Low-calorie foods: eat and lose weight?
June 12, 2011
The advantage of low-calorie foods that they can eat a lot and not gain extra calories at the same time. Today, when the majority of the population (especially female) wants to lose weight, these products are of special value. So what foods possess such properties?
Weight reduction using low-calorie food products
Many women believe that if we find some kind of special, super-efficient diet you can lose weight quickly. And, indeed, make a short-term achievement, almost nothing to eat, shed those extra kilos. But then these kilos somehow quickly returned, and sometimes with the addition. Why is this happening? The fact that our body requires a mandatory set of food, without which it can not long exist. So he making up for lost after fasting.
Simply calculate the required weight to drop the number of calories per day
How many calories a day you need to lose weight - everyone has their own rate
and adhere to their number constantly, not forgetting that you need to eat varied to obtain the necessary amount of protein, fat, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. Then be sure to get thin.
But when low-calorie diet does not starve and get everything you need from food? To do this, there are low-calorie foods. It should be every day, to think of the menu (available in several versions), specifying the calorie of certain products in the table. Tables caloric almost all products is on the Internet.
Terms of cooking are also important. Preference should be given to a salad of fresh vegetables and fruits, boiled, steamed and stewed dishes. Eating more often is better, up to 5-6 times a day. After digestion of food - it is also the work on which the waste of energy, which means that its reserves will not be deposited in the form of fat pads on our body.
What foods are low-calorie
The most high-calorie foods - fat, since fat gram contains almost 9 calories. But it can not be without fat, including without animals. Animal fats, we can always receive a part of animal food, for example, fats found even in the lean meat, in fish, milk and dairy products. Therefore, the cooking is better to use vegetable fats, they are useful for the organism.
Low calorie products mainly containing more water and fiber (it is not absorbed into the blood, and is output unchanged through the gastro-intestinal tract and purifying it). In addition, fiber slows the absorption of carbohydrates and fats, and therefore they are a source of energy for a long time. Least of all calories (less than 30 kcal per 100 g of finished product) include cucumbers, zucchini, cabbage, any (cabbage, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, broccoli), radishes
Radish: useful properties and rules of use
, Peppers, pumpkins, leafy vegetables (eg, lettuce, parsley, dill), cranberry. As a seasoning for vegetable salads, you can use tomato juice, apple cider vinegar, soy sauce without fat. Fruit salad made for dessert, you can fill with lemon juice and a teaspoon of honey (honey contains many minerals and biologically active substances, so activates metabolic processes, which means that to recover from a teaspoon of honey, you can not).
Slightly more calories (from 30 to 100 kcal per 100 g) milk and low-fat dairy products (especially useful for getting rid of the extra kilos milk products), low-fat varieties of fish (sea fish more useful), seafood (squid, mussels
Mussels: the benefits and harms of seafood
Shrimp), lean chicken and turkey, lean beef varieties.
Few calories in such a seemingly traditional high-calorie foods, like potatoes and beans, but only if you use them without fat. It is useful, for example, baked potatoes or boiled beans with tomato sauce. Very useful beets, some even eat it raw, as a salad. But it is not for everyone, fresh beets can cause bloating and abdominal pain
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. But boiled beets to suit everyone, from it we can cook wonderful salads, such as garlic. Low calorie and fresh mushroom (brown cap boletus, aspen), boil them in salted water and then fried on a teflon pan without oil. More calories mushrooms, because they contain more fat and less fiber.
And remember, if even at the low-calorie food you consume large amounts of foods that stimulate the appetite, it is unlikely to lose weight, because sooner or later you really want something sweet or fatty. These products include strong tea, coffee, carbonated drinks mineral, sharp and salty seasoning.
In order to reduce the absorption of fats and carbohydrates, it is possible for 30 minutes before a meal to drink a glass of water. The water will dilute the gastric juice, reduces appetite and slows the digestive process. In addition, the water drunk fasting cleanses the body of toxic metabolic products.
Low-calorie diet - it is also healthy, help cleanse and rejuvenate the body nutrition.
Galina Romanenko
Mussels: the benefits and harms of seafood
November 25, 2014
Mussels - one of the most affordable seafood. Low cost combined with excellent taste and high nutritional value make these shells is very popular around the world dish. Perhaps today there is not a man who did not try to mussels, the benefits and harms of this sea delicacy at the same time remain a mystery for many.
From ancient times to the present day
Along with fish mussels were the basis of the diet of the inhabitants of the coastal areas since ancient times. Archaeologists have evidence that even before our era people willingly ate mussels for food. From the threads with which shellfish clinging to the rocks, made of fabric, and from the shells themselves - buttons, combs and other small items.
Much later, the mussels were grown artificially. But for a long time that the product was available only to residents of coastal areas. And only in the XX century the technology of fast freezing mussels made available to all. Today, these mollusks - the cheapest of all the gifts of the sea. Although frozen mussels fresh taste inferior, they nevertheless provide the basis for the preparation of a plurality of fine fragrant dishes.
Benefits and harms the health of mussels interested many. This is not surprising: the information about these shellfish quite contradictory. On the one hand, the mussels - a vivid example of healthy food, low-calorie product with high nutritional value. On the other - the use of these shellfish may in some cases lead to poisoning.
Beneficial features
Mussels - an excellent source of protein. One hundred grams of mussel meat contains 11 grams of protein and 5 of 3, 3 grams of carbohydrates. The fat in shellfish very little - only 2%.
Due to the ratio of fats and proteins mussels are considered an ideal product for the diet. They are equally well suited to those who want to lose weight and those who want to build muscle.
Calorie mussels too low - only 77 calories. This, however, applies only to natural mussels: being fried in oil or arched thick cream sauce, mussels, of course, are much more high-calorie.
Under the fragile shells of mussels hiding real treasures. Shellfish are rich in vitamins and minerals. Thus, in many mussels vitamins B (B2, B6, B12), and vitamins D, PP, E. Like other seafood, mussels much iodine and cobalt content, they are superior to other types of food in several times. Many mussels in iron, zinc, manganese and other trace elements that are essential to the human body. Big amount of antioxidants
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Contained in the meat of mussels, contribute to the preservation of youth and thus beauty.
Has anti-inflammatory action of the mussels are shown in many diseases. If you regularly include meat shellfish on their menus, the bones will be strong, fresh skin, nerves - strong, and internal organs - healthy. Mussels make it easier to tolerate stress, physical and emotional overload, increase immunity
Immunity - types and characteristics in children in adults
Contribute to rapid recovery after an illness.
Harm mussels
Mussels are delicious and healthy, that it is time to eat them every day for breakfast, lunch and dinner. But not all so simple. No matter how useful mussels, benefit and harm it in some cases quite comparable.
The fact that the mussels are inherently distinctive biological filters. Crossing themselves contaminated seawater, mussels facilitate its purification. Himself contact with contaminated shellfish is usually not harmful, but those who ate mussels for food, the risk of serious poison, if the water was very dirty. Unfortunately, humanity only in the last decade, worried about the purity of their native planet. For a long time the world's oceans completely filled with a variety of uncontrolled waste. On the one hand, this has often resulted in the death of living in the sea creatures. On the other - to make seafood that during his lifetime accumulating various poisons, potentially hazardous food.
Thus, caught in the muddy waters of mussels can be poisonous. This does not apply to the mussels, which are grown on special farms where mandatory monitor the purity of water.
Farmed mussels can be eaten immediately after harvest - no wonder with such farms are usually open restaurants serving the freshest clams.
As for mussels caught in adverse conditions, they can protect one month "quarantine" in the flow of clean water.
Mussels good quality you can have everything, except those who are allergic to seafood. Precautions should eat shellfish food for those who suffer from bleeding disorders. And of course, mussels should be absolutely fresh. Spoiled seafood can be really dangerous.
Terms of the purchase and preparation
Self-understanding on frozen mussels in the "Seafood Cocktail" conditions in which shellfish grow, of course, impossible. Therefore, when buying mussels should focus on the manufacturer (and it is larger than what has the best reputation, the more likely that the mussels are benign). Those who live far from the sea, it is better to give preference to frozen rather than chilled mussels, as the latter may not be fresh.
When choosing frozen cooked mussels should give preference to certain mollusks, not stuck together into one lump. The presence of ice crystals in the package - a sign that the clams were thawed and, therefore, could deteriorate. Better in this case to cancel the purchase.
Bowls of fresh mussels should be closed - open or damaged shells before cooking should be ruthlessly discarded so as not to poison. The same should be done with shells that do not open during the 5-7 minutes of cooking or baking.
Article Tags:
- the benefits and harms of products