Benefits and harms of radish: what you need to know about this vegetable

November 25, 2014

 the benefits and harms of radish
 Who knows radishes? Bright pink with sparkling white roots appear in the middle of a table in the spring, when other vegetables do not have time to mature. Benefits and harms of radishes well studied by scientists: the root have been cultivated since ancient times, and humanity had time to meet with radishes Radish: useful properties and rules of use  Radish: useful properties and rules of use
   better and appreciate its unique properties.


Just root

Name radish in Latin simply means "root." Indeed, despite the fact that the plants shoots are edible, long were used in food namely pink roots. But why must the pink? Radish is a variety of colors, from orange-red to almost purple, from white to yellow. The taste may also vary from sweet to a more acute. But little bitterness radish is always present due to the high content of vegetable in the mustard oil.

Homeland radish - Central Asia. But since ancient times, this vegetable has been distributed widely. They ate it in ancient Greece and ancient Rome, the late varieties of radish eaten not only with the salt and vinegar, vegetable salads as modern, but with honey dressing.

Radishes growing quickly, but not so well kept. Root vegetables are soft and "revive" them is impossible. Radishes in the fridge you can store a couple of days a week, tops, and if the tops removed. Modern technologies allow to prolong the shelf life of vegetables, but, according to doctors, it adversely affects the quality of radish, impairing its taste.


Use radish

The small round or elongated roots hides a lot of useful substances. The radish contains vitamins Groups B, useful for the nervous system, as well as vitamins C and PP, the combination of which strengthens blood vessels and improves blood circulation.

Rich radishes and minerals:

  • Potassium maintains the water-salt balance in the body and has beneficial effects on the cardiovascular system. Potassium is needed to combat swelling, it lowers blood pressure and is used for the prevention of depression and even stroke;
  • Sodium regulates blood pressure, improves cell nutrition, helps the digestive system;
  • Calcium is needed not only bones and teeth. This mineral enhances the body's defenses, it is necessary for the correct functioning of the nervous system and the heart;
  • Phosphorus, like calcium, is involved in the formation of bone tissue, and also affects the activity of the brain and is involved in metabolism. Phosphorus is especially necessary for vegetarians who refuse animal food;
  • Iron is especially important for women. It improves the absorption of some vitamins, promotes normal blood, increases immunity;
  • Magnesium is essential for the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system. As well as this mineral is a kind of natural sedative Sedatives - take valerian and be happy?  Sedatives - take valerian and be happy?
 Is involved in metabolism, inhibits the growth of tumors.

Due to the high content of fiber radish helps reduce blood cholesterol levels, improves peristalsis, promotes rapid gastric emptying. As a result, improves the complexion and skin condition, there is energy. Slightly bitter taste of radish stimulates the appetite. These root improves digestion and can be used to treat gout, obesity and diabetes.

Radish, along with onions and garlic Garlic health: almost a panacea  Garlic health: almost a panacea
   It contains natural antimicrobial substances - volatile. Those who regularly eat salads with radish, rarely get sick even in the season of colds.

Vegetable this is indispensable for those who dream of a slim figure. In 100 grams of radish contains only 14 calories. This raw radish refers to a product with so-called "negative calorie" - which means that the root to digest organism spends more energy than it receives from it. Besides, radishes prevents the deposition of fat, improves metabolism Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting  Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting
 . Those who want to lose weight, do not neglect and radish greens, which will give an unforgettable salads fresh and tangy taste. Especially useful tops rich in folic acid for pregnant women and those who only wants to conceive a baby.

Although usually only the food consumed roots in folk medicine is used, and radish greens. It is used as a remedy for constipation: pushing herbs in boiling water and drink three times a day with meals. And the roots are used not only internally but also externally, for example, as a nutrient and tonic mask for the face. Radish has bleaching properties and dries, fights inflammation and helps to quickly get rid of bruises and bruises.


Harm radish

Even the most useful product can be harmful if it is, in unlimited quantities. Excessive use of radish is not: it contains caustic substances can cause irritation of the gastrointestinal tract. How often have radishes, tells the body, if after drinking the mini-root crops appear discomfort, it is better to take a break.

Some doctors generally recommend eating radishes no more than once a week, but if more frequent consumption of vegetables has no effect on health, you can pamper yourself with delicious root vegetables and more.

In all diseases of the digestive tract from the radishes have to give up: the use of root has an irritating effect on the stomach and intestines. So, gastric ulcer, gastritis, colitis and enterocolitis, as well as any other similar diseases of the radishes have to forget until they are cured.

Precautions should eat radishes and diseases of the thyroid gland. In some cases, nutritionists recommend eating a radish is not cheese, and boiled form. Of course, boiled and roasted radishes loses some vitamins, but, nevertheless, it remains a useful and low-calorie dish.

Since the radish increases appetite, after its use is to watch portion sizes to avoid overeating. It is recommended to combine radishes with fresh herbs and, of course, avoid fatty dressings that instantly transform a salad diet heavy in calories.

Article Tags:
  • the benefits and harms of products

Power feeding mother - what foods are recommended?

October 1, 2009

 Power nursing mothers
 During the first six months after birth, the baby is fed only breast milk, getting all the nutrients from the mother. Proper nutrition nursing mother is very important because the amount of consumed calories, proteins, vitamins, minerals and other nutrients affect the composition and quality of breast milk. In addition, some vitamins and minerals needed by the body to restore nursing mothers after birth (e.g., vitamin C, and zinc).

 Power feeding mother - what foods are recommended?


During the first six months after giving birth to nursing mothers it is recommended to drink five hundred calories a day How many calories a day you need to lose weight - everyone has their own rate  How many calories a day you need to lose weight - everyone has their own rate
   more than before pregnancy. The amount of calories in the diet can be increased in various ways - for example, increasing the size of the portions. On average, one hundred milliliters of breast milk - a seventy calories; during the first six months after childbirth a woman's body produces seven hundred and fifty milliliters of breast milk a day. That is why proper nutrition Proper nutrition - the basic precepts of healthy food  Proper nutrition - the basic precepts of healthy food
   nursing mother involves increasing the number of calories consumed. If the number of calories is the same, a woman's body begins to burn fat as a source of additional energy.

 Power feeding mother - what foods are recommended?


Along with the amount of calorie intake should be increased and the content of protein in the diet - for example, to include in the menu of foods rich in protein (cheese, milk, eggs). Deficiency of protein in the diet of lactating mother could lead to a change in the composition of breast milk - in particular, the reduction in the amount of casein in human milk. Casein Protein - an essential component of breast milk, which helps ensure the body of a newborn baby essential nutrients (calcium, phosphates) and helps to normalize digestion.

 Power feeding mother - what foods are recommended?

Other nutrients

The amount of certain nutrients in the diet of lactating mothers (such as vitamins C and A, thiamin, riboflavin, vitamin B6 and B12, iodine, villages) affects the composition of breast milk. These are the nutrients the newborn baby receives only breast milk, therefore, making the diet, you must make sure that the diet was enough vitamins and minerals. Most useful for nursing mothers sources of iodine - seafood and iodized salt.

On the other hand, such substances in the breast milk, such as zinc, iron, vitamin D, calcium, folic acid Folic acid - the value is hard to overestimate  Folic acid - the value is hard to overestimate
   copper and do not depend on the power feeding mother - of these nutrients in breast milk equally regardless of diet. Taking these vitamins and minerals in the form of supplements during breastfeeding is only useful for nursing mothers, but almost no effect on the child's body.

Power nursing mother must necessarily include increasing the amount of calcium needed to produce breast milk. During the first six months postpartum lactating women should consume at least a thousand milligrams of calcium a day. Five hundred milliliters of milk or milk products a day should be consumed in addition to other foods rich in calcium - such as green leafy vegetables.

 Power feeding mother - what foods are recommended?

The rate of nutrient in the diet of lactating mothers

During the period of breast-feeding body's need for nursing mothers in some nutrients and energy increases, so the rate of nutrient in the diet of women, breast-feeding, more than in the diet of pregnant women.

  • The energy (calories): two thousand five hundred calories a day during the entire period of breastfeeding;
  • Proteins: seventy-one grams a day (for comparison, the daily rate of protein for women before pregnancy is forty-six grams);
  • Vitamin A: one thousand three hundred micrograms per day;
  • Iron: nine milligrams per day;
  • Folic acid: five hundred micrograms per day;
  • Iodine: two hundred and ninety micrograms per day;
  • Calcium: one thousand milligrams per day;
  • Zinc twelve milligrams per day;
  • Vitamin B12: Three micrograms per day.

For the entire period of breastfeeding baby breastfeeding mother is recommended to limit the use of caffeine to give up alcohol and smoking (alcohol and smoking can trigger fatigue, irritability Irritability - you try to control my temper  Irritability - you try to control my temper
 , Nervousness in the child). In addition, nursing mothers should not take any dietary supplements or drugs not prescribed by a doctor.

Article Tags:
  • nutrition in pregnancy
