Niacin - indications: regulates metabolism

October 10, 2011

 Niacin - testimony
 Nicotinic acid has diverse effects on the body, which makes it suitable for many diseases. This gastrointestinal disease, and many diseases of the circulatory system, developed on the background of atherosclerosis, and pellagra.

 Niacin - indications: regulates metabolism

Why nicotinic acid is used in many diseases

The fact that niacin actively affects all types of metabolism - carbohydrate, fat and protein, because the part of the enzymes that accelerate redox reactions - the main metabolic reactions. Especially active against nicotinic acid on lipid metabolism: it restores the cholesterol metabolism by reducing the amount of blood total cholesterol and "bad" cholesterol, which are formed from cholesterol plaques, clogging blood vessels and increases the amount of good cholesterol, has been actively involved in metabolism Metabolism: The basis of life of all living things  Metabolism: The basis of life of all living things
 . This allows us to use nicotinic acid in many diseases that occur "at fault" atherosclerosis - coronary heart disease (CHD), cerebral ischemia Cerebral ischemia - how to overcome illness  Cerebral ischemia - how to overcome illness
 , Occlusive disease (clogging of peripheral arteries).

In addition, nicotinic acid contributes to the expansion of small blood vessels (capillaries) that causes blood flow and improving blood supply to an organ. It accelerates tissue repair, wound healing and venous ulcers.

All these properties allow to apply the active nicotinic acid, and in many diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, but only in a state of remission (acute stage).

 Niacin - indications: regulates metabolism

Indications for use of nicotinic acid

Niacin is prescribed for many diseases and conditions. The main application of it is when pellagra - a disease caused by a deficiency of nicotinic acid. Metabolic disorders, which occur during, cause skin lesions (redness, swelling and itching), gastrointestinal tract (the defeat of all parts - the language of the stomach and intestines), and brain (developing dementia). If the disease has not gone too far and is not accompanied by severe lesions of the central nervous system after treatment with nicotinic acid it passes.

Assign nicotinic acid and various gastrointestinal diseases: gastritis with reduced secretion, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcers, enteritis and colitis of various origins, chronic pancreatitis. However, nicotinic acid used in this case it is necessary only during remission of the disease, that is, without exacerbation. Special care must be taken nicotinic acid in gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer: during acute nicotinic acid Nicotinic acid: what is its benefit to man?  Nicotinic acid: what is its benefit to man?
   It can enhance the secretion of gastric juice, expand blood vessels, increasing the risk of disease relapse and bleeding.

There are diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, which interfere with the absorption of niacin and other food components in the small intestine. This condition is called malabsorption. This syndrome accompanies many gastrointestinal disease. Then nicotinic acid administered parenterally - intravenous or intramuscular injection. Some inherited diseases accompanied by metabolic disorders, such as the assimilation of the amino acid tryptophan (illness Hartnupa), from which the body also produces niacin.

Sometimes the cause of inadequate intake of niacin is a poor diet: continued compliance with mono-diet, lack of dietary animal protein, vegetables and fruits. In this case, nicotinic acid also prescribe a course of oral administration or by injection.

Lack of niacin occurs after severe infections, accompanied by fever, occurring against the backdrop of long-infectious and inflammatory processes. In this case also assigned nicotinic acid, but the disease is worsening. In chronic hepatitis and liver cirrhosis, if there is significant impairment of liver function, nicotinic acid is not appointed.

Atherosclerosis Atherosclerosis - a chronic disease of the arteries  Atherosclerosis - a chronic disease of the arteries
   and various diseases associated with it (CHD, occlusive disease) Appointment of niacin improves cholesterol metabolism, dilating the blood vessels and better blood supply of organs and tissues.

Applied nicotinic acid and nonhealing wounds and trophic (related to the violation of blood supply) ulcers. Improve metabolism and blood supply to the tissues leads to their rapid healing.

Nicotinic acid - a vitamin that helps to restore the normal function of many organs.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • a nicotinic acid

What not to eat during pregnancy: a taboo foods

April 20, 2012

 that can not be eaten during pregnancy
 A balanced diet - the guarantee of health in all situations, but it is especially important to eat properly during pregnancy. The food contains beneficial nutrients, vitamins and minerals necessary for normal fetal development Fetal development - week after week  Fetal development - week after week
 . However, it must be remembered that not all products are created equal, and some are better excluded from the diet during pregnancy.

 What not to eat during pregnancy: a taboo foods

What not to eat during pregnancy?

  • Raw or not fully cooked meat: meat, do not expose sufficient heat treatment (not roasted, undercooked), can cause contamination of coliform bacteria, parasitic diseases (toxoplasmosis, salmonella). Therefore pregnancy is best to limit the use of Japanese dishes - such as sushi and rolls, an indispensable ingredient is raw fish.
  • Fish meat with a high content of mercury: while the fish during pregnancy is possible, in the meat of some fish may contain high levels of mercury, a potentially dangerous for the health of the child. These types of fish include mackerel grebnegolov (tilefish), swordfish, shark, tuna, marlin.
  • Raw seafood: as in the case of raw or not fully cooked meat, seafood can cause a number of parasitic diseases. From seafood consumption during pregnancy can not refuse, but carefully follow cooking lobsters, oysters, shrimp.
  • Raw eggs: the period of pregnancy is necessary to give up any of raw eggs and food containing raw eggs because of the potential risk of salmonella Salmonellosis - features of the disease  Salmonellosis - features of the disease
   - This applies, for example, homemade mayonnaise, sauces, a variety of salad dressings in the recipe containing raw eggs.
  • Soft cheeses: such cheeses may contain bacteria of the genus listeria, listeria pathogens that could potentially cause a miscarriage. Available penetrate the placenta, these bacteria can cause bacterial infection or a blood infection in the baby. Therefore pregnancy is better to abandon such cheeses like Brie, Camembert, Roquefort, feta, Gorgonzola.
  • Unpasteurized milk and frozen pies: unpasteurized fresh milk and frozen pies, as well as soft cheeses may contain bacteria that cause listeriosis. Pasteurized milk and "store" pate in vacuum packaging during pregnancy can eat.
  • Caffeine: in small amounts of caffeine during pregnancy is harmless, but the abuse of coffee and caffeinated beverages increase the risk of miscarriage Miscarriage - can you protect yourself from it?  Miscarriage - can you protect yourself from it?
 Especially during the first trimester of pregnancy. Caffeine Normal - no more than two hundred milligrams per day throughout gestation. Caffeine - a diuretic, helps to eliminate fluid from the body that can potentially lead to dehydration and a shortage of some important salts. Coffee should be replaced by more useful drink - fresh juices, milk.
  • Alcohol: no such thing as a safe amount of alcohol during pregnancy, there is - for the whole period of pregnancy from the use of any alcoholic beverages should be abandoned. The action of toxic substances in alcoholic beverages, on the developing fetus increases the risk of birth defects. In addition, it is not recommended to drink alcohol during breastfeeding.
  • Unwashed vegetables: fresh vegetables - one of the foundations of a balanced diet for pregnant women, but before you eat vegetables to eat, they need to be thoroughly cleaned. Unwashed vegetables - potential "culprits" of the set of parasitic diseases (eg, toxoplasmosis).

Article Tags:
  • harmful products
