candidiasis in men in just a few days. Nevertheless, the recommended course of treatment must be completed, even if the symptoms are gone before - only in this case it is possible to prevent the recurrence of candidiasis.

In addition, it must be remembered that the permanent health problems and weakened immunity fungal infections will come back again and again. Antifungal drugs suppress symptoms of urogenital candidiasis in a particular case, but do not solve the problem that caused the rapid multiplication of the fungus.

Article Tags:
  • Thrush in men

Symptoms of infertility - the interpretation of clinical data

September 17, 2012

  • Symptoms of infertility - the interpretation of clinical data
  • Among women
  • Men

 Symptoms of infertility
 Causal factors of infertility (both female and male) are a variety of pathological conditions, which differ in their clinical presentation. In diagnostic terms, it is important to properly assess these displays to determine the diagnosis and select the desired therapeutic tactics. Symptoms of infertility are more associated with disorders of the reproductive system, while also notes the existence of violations by the other systems.

 Symptoms of infertility - the interpretation of clinical data

The result of hormonal imbalance

Endocrine pathology is one of the important causes of the problems associated with infertility. Women suffering from infertility, after a comprehensive survey in twenty percent of cases can reveal the presence of polycystic ovaries changes in (or PCOS). The syndrome is characterized a variety of clinical manifestations. Conventionally, all the symptoms can be divided into groups:

  • change rate and the length of the menstrual cycle. Patients complain that cycle became irregular, which may occur delays in some cases, the absence of menstruation. In some cases, an increase in the volume of blood loss during menstruation until the development of the clinic uterine bleeding (heavy discharge from the genital tract on the background of severe anemizatsii woman)
  • Clinical manifestations of hormonal imbalance (or hyperandrogenism) in the form of acne Acne: facial trouble  Acne: facial trouble
   or acne, seborrhea, excessive hair growth. The skin appears excessive pigmentation or acanthosis in certain areas - in the area of ​​the inner thighs, underarms. These symptoms are important to evaluate the degree of metabolic disorders and the presence of insulin resistance
  • Characteristic symptoms of existing metabolic disorders - Overweight (obesity of abdominal type), striae or stretch marks in the abdomen and buttocks. Not all patients with polycystic develop such violations of carbohydrate metabolism, changes in the ovaries can develop on the background of a normal body weight

Another disease which is characterized by abnormalities in hormone production is endometriosis Endometriosis - a serious problem with serious consequences  Endometriosis - a serious problem with serious consequences
 . The most common symptoms include changes in menstrual function of women and severe pain. According to the severity of the pain can be so strong that it leads to disability and disability due to women. Pain syndrome affects the sexual life - developing dyspareunia, ie during sexual intercourse a woman is experiencing severe pain. On the part of menstrual symptoms can be very diverse - from the heavy monthly according to the type and metrorrhagia gipermenorrei to scanty that appear shortly before the onset of menstruation and may even end up not long after its completion.

 Symptoms of infertility - the interpretation of clinical data

The result of the effect of infectious factor

Increasingly faced with the fact that the reproductive system of men and women are adversely affected by various infections. The greatest importance is attached to the same group of infections that are sexually transmitted. One of the most common complications after suffering a chlamydia is infertility. Symptoms of the disease are not different specificity. Most often, the disease is manifested by inflammatory changes of the external and internal genital organs. In women, it may be symptoms of vaginitis Vaginitis - symptoms that every woman should know  Vaginitis - symptoms that every woman should know
 , Bartholinitis or endocervicitis Endocervicitis - when to resort to antibiotics?  Endocervicitis - when to resort to antibiotics?
 Men - urethritis, prostatitis. The inflammatory process is a profuse discharge from the genital tract mucopurulent character.

Changes in the cervix as endocervicitis occurs mostly in young women who are often identified cervical ectopia. Young age, in this case, you can call an aggravating factor for a possible causative agent of infection chlamydia. The infection can spread further upward path and hit the tubes and ovaries (picture salpingoophoritis). A characteristic feature is long over with scant symptoms, but in the future is the development of serious complications (adhesions, infertility). Inflammation due to chlamydial infection occurs with periods of exacerbation of the process and it subsided, but it is not a tendency to worsen.

In men, symptoms of infectious lesions may be so scarce and non-specific that a man is not paying enough attention and therefore postpones his visit to a doctor. Despite the lack of specific symptoms, should conduct a survey in order to eliminate the presence of pathogens of urogenital diseases in both sexual partners who have applied for infertility.
