5 signs of vitamin E deficiency

August 11, 2013

 signs of vitamin E deficiency
 Vitamin E slows down the aging process, helps prevent cancer, heart disease, cataracts Cataracts - how to solve the problem completely?  Cataracts - how to solve the problem completely?
 And other diseases. This vitamin is very good for the skin - thanks to him for a long time, it is smooth and elastic; it also contributes to the rapid recovery of damaged tissues. Causes and symptoms of vitamin E deficiency is usually a fat malabsorption; Sometimes it occurs in children with very low birth weight. The consequence may be neurological and other problems.

 5 signs of vitamin E deficiency

Symptoms of vitamin E deficiency in newborns

  • Retinopathy of prematurity (disease affecting the retina of the eye);
  • Weight loss and growth inhibition;
  • Poor appetite;
  • The slowdown of physical and mental development.

 5 signs of vitamin E deficiency

Symptoms of vitamin E deficiency in children older than one year

  • Chronic disorders of the liver;
  • Low muscle coordination with the weakening of deep tendon reflexes;
  • Ataxia of the trunk and extremities;
  • The paralysis of the eye muscles responsible for eye movement;
  • Muscle weakness;
  • Ptosis (drooping of the upper eyelid);
  • Dysarthria (a condition in which disturbed innervation of the vocal apparatus);
  • Slow growth.

 5 signs of vitamin E deficiency

Symptoms of vitamin E deficiency in adults

  • Mild anemia Anemia - when you do not have enough blood  Anemia - when you do not have enough blood
  • The nonspecific neurological deficit;
  • Disorders related to the reproductive system, including - infertility;
  • Increased fragility of red blood cells;
  • The premature appearance of age spots;
  • Cataracts;
  • Neurological damage;
  • The weakening of sexual desire;
  • Disorders of muscle, liver, bone and brain.

 5 signs of vitamin E deficiency

Common symptoms of vitamin E deficiency

  • Gastrointestinal disease;
  • The dryness and hair loss Hair loss - the distress signal  Hair loss - the distress signal
  • Muscle weakness;
  • Slow healing of damaged tissues;
  • Leg cramps.

The above are the most common symptoms of vitamin E deficiency is much less common, it can cause enlargement of the prostate, impotence Impotence - a female perspective on the problem  Impotence - a female perspective on the problem
 , Miscarriage, muscle wasting and slowing blood flow.

 5 signs of vitamin E deficiency

How to prevent a deficiency of vitamin E

For the prevention of vitamin E deficiency need to eat as many foods rich in this substance. Such products include nuts, seeds, eggs (especially egg yolks), cereals, herbs, vegetable oil (most of the vitamin E in the oil of wheat germ). If a person is already showing signs of vitamin E deficiency, you must undergo a medical examination - with disorders that cause this condition, can not cope with a single diet.

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  • vitamin E

Sources of vitamin E - natural "containers" of health

August 11, 2013

 Sources of Vitamin E
 Vitamin E is found in many foods and dietary supplements. Its consumption is important for the body because of the shortage of useful elements to better avoid.

 Sources of vitamin E - natural "containers" of health

Food items

Nuts, seeds, and vegetable oils are considered to be the richest source of this substance. Quite a lot of vitamin in green leafy vegetables and fortified cereals. Much of the vitamin E is present in our diet in the form of gamma-tocopherol - it contains, for example, corn, soybeans, and many vegetable oils.

The content of vitamin E in some foods:

Food product

The amount of vitamin E in mg

The percentage of the daily value *

Wheat germ oil, 1 tablespoon



Roasted sunflower seeds, 29 g



Roasted almonds Use almond: Fertility symbol of peace  Use almond: Fertility symbol of peace
 29 g



Sunflower oil, 1 tablespoon



Safflower oil, 1 tablespoon



Hazelnut, 29 g



Peanut butter, 2 tablespoons



Roasted peanuts, 29 g



Corn oil, 1 tablespoon



Boiled spinach, 0.5 cups



Boiled broccoli, 0.5 cups



Soybean oil, 1 tablespoon



Kiwi fruit is medium in size



Mango, 0.5 cup slices



Fresh tomatoes medium size



Fresh spinach, 1 cup



* Daily rate - a measure that facilitates the comparison of the nutritional value of various foods in the context of the total human diet. Daily Value of vitamin E is 30 IU (this is approximately 20 mg natural alpha-tocopherol) for adults and children over 4 years. Since the body can not assimilate all incoming dietary vitamin E daily rate exceeds CFSTR. Foods high in vitamin E are those which contain 20% or more of the daily value. On the labels of food manufacturers are not required to indicate the amount of certain vitamins, unless it comes to the various fortified foods.

 Sources of vitamin E - natural "containers" of health

Nutritional supplements

In most food additives Food additives - basic classification  Food additives - basic classification
 Where there are vitamin E contained only the alpha-tocopherol Vitamin E (tocopherol) - not to be carried away  Vitamin E (tocopherol) - not to be carried away
 But the composition of some of these may include other tocopherols, tocotrienols and even. Natural alpha-tocopherol exists only one stereoisomeric form. Synthetic alpha-tocopherol contains equal amounts of eight stereoisomers; human organism can utilize only four of them. Therefore, DL-alpha-tocopherol twice less active than the natural alpha-tocopherol in the same amount to get enough vitamin E from supplements or of enriched foods, the person needs to consume 50% more IU than specified in the recommendations for standards daily intake (these recommendations, as we have said, relate to D-alpha-tocopherol).

Almost all the vitamin supplements, which is composed of vitamin E, contain 100 or more IU of vitamin E per dose, significantly more RNSP. According to the poll, 11.3% of adults taking supplements containing at least 400 IU of vitamin E.

The composition of dietary supplements and enriched foods often include esterified alpha-tocopherol - it allows to increase its shelf life, and at the same time preserve the antioxidant properties. The body absorbs and processes these esters as efficiently as alpha-tocopherol.

 Sources of vitamin E - natural "containers" of health

Consumption of vitamin E - statistics

Studies in the late 20th and early 21st century, studies have shown that vitamin E in the diet of most people CFSTR below. But perhaps these results do not quite correspond to the actual level of consumption of vitamin E, as a study conducted specialists are not always able to accurately determine the amount of vegetable oil in the diet of people. Moreover, the people are not always aware of how much oil he uses daily for cooking. Probably, many people are actually even exceed RNSP vitamin E, but not so much that it is a health hazard. On the other hand, a diet low in fat may lead to a shortage of vitamin E, if the person does not take measures to increase its content in the diet due to the consumption of nuts, seeds, and food additives.

 Sources of vitamin E - natural "containers" of health

Deficiency of vitamin E

A significant deficiency of vitamin E is rare, and in healthy people who, for whatever reason, get a lot of it is not enough, there are no apparent symptoms of deficiency. Premature babies with very low birth weight (less than 1500g) sometimes develops a deficiency of vitamin E. supplementation with vitamin E may reduce the risk of these children have some complications, such as diseases affecting the retina. However, while it may increase the risk of infections.

As for the absorption of vitamin E digestive tract needs fat deficiency of this substance it is most common in people with disorders of the process of dissolution of fat. Symptoms of deficiency - neuropathy, ataxia, skeletal myopathy, retinopathy and disorders of the immune response. People with Crohn's disease Crohn's disease - an inflammation of the bowel, is fraught with complications  Crohn's disease - an inflammation of the bowel, is fraught with complications
 , Cystic fibrosis and impaired secretion of bile are often problems such as fatty stools and diarrhea. They may need to take water-soluble form of vitamin E, such as alpha-tocopheryl polyethylene glycol 1000 succinate.

Some patients abetalipoproteinemia, rare congenital disease that leads to malabsorption of fat requires receiving large doses of vitamin E (approximately 100 mg / kg, or 5-10 g per day). Called abetalipoproteinemia vitamin E deficiency can cause problems such as violation of the transmission of nerve impulses, muscle weakness and damage to the retina, which eventually can lead to vision loss. Ataxia with Vitamin E deficiency - another rare genetic disorder in which the alpha-tocopherol transfer protein is damaged or missing. People with this disease a deficiency of vitamin E can be so severe that it can cause damage to the nerve fibers, resulting in the patient loses the ability to walk. To avoid this, you must take large doses of vitamin E.

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  • vitamin E
