Aevitum - dose depends on the disease and the patient's condition

May 13, 2012

 Aevitum dosage
 Despite the fact that Aevitum vitamin preparation is complex, it relates to drugs which dose used is very important: insufficient dose will be inefficient and too much can cause acute or chronic poisoning. As the risk of overdose of vitamin A and E.

 Aevitum - dose depends on the disease and the patient's condition

Standard dosage Aevitum

If hypovitaminosis, some diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, biliary tract and pancreas Diabetes and pancreas - the things you need to know  Diabetes and pancreas - the things you need to know
   commonly used standard dosage Aevitum. It is administered one, two capsules three times a day orally, regardless of the meal. Treatment may continue depending on the daily dose of from 10 days to four to six weeks. Repeat these courses no more than three months and only when indicated. Usually treatments are carried out twice a year. But the doctor has the right to designate a course of treatment depending on the patient and the severity of his symptoms and E. Vitamin A deficiency

When eye disease treatments can be very different. So, if the purpose of Aevitum associated with vascular problems, prescribe standard treatments. But in case of the exchange, especially hereditary eye diseases in which a deficiency of vitamin A plays a major role are assigned individually chosen treatments Aevitum, which is often combined intramuscular administration of the drug followed by administration of capsules inside. Dosages and duration of the application depends on the diagnosis and the patient's general condition.

When the disease of the peripheral blood vessels and tissue malnutrition Aevitum dose most commonly used standard, as the vitamins in this case are not the main cause of the disease, but contribute to the overall improvement of the tissue.

 Aevitum - dose depends on the disease and the patient's condition

Acute overdose of vitamin A

Vitamin A in high doses is toxic enough drug. Therefore Aevitum in which vitamin A is present in a dose many times the prevention, should be administered only by a physician.

Six hours after taking an overdose of the drug (for some it may even be two capsules Aevitum) may be signs of an acute overdose. This is manifested in irritable weakness, general malaise, all the time you want to sleep, severe headache associated with dizziness, nausea and vomiting. Sometimes, instead of the weakness it appears motor and mental agitation, confusion. There are also dry mouth, which leads to the appearance of cracks on the lips, sores in the mouth and bleeding gums How to prevent bleeding gums: important rules  How to prevent bleeding gums: important rules
 . Peel off the skin, especially around the lips, palms and soles.

Very often there are signs of an overdose on the background of kidney disease in violation of their functions, as well as on the background of heart failure. When these symptoms should immediately stop taking the drug and seek medical care.

 Aevitum - dose depends on the disease and the patient's condition

Chronic vitamin A toxicity

Recently, some women are beginning to take their own Aevitum to improve the condition of the skin, with its long-term use. This can lead to chronic poisoning (intoxication) with vitamin A.

The main signs of chronic poisoning in vitamin A are: a complete lack of appetite, pain in hands and feet, dry skin, cracked lips and perleches, dryness and ulceration of the mucous membrane of the mouth, stomach pain, nausea, vomiting. It may turn up the heat, there is a weakness, lethargy, irritability Irritability - you try to control my temper  Irritability - you try to control my temper
 , Malaise, headache, sensitivity to light, frequent urination abundant (especially at night), hair loss, seizures.

On the palms and soles in some patients may appear orange spots in the same color can be painted nasolabial triangle. It is a sign of liver dysfunction. Patients suffering from gallstone disease, there may be signs of liver colic.

Furthermore, chronic toxicity of vitamin A increased intraocular pressure, women may be disturbed menstrual cycle to decrease the duration of menstruation and thus loss of blood. In the blood, reducing the amount of red blood cells due to their destruction (hemolytic anemia), you can see the changes on X-ray of the bones in the form of bone loss due to leaching of calcium from them. In pregnant women, the formation of fetal anomalies, most often formed urinary tract malformations and growth retardation.

Chronic vitamin A intoxication requires medical attention, and sometimes - in the hospital.

 Aevitum - dose depends on the disease and the patient's condition

Overdose of vitamin E

Possible overdose and vitamin E if Aevitum Aevitum - for the treatment, rather than prevention  Aevitum - for the treatment, rather than prevention
   taken for a long time at high doses. This can lead to abnormalities in visual acuity (which becomes blurred), dizziness, headache, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach pain, weakness. In more severe intoxication occur bleeding, including bleeding in the retina, a hemorrhagic stroke (if there is not enough vitamin K), disorders of the thyroid and the sex glands, inflammation of the walls of veins with the formation of blood clots, severe walls of the colon, the liver and kidney.

Aevitum should be administered only by a physician, as an overdose of the drug can be life-threatening.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • Aevitum

Aevitum - application is possible with a variety of diseases

May 13, 2012

 Aevitum use
 Aevitum - a complex vitamins in large doses, which can be used for many acute and chronic diseases. But on their own, without a doctor's prescription to take this drug should not be - this technique can lead to acute poisoning or chronic intoxication.

 Aevitum - application is possible with a variety of diseases

Features action Aevitum

Vitamins A and E, are part of Aevitum, are fat-soluble vitamins, which are actively involved in metabolism. Especially effective, these two vitamins work together, however, and has developed a comprehensive drug Aevitum Aevitum - for the treatment, rather than prevention  Aevitum - for the treatment, rather than prevention
 . The main advantage of this drug is that it has a strong antioxidant effect, ie prevents the toxic effects of free radicals in the cell tissues. Vitamins A and E are involved in biochemical reactions such as enzyme components (substances repeatedly accelerating the duration of all biochemical reactions).

In addition, Aevitum restores the state of the peripheral nervous system, vision, rejuvenates the skin and its appendages, regulates the processes of growth, restores the reproductive function of men and women who restores blood circulation in small blood vessels, the permeability of the walls of blood vessels, increases the resistance of tissues to hypoxia (lack of oxygen) .

 Aevitum - application is possible with a variety of diseases

Application Aevitum if hypovitaminosis A and E

In some cases in humans develops hypovitaminosis A and E. This happens most often when taking a long time in low-calorie foods. Often, such food intake followed by a diet containing large amounts of polyunsaturated fatty acids, which interfere with the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins.

Further, Vitamin A deficiency and E may develop in the case, when the organism needs them the increased quantity. Such conditions may develop at various acute diseases, including infections, colds. But particularly acute body needs vitamins A and E for some chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, accompanied by malabsorption of food in the intestines. Such diseases include Crohn's disease (ulcerative lesion of the intestine), various congenital and acquired fermentopathy (lack of digestive enzymes, such as celiac disease Celiac disease - not quite intestinal pathology  Celiac disease - not quite intestinal pathology
 , Malabsorption syndrome), the condition after removal of the stomach or a portion thereof.

Vitamin A deficiency develops and E as in certain diseases of the liver and biliary tract (for example, blockage of bile ducts), proliferation of connective tissue with the formation of cysts in the pancreas Diabetes and pancreas - the things you need to know  Diabetes and pancreas - the things you need to know
   and other processes.

 Aevitum - application is possible with a variety of diseases

Application Aevitum with eye diseases

In ophthalmic practice Aevitum used in the treatment of chronic diseases of the retina and choroid, with myopia and some other diseases. Courses Aevitum as part of an integrated treatment of eye diseases can be carried out twice a year.

Aevitum eye diseases normalize metabolism in the molecular and cellular level, increases the functional and adaptive capacity of the eye.

Vitamin E is involved in redox reactions, beneficial effects on carbohydrate and protein metabolism, restores normal blood vessel walls, improves blood circulation in the retina. Vitamin A has beneficial effects on metabolism in the cells of the retina and choroid, it is important for vision, as involved in the formation of visual purple.

 Aevitum - application is possible with a variety of diseases

Application Aevitum in alcoholism, drug addiction and tobacco use

All of these diseases is dependent on the chemicals that cause permanent intoxication. And if any of intoxication increases the body's need for vitamins, including vitamins A and E. Therefore, in the complex treatment of patients with various addictions often includes Aevitum.

But it is prescribed only if the patient is not expressed by the human liver. Especially important to a preliminary examination of the liver in patients with chronic alcoholism, since alcohol is hepatotoxic poison that destroys the cells of the body. If there is a patient of any liver disease in violation of its functions Aevitum not appointed.

 Aevitum - application is possible with a variety of diseases

Application Aevitum other diseases and conditions

Aevitum administered at high nervous and mental stress, suffers when the central nervous system - Aevitum in this case, strengthens the membranes of neurons and inhibits the toxic effects of free radicals - it helps to improve the condition of patients. In diseases of the peripheral nervous system Aevitum also help restore normal metabolism Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting  Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting
   and general condition of the patient. Of course, in this case Aevitum assigned as part of a treatment.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • Aevitum
