Aevitum - User: useful when use of the drug

May 13, 2012

 Aevitum guide
 Aevitum - a drug which consists of vitamins A and E in therapeutic doses. Aevitum a positive effect on metabolism Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting  Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting
 , Has an antioxidant effect, restores blood circulation in small blood vessels, increases the resistance of tissues to lack of oxygen.

 Aevitum - User: useful when use of the drug

The mechanism of action Aevitum

Aevitum available in capsules of 200 mg - 10, 20, 25 or 50 in a single package. Each capsule contains 100 000 IU vitamin A (retinol palmitate) and 100 mg of vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol acetate). This large doses of vitamins, which are used only for treatment. For comparison: prophylactic dose of vitamin A is 3300-5000 IU and vitamin E - 20-30 mg. Vitamins A and E are fat-soluble, so the capsule comprises its oil solution.

Vitamins A and E are perfectly combined action Aevitum determined by their complex effects on the body.

Vitamin A has a positive effect and activates protein and carbohydrate metabolism, but also to some extent the fat metabolism. Especially this vitamin is necessary for the proper operation of the retina: binding to the red pigment of the retina (opsin), it forms a visual purple rhodopsin necessary for proper vision in the dark.

Vitamin A is one of the most important vitamins, to maintain a good condition of the skin and its appendages - nails and hair. It is also necessary for bone growth, fertility (especially during pregnancy for normal fetal development).

Vitamin E is one of the most effective anti-oxidants, it inhibits the action of free radicals, thus preventing damage to cell membranes (it is important for the development of an organism, the normal function of the nervous and muscular systems), has a positive effect on fat metabolism, inhibit hemolysis (destruction) of red blood cells is a part of some enzymes and restores blood flow in small blood vessels, the permeability of the walls, increases the resistance of fabrics to the lack of oxygen (hypoxia).

Combination drug Aevitum restores microcirculation and capillary permeability, has a positive effect on tissue respiration, increases the resistance of tissues to lack of oxygen.

 Aevitum - User: useful when use of the drug

Indications and contraindications

Aevitum - a drug for the treatment, not prevention, so it can only appoint a doctor in the following diseases and conditions:

  • atherosclerotic changes in the blood vessels;
  • eating disorders tissues and organs;
  • peripheral vascular disease, such as occlusive disease;
  • vitamin A and E, including the increased demand for these vitamins in some acute and chronic diseases.

Aevitum take one or two capsules of meals two or three times a day for two weeks. You can also take one capsule a day for a month. A second course can be made no earlier than three months.

Contraindications Aevitum are:

  • idiosyncrasy of its components;
  • increased thyroid function;
  • chronic glomerulonephritis (infectious-allergic disease of the kidneys);
  • heart failure;
  • cholecystitis;
  • hypervitaminosis A and E;
  • Children up to age 14 years.

Precautions Aevitum prescribed for severe coronary heart disease (including myocardial infarction), inflammatory diseases of the kidney, increased blood clotting tendency to blood clots, pregnant (especially in the first 12 weeks) and the breast-feeding.

 Aevitum - User: useful when use of the drug

Side effects and overdose Aevitum

Side effects when taking Aevitum most often occur when an overdose.

There may be nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain. Long reception Aevitum can exacerbate chronic liver disease, biliary tract and pancreas. Allergic reactions are also possible.

In acute overdose Aevitum (six hours after admission), nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, headache, lethargy, or increased arousal, drowsiness, pain in legs, thrombophlebitis (inflammation of the veins with the formation of blood clots), liver function abnormalities. Then Aevitum Aevitum - for the treatment, rather than prevention  Aevitum - for the treatment, rather than prevention
   canceled and the patient is necessary medical care.

Symptoms of chronic overdose of vitamin A: poor appetite, bone pain, dry cracked lips, dry mouth, stomach pain, vomiting, fever, weakness, malaise, headache, a large volume of urine, especially at night, irritability Irritability - you try to control my temper  Irritability - you try to control my temper
 , Hair loss, yellow spots on the soles and palms, abnormal liver function, increased intraocular pressure, menstrual disorders, convulsions; pregnant women this condition may cause malformations in the fetus.

Symptoms of chronic overdose of vitamin E: blurred vision, dizziness, headache, nausea, diarrhea, abdominal pain Abdominal pain: Types and Symptoms  Abdominal pain: Types and Symptoms
 Weakness, the risk of bleeding in patients with hypovitaminosis K, metabolic thyroid hormones, sexual function disorders, destruction of veins (thrombophlebitis, thromboembolism), lesions of the large intestine, renal failure and liver damage, bleeding in the retina, a hemorrhagic stroke.

Aevitum - a drug for the treatment of diseases, but not for the prevention of overdose it is dangerous if there were signs of an overdose, you should immediately seek medical care.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • Aevitum

Aevitum - indications for use: a remedy

May 13, 2012

 Aevitum testimony application
 Aevitum shown in many diseases, which are accompanied by a deficiency of vitamins A and E in its composition. It is also shown that when the body needs increased amounts of vitamins - a condition often accompanied by a variety of diseases.

 Aevitum - indications for use: a remedy

Aevitum - a tool for treatment rather than for prophylaxis

The structure Aevitum include vitamins A and E at doses many times higher than preventative, so the drug should not be used just like that, without a doctor - it is intended only for treatment. Overdose Aevitum fraught with severe complications. Especially dangerous overdose of vitamin A Vitamin A: An important element of the health and beauty  Vitamin A: An important element of the health and beauty
   (retinol), it can lead to both acute poisoning and chronic intoxication, the main manifestations of which are liver function abnormalities.

Action Aevitum made up of the actions of its individual components. Vitamin A is involved in the formation of visual pigments, provides for adaptation of eyes to light of varying intensity, the normal height of a man, as the state of the skin and its appendages - hair and nails.

Vitamin E protects unsaturated lipids (because they are unsaturated, they can join the free radicals caused by oxidation-reduction reactions) cell membranes from free radical oxidation.

The combination of vitamins A and E is ideal for the treatment of certain diseases - these vitamins are mutually reinforcing. In addition, they are both fat soluble and in violation of the gastrointestinal absorption will suffer both.

 Aevitum - indications for use: a remedy

When the body lacks vitamins

A disadvantage vitaminoa manifested primarily in violation of twilight, that is, the ability of the eye to adapt to darkness, then there are other signs of eye damage. The next step - increased keratinization of the skin and mucous membranes, especially the mouth, lower respiratory tract and esophagus. Affected tissue endocrine glands (including sexual), reduced immunity - the ability to withstand the mucosal infectious factors.

Lack of vitamin E may manifest disease of the retina, visual disturbances, hemolytic anemia (destruction of red blood cells), disorders of muscle contraction, etc..

These symptoms may occur as with insufficient intake of vitamins A and E with food, and in violation of their absorption in the gastrointestinal tract as a result of diseases of the digestive system. By the malabsorption of fat soluble vitamins result in different fermentopathy (congenital and acquired diseases characterized by a deficiency or complete absence of a digestive enzyme), such as malabsorption, celiac disease Celiac disease - not quite intestinal pathology  Celiac disease - not quite intestinal pathology
 . A similar condition develops after complete removal of the stomach or a portion thereof, as well as in some diseases of the pancreas Diabetes and pancreas - the things you need to know  Diabetes and pancreas - the things you need to know
   (e.g., proliferation of connective tissue therein to form small cysts) and ulcerative lesions of the intestines.

In all these cases will help supplementation with vitamin A and E in capsule form Aevitum. Take him inside, regardless of the meal one capsule a day for 20 to 40 days. These courses can be carried out twice a year.

 Aevitum - indications for use: a remedy

When there are disturbances of vision

Lack of vitamins A and E certainly affects vision. Both vitamins are involved in the mechanism of view. Thus, vitamin A, retinal derivative is the basis of visual pigments, and vitamin E strengthens the walls of the blood vessels that feed of the eye, including the retina.

Therefore Aevitum Aevitum - for the treatment, rather than prevention  Aevitum - for the treatment, rather than prevention
   It is indicated for diseases such as day-blindness (night blindness - night blindness), xerophthalmia, Keratomalacia (high orogovevanie outer membranes of the eye), retinal disease. Assign Aevitum in this case, one capsule once or twice a day. The duration of treatment is determined by your doctor.

 Aevitum - indications for use: a remedy

The assistance often chronically ill

Vitamins A and E are responsible for the state of immunity. For example, vitamin A is involved in the formation of local immunity of the mucous membranes - the ability to withstand a variety of infectious agents. Therefore Aevitum appointed as treatments for various acute infections, as well as long-term chronic infections occurring with frequent exacerbations. In all these cases appointed Aevitum standard course in the complex therapy.

Lack of vitamin A and vitamin E can promote the rapid formation of atherosclerotic and inflammatory (obliterating endarteritis) lesions of the peripheral blood vessels. Course assignment Aevitum can slow down this process.

Aevitum - is an effective drug which is not used for prophylaxis.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • Aevitum
