How useful natural juice of celery?

June 19, 2012

 the usefulness of juice of celery
 Fragrant and tasty celery is useful in itself, but because of its juice nutrients are absorbed faster and in larger quantities.

 How useful natural juice of celery?

From what do celery juice

Ideally, of course, squeeze the juice of celery, which have grown yourself or someone you know - if you're sure that there are no harmful pesticides, which are often "rich" fruits and vegetables from the store. The darker the color of the leaves, the more useful celery, but its taste is also much stronger, so perhaps it should be diluted with water or mixed with other juices. And in any case celery must be fresh and firm. Before making juice, wash it and dry, tear off and damaged leaves.

 How useful natural juice of celery?

Celery juice as a cure

Celery juice - a rich source of potassium, magnesium, iron, fiber, sodium, and chlorophyll. It leaves especially a lot of vitamin A. Celery juice perfectly helps with inflammatory processes which are accompanied by a variety of diseases, including rheumatism Rheumatic fever - are possible complications of heart  Rheumatic fever - are possible complications of heart
 , Nerve inflammation, back pain, sciatica Sciatica - warn it is too late  Sciatica - warn it is too late
   and urinary tract infections. Furthermore, it dissolves the calcium deposits, which makes it useful in arthritis, high blood pressure and hardening of the arteries, and even cancer. Contained in celery and anticancer agents such as phenolic acids and coumarins.

 How useful natural juice of celery?

Other useful features

Celery juice is able to cool down and relax the body, so it is very good to drink after training. It replaces electrolytes and saturates the body with useful substances. If you sit on a diet of celery juice helps to cope with hunger. Drink it if you have constipation, insomnia, high cholesterol, kidney stones Kidney stones: identify and treat  Kidney stones: identify and treat
 , Gall bladder, urolithiasis Kidney stones - why women tolerate it harder?  Kidney stones - why women tolerate it harder?
 Asthma or bronchitis.

Juice can wring from the leaves, roots and stalks of celery. If you do not drink the juice for the treatment of specific diseases, it is better every day, drink juice from different fruits in some cases can develop intolerance to juices that you drink more than four consecutive days.

 How useful natural juice of celery?

Safety measures

Celery is an effective diuretic; it is good if you want to cleanse the body of harmful substances, but can deliver considerable inconvenience, if you travel in areas with few public toilets. Also, watch for the state of the skin: it may first indicate that celery juice for you is not very useful, although it is unlikely. If you have low blood pressure, be careful: celery juice, especially in large quantities, can lower it even more.

Article Tags:
  • celery

Catechins - versatile use of green leaves

January 13, 2011

 Catechins - a kind of antioxidant that is particularly rich in tea leaves. In smaller amounts of catechins found in red wine, chocolate, berries, and apples. Scientists have begun to actively explore the use of catechins for health in 1990, but in ancient times, tea was considered a drink of health and longevity.

The catechins contained in tea leaves, also called catechin polyphenols. They belong to the group of flavonoids, which are plant secondary metabolites. This material is not necessary for the normal process of plant growth, and to maintain his health.

 Catechins - versatile use of green leaves


Studies have shown that catechins are useful not only for plants but also for humans. In laboratory experiments it has been found that catechins inhibited growth of cancer cells and limit the activity of free radicals that cause cell damage and lead to cancer development.

The results of studies of the properties of catechins, however, is not yet final. Some studies suggest that people who drink tea regularly, the risk of developing certain types of cancer significantly reduced; other studies have found no such beneficial properties of tea.

For example, in one study involved 18 thousand Chinese people, some of whom regularly drink tea rich in catechins. It was found that the risk of developing stomach cancer have 50% lower than those who rarely drank tea, or do not drink it at all. However, in another study, which involved 120 thousand residents of the Netherlands, there was no association between the consumption of catechins and cancer.

Green tea contains more catechins than black. All the tea leaves undergo the same preprocessing, but black tea leaves are then fermented for some time and are oxidized. It is believed that due to these processes, the content of catechins in the black tea decreases. Perhaps the reason for the differences in the results of studies in China and the Netherlands. The Chinese prefer green tea, whereas participants in the study from the Netherlands mostly drank black tea, which means that their body received less catechins.

 Catechins - versatile use of green leaves

What is catechin?

Catechins are substances from the group of flavonoids. They are especially numerous in green tea, whose leaves are not subjected to fermentation, so catechins are stored in the leaves intact. In this form of tea contains flavonoids, 70% of which are exactly catechins. They are also available in chocolate, red wine, apples and grapes.

There are five types: catechin, epicatechin, epigallocatechin, epicatechin gallate, and epigallocatechin gallate. The latter is considered the most powerful in their positive effects.

 Catechins - versatile use of green leaves

Catechins and overweight

These substances are often associated with being overweight, or more precisely, it is considered that catechins can get rid of him. Indeed, it is proved that a certain concentration of catechins causes the body to expend energy. American experts study found that people often use green tea, suffer less from fat in the abdomen.

 Catechins - versatile use of green leaves

Catechins and metabolic syndrome

Metabolic syndrome is a plurality of cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, high cholesterol levels and high blood pressure. Catechins are able to prevent significant changes in metabolism, increasing insulin sensitivity, reducing oxidative stress How to beat stress? Create an oasis  How to beat stress? Create an oasis
 Decreasing fat mass.

 Catechins - versatile use of green leaves

Catechins and Type II diabetes

This type of diabetes occurs when the body can not regulate blood sugar Blood sugar - one of the main indicators of human health  Blood sugar - one of the main indicators of human health
 . Studies have shown that regular consumption of green tea a person who has type II diabetes, reduced waist circumference, increased levels of adiponectin increases insulin sensitivity The principles of action of insulin - the science of saving lives  The principles of action of insulin - the science of saving lives
   and the body begins to regulate blood sugar, improves mood.

 Catechins - versatile use of green leaves

Catechins and the cardiovascular system

Study of the action of catechins on the cardiovascular system includes a plurality of studies have shown that three cups of green tea per day by 11% to reduce the risk of myocardial infarction. Japanese scientists have shown that regular consumption of green tea reduces the number of deaths from cardiovascular disease, but it is, however, catechins have shown themselves powerless against cancer.

 Catechins - versatile use of green leaves

Katiehiny and osteoporosis

With age, bone mass tends to decrease, and the bones become very fragile, porous - all the consequences of oxidative processes in the body. But thanks to the catechins, which are powerful antioxidants Antioxidants: the truth about the notorious benefits  Antioxidants: the truth about the notorious benefits
 , Free radicals neutralized and diseases caused by fragile bones, occur less frequently.

Article Tags:
  • tea
