Vitamin E and Health - Analysis of Disease

August 12, 2013

  • Vitamin E and Health - Analysis of Disease
  • Cancer and cognitive disorders

 Vitamin E Health
 Much research is devoted to studying the ability of vitamin E to prevent and treat various diseases. Useful properties of vitamin E due to the fact that it is an antioxidant Antioxidants: the truth about the notorious benefits  Antioxidants: the truth about the notorious benefits
 It plays a role in inflammatory processes, inhibits platelet aggregation, and strengthens the immune system. The main obstacle to the adequate evaluation of the effect of vitamin E on health is the lack of accurate biological markers that would help determine the rate of consumption and to identify the relationship between the consumption of vitamin and clinical results.

 Vitamin E and Health - Analysis of Disease

Cardiovascular diseases

Data showing that Vitamin E can prevent or delay the development of cardiovascular diseases, in particular, coronary heart disease, were obtained from several sources .  For example, in laboratory experiments, it was found that the vitamin E to inhibit the oxidation of low density lipoprotein (LDL) - a substance that plays an important role in the development of atherosclerosis .  Vitamin E also helps prevent the formation of blood clots, which can lead to heart attacks, thromboembolism, and other serious health problems .  In several studies have found that consumption of vitamin E in large quantities is associated with reduced risk of cardiovascular disease .  In one such study involved about 90,000 people; turned out to be among people who regularly consume large doses of vitamin E (mainly of food additives), cardiovascular diseases are 30-40% less likely than those who get less vitamin E .

In a group of 5133 men and women, for which experts have observed for 14 years, from coronary heart disease is much less likely to die, those who regularly took vitamin E in large doses.

However, other studies cast doubt on the effectiveness of vitamin E for the prevention of coronary heart disease. For example, by observing the almost ten thousand patients with an increased risk of heart attack, which lasted 4 and 5 years, doctors have found that subjects who took a daily 400 IU of natural vitamin E, complained of chest pain and admitted to the hospital with cardio vascular diseases, including - with heart attacks, as frequently as those patients who took a placebo Placebo - an effective tool for self-hypnosis  Placebo - an effective tool for self-hypnosis
 . Of these, 4,000 people participated in the study subjects still 2.5 years, while continuing to take vitamin E or a placebo. This additional investigation did not help find evidence that vitamin E may protect against heart attack, stroke or angina; He also did not reduce the likelihood of death from cardiovascular disease. However, patients who took vitamin E, the likelihood of developing heart failure was 13% higher, and the likelihood of hospital admission with this disorder - 21% higher than that of placebo.

Based on the results of these studies concluded that vitamin E in the moderately high doses, does not reduce the risk of severe cardiovascular disease in patients who already have heart disease or diabetes. These results were confirmed by another study, which involved 423 postmenopausal women, with varying degrees of stenosis of the coronary arteries. Subjects for almost four years twice a day received either 400 IU of vitamin E and 500 mg vitamin C, or placebo. In the group of subjects take vitamin, mortality from cardiovascular disease was higher than among those taking placebo.

In another study involved 40,000 healthy women over the age of 45 years. They were randomly divided into two groups; subjects from one group took a day for the 600 IU of natural vitamin E, and member of the other group took a placebo. For the subjects observed, on average, for the past ten years. The risk of heart attack, stroke and other cardiovascular diseases in both groups was similar. However, women who took vitamin E, mortality from cardiovascular disease was 24% lower than in patients of the other group. Moreover, in patients older than 65 years, taking vitamin E, the probability of a heart attack was reduced by 26% and the risk of death due to heart disease was 49% lower than the average.

Finally, in the last of the clinical trials of the properties of vitamin E, it was also produced mixed results. It was attended by nearly 15,000 people over 50 years old; they were divided into two groups, one of which members took 400 IU synthetic alpha-tocopherol in a day, and 500 mg of vitamin C daily or placebo. During the observation period the subjects, which lasted an average of 8 years, it has been found that vitamin E (and / or vitamin C) in any way affect the probability of myocardial infarction, stroke, or death due to these disorders. Vitamin E was even associated with a significant increase in the risk of hemorrhagic stroke.

In general, the clinical trials did not provide evidence that regular intake of vitamin E may protect against cardiovascular diseases and their consequences. However, participants in these studies were usually middle-aged and elderly people, and many of them are at risk of developing cardiovascular disease. Some scientists have suggested that better-informed conclusions about the benefits of vitamin E for the prevention of heart disease can be made after studies involving younger subjects.

 Vitamin E and Health - Analysis of Disease

Eye diseases

Age-related macular degeneration and cataracts Cataracts - how to solve the problem completely?  Cataracts - how to solve the problem completely?
   - One of the main causes significant vision loss in the elderly. The exact causes of these diseases are usually unknown, but their development can play the role of oxidative stress How to beat stress? Create an oasis  How to beat stress? Create an oasis
 . If so, the antioxidants, including vitamin E may be used for prevention of these diseases.

One study suggests that people who receive from their diet relatively high doses of vitamin E (300 IU per day), the risk of developing age-related macular degeneration by 20% lower than those consuming less than 15 IU of vitamin E day. However, two studies failed to show that vitamin E can help protect against age-related macular degeneration. Members of these investigations took 500 IU daily D-alpha-tocopherol, or 111 IU of DL-alpha-tocopherol coupled to 200 mg of beta-carotene or placebo.

The results of other clinical trials have shown that it is possible to slow the development of age-related macular degeneration, taking daily 400 IU of vitamin E, vitamin C 500, 15 mg of beta-carotene, 80 milligrams of zinc and 2 mg of copper.

In several other studies have found that supplementation with vitamin E may decrease the risk of developing cataracts. The transparency of the eye lens was higher in patients treated with vitamin E than in those whose blood had the highest levels of this vitamin (ie, people with impaired absorption of fat, for example, to prevent the development of cataracts, you need to take more vitamin E than all others). Another clinical trial has helped to identify a clear link between vitamin E and the likelihood of developing cataracts.

In general, as long as there is no scientific data that would allow a definitive conclusion about whether the reduced vitamin E likelihood of developing age-related macular degeneration or cataracts. However, vitamin E in combination with zinc, copper, and other useful substances can significantly slow the progression of these diseases and, as a consequence, help to prevent serious deterioration of vision.

Fish oil - so whether it is useful to think? - Properties

August 10, 2013

  • Fish oil - so whether it is useful to think?
  • Properties
  • How to receive
  • Contraindications
  • Forum

 fish oil properties

The properties of fish oil

Fish oil Cod liver Cod liver oil: useful properties and rules of use  Cod liver oil: useful properties and rules of use
   (international name) refers to the regulators vitamin-calcium-phosphorus metabolism. The purified for internal use fish oil is produced from the liver of cod fish: Atlantic cod, Baltic cod, haddock, whiting north, roundnose grenadier. In one gram of the resulting clear oily liquid of light yellow color with a low specific, rancidity smell and taste contains from 350 to 1000 IU retinol (vitamin A).

Available also with vitamins fish oil enriched with vitamins A and D. Vitamin A in 1 g of the fish oil contains 1,000 IU and Vitamin D - 100 IU.

 Properties | Fish oils - so he thought useful?

Beneficial features

It is proved that fish oil is the source of large amounts of vitamins, which are an important part of human health. In the first place there are vitamins A and D, the content of which is greater than the other many times. An important place is the use of fish oil to improve the condition of skin, hair. Not only can you use the capsules for ingestion, as well as to make masks for strengthening of hair structure. When applied to the hair mask, consisting of fish oil and vegetable oil, it will help to avoid problems in the form of split ends of hair. As the vegetable oil is perfect burdock Burdock oil - helps damaged hair  Burdock oil - helps damaged hair
   or jojoba oil, which are mixed in equal proportions with fish oil.

Vitamin A affects the condition of the skin, so if it is deficient in the organism develops dryness. The hair becomes brittle, dry, hard fall. If prophylactic use of fish oil, it will help avoid vitamin deficiency and lead to a significant improvement of the human condition.

The undoubted benefits of fish oil is that there is a normalization of calcium, phosphorus, due to the content of vitamin D. Vitamin D is an essential component in the process of exchange, as it promotes better assimilation of the body calcium minerals. Calcium is needed for the process of bone growth or repair of bone fractures. The processes of bone formation by osteoblasts special cells and resorption processes involving cells of osteoclasts is dependent on calcium metabolism in the body. Through use of fish oil in the body receives a sufficient amount of vitamin D needed to mineral metabolism.

Children under the age give small fish oil as a means of preventing the development of rickets. In later years prophylactic medication helps to avoid excessive bone loss that occurs with age in humans.

A good way this can be observed in women during perimenopause or menopause. In this age range develops a deficit of sex hormones that naturally affects the metabolism of calcium. A manifestation of this deficit is hip fracture, which often develops in women in the age group older than 50 years. This type of fracture contributes to disability women, so you should pay due attention to preventative measures.

To prevent a sharp shortage of calcium in the body recommended courses of preventive therapy in the form of receiving fish oil capsules. If the patient has a fracture has occurred, he gets a medical purpose calcium supplements, you should take the same time fish oil as a source of vitamin D. This will help achieve a more rapid recovery due to the influence on the process of bone formation. There will be no protracted rehabilitation process after a fracture, as offset by the use of mineral metabolism of fish oil and calcium supplementation.

For the normal functioning of the body, it is important that there is a sufficient amount of vitamin A in the body. There is a strengthening of the visual cells, as well as improved color in the process of visual perception in the use of fish oil. The positive effect is observed in the fatigue of the body, for example, during prolonged work at the computer. People whose work is related to eye strain, should be required to take to prevent the fish oil. There are certain indications for the purpose of fish oil:

  • proven deficiency of vitamin A and D
  • bone fractures, pathological growth of bone, teeth, prevention of rickets Rickets - all about vitamins  Rickets - all about vitamins
   and other pathological conditions associated with deficiency of calcium
  • disorders of the visual organ
  • in the complex treatment of allergic diseases
  • elimination of dry skin, brittle hair and nails, to enhance hair growth in cosmetic purposes
  • Topical application for the treatment of burns, wounds

This is not a complete list of indications, on the basis of scientific discovery is its constant expansion .  For example, there is evidence about the benefits of the use of fish oil in dementia, to improve brain function .  In Alzheimer's disease, which is clinically accompanied by the development of dementia, is assigned to the purpose of treatment of fish oil, and the outcomes are positive .  Indications for use of this natural product are broad, but it does not mean that it can be taken on their own by way of self-medication should be even prophylactic agree with the doctor .  Self-medication can cause substantial harm to the health, as should be considered contraindications for the administration of the drug .  At its core, fish oil refers to the drug, so its use should be taken into account all the recommendations that apply to any medication .

 Properties | Fish oils - so he thought useful?

Who should take fish oil

Fish oil taken:

  • with a deficiency of vitamin A (frequent respiratory diseases, disorders of bone growth, decreased vision, distortion of the structure of the skin, hair, nails, teeth);
  • in the treatment of various eye diseases;
  • The lack of vitamin D (rickets);
  • for the prophylaxis and treatment of disorders of bone growth and development, including after surgery;
  • for preventing atherosclerosis and its vascular complications;
  • in the treatment of thrombophlebitis;
  • to strengthen immunity Strengthening the immune system - help the immune system  Strengthening the immune system - help the immune system
  • with depression and memory disorders;
  • for the treatment of wounds, thermal and chemical burns of the skin and mucous membranes (topically).

There is evidence that fish oil reduces inflammation in rheumatoid arthritis.
