Banana - one of the most popular fruits in the world. Sweet, rich, rich in various vitamins and minerals banana, moreover, equipped with a comfortable natural "package" so that it can have, even when you have nowhere to wash your hands. What calorie banana, and what properties it possesses?
Useful properties of banana actively studied, and it is now known that it is due to the high concentration of potassium may reduce the likelihood of stroke
Stroke - a serious brain injury
And lowering blood pressure. Moreover, there is evidence that bananas can improve the mental state of people suffering from depression
Depression - a little more than a bad mood
. This is because bananas contain tryptophan - a substance that the body converts into serotonin; it promotes relaxation and significantly raises the spirits. Bananas can also be useful for those trying to quit smoking
How to Quit Smoking: Tips for Women
Due to the high concentration of vitamins C, A, B6, B12, potassium and magnesium, they relieve the symptoms occurring after giving up nicotine. This, however, only some of the many beneficial properties of bananas.
Bananas Manzano
This is a short banana yellow and thick skinned, the tip of which when ripe turns dark yellow or brown. Ripening time he is shorter than most varieties of bananas.
Caloric peeled banana (weighing on average 126 g) is about 100 kcal. It also contains 29 g carbohydrate, 4 g dietary fiber 1 g of protein, vitamin C, iron and potassium. In addition, the composition of these bananas consists of eight amino acids that our body can not produce on their own. This banana is sweeter than our usual Cavendish banana varieties, and their flavor can be distinguished apple and strawberry notes. Especially tasty banana Manzano when it is completely peel turns brown - this is not a sign that he is spoiled, on the contrary, it shows a maximum ripeness.
Baby bananas
Baby bananas - this is the smallest of them all, and the sweet bananas. Sometimes they are also called ladies' fingers - of course, because of their tiny size. At a ripe baby banana is not impressive size - just seven or eight centimeters in length, but a thick, bright yellow skinned hides pale, soft, thick and very tasty flesh.
One baby banana, weighing an average of 85 g, contains eighty kilocalories per gram of dietary fiber, 20 grams carbohydrate, per gram protein, and vitamin C, potassium, vitamin B6. In countries where they grow bananas, they eat not only fresh but also baked, grilled and fried.
Bananas Barro
These bananas are native to Mexico, according to resemble Cavendish bananas, but they are shorter and have a more angular shape. They have a slightly sour flavor, vaguely reminiscent of the smell of lemon. The rind of a ripe banana yellow Barrot with rare brown spots, the flesh - cream or light yellow color, a soft exterior and a fairly solid - inside. By the way, you can have not only ripe but green - true, fried or baked form.
In a medium sized banana Barrot approximately 99 kcal, and in a lot of vitamins C, B6, potassium and dietary fiber.
Because the banana is one of the richest sources of potassium, it is sometimes recommend eating that takes antihypertensive drugs. Drugs of this type may lead to the reduction of stocks of potassium in the body, and one day in banana Barreau enough to obtain a sufficient amount of this mineral.
Red bananas
The red banana is shorter and thicker than usual banana, and under his dark red skin is pink flesh. It is sweeter than Cavendish bananas, and its texture is firmer and slightly sticky. When fully ripe banana, his flesh appears purplish. One red banana weighing about 140 grams contains 130 calories, 33 g carbohydrates, 0.5 g fat, two grams of dietary fiber, vitamin A, vitamin C (about 20% of the recommended daily allowance), iron), vitamin B6, and, of course, potassium.
Homeland red banana is also Mexico, but today it also grows in South-East Asia, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and some Pacific islands.
Banana Platano
Platano, or plantains, in mature form resembles ordinary overripe bananas with dark skin. Thus they are quite hard in and on the pulp, there is usually no dark spots. It is best, however, to buy Platano still green - then they can be stored for longer, and dishes of them will be particularly tasty. These are sometimes referred to Caribbean bananas potatoes: they are not eaten raw and fried, baked or stewed almost as well as potatoes. In fact, they can compete with French as the caloric and useful properties, and the content of starch. Dietetic foods, these bananas can not be named, but they are great to diversify your diet.
One banana Platano weighs an average of 179g and contains 220 kcal, 0.5 g fat, 57 g carbohydrates, 5 mg of sodium per gram of dietary fiber, 2 g protein, and vitamins A and C, calcium and iron.
Bananas Cavendish
Cavendish - this variety of bananas, which represents the majority of people with the word "banana". If the store sells only one kind of bananas, then in most cases this is the Cavendish: he currently is the most popular members of the genus banana, it is grown in Latin America, Africa and Southeast Asia and are sold in almost every country of the world.
The average banana
Bananas: the benefits and harms health
Cavendish, weighing about 118 g, contains 105 calories, 27 g of carbohydrates, 1 g protein, 3 g dietary fiber, 422 mg of potassium, vitamins A and C, calcium and iron.
Dried bananas
Finally, it is worth mentioning calorie dried banana - the popular and very useful goodies. 100 g of dried banana contains 536 kcal (more than milk chocolate), 71 g carbohydrate, 3.7 g protein, dietary fiber, vitamins A and C, iron, calcium and potassium.