Dill water and its beneficial properties - old grandmother means

July 11, 2010

 dill water beneficial properties
 If you ask parents what most worried about a newborn child after discharge from the hospital, the vast majority will answer that most of all worried about the baby, when he is blown up tummy. And most moms and dads prefer to use in such cases, the old grandmother means - dill water.

 Dill water and its beneficial properties - old grandmother means

What is bloating, and why he is worried about the children of the first months of life

When a child is born, it is completely sterile, but immediately after the birth of his skin and mucous membranes begin to be populated with bacteria. This process is one of the day, it takes 4-6 months. In order to avoid settling of the child's body by pathogenic bacteria, his clothes carefully washed, dried in the open air, and iron with a hot iron on both sides. A pathogenic microbes that have not been put into the gastrointestinal tract for a bottle of water and milk, as well as teats thoroughly sterilized.

But it turns out that the gut bacteria entirely without difficulty digesting food, he needs helpers - normal intestinal microflora, which is involved in the digestion of food. This is especially bifidobacteria, lactobacilli and certain types of Escherichia coli. The normal microflora in the gut of the child creates an acidic environment that promotes the right (no gas) digestion and suppresses the development of "harmful" conditionally pathogenic (these bacteria are afraid of acidic).

Check bowel is slow, normal microflora in the struggle defending "their place under the sun", the winning, then losing pathogenic microflora. And this is reflected in the child's condition: when the "bad" bacteria becomes much food is digested properly, with the release of large amounts of gases. This condition is called dysbiosis, the child swells and tummy ache (flatulence), ie, intestinal colic appear.

 Dill water and its beneficial properties - old grandmother means

How to deal with flatulence

It's not easy. It is necessary to populate the intestines of normal microflora, for which there are drugs, probiotics, for example, bifidumbakterin Bifidumbacterin - restores normal intestinal microflora  Bifidumbacterin - restores normal intestinal microflora
 , Laktobakterin and so on. But it happens for a long time, for a few months - the period is different, for one child only three months, and another year has dysbiosis. And as the baby suffers from colic, you need to ease that suffering, that is, reduce the amount of gas in the intestines. For this invented many drugs that can reduce bloating. One of the oldest, proven by generations of parents drugs for the treatment of flatulence in infants is dill water.

 Dill water and its beneficial properties - old grandmother means

What dill water and its effects on the body of the child first months of life

Dill water is prepared in the pharmacy of the fruits of fennel - Voloska or pharmacy dill. Along with dill Dill: benefits and harms of fragrant spices  Dill: benefits and harms of fragrant spices
   pharmacy dill fruits are used. Dill water has a carminative effect - removes gases from the bowels of the child due to the fact that the intestinal muscle spasms and gases more freely go outside. They are moving away from the sound, and then the child calms down and falls asleep.

Pharmacy dill water (0, 005%) is prepared in aseptic conditions (ie, in complete sterility - this is very important for the newborn child) of essential fennel oil, which is derived from pharmaceutical companies from crushed fennel fruit by a special distillation. For its preparation mix 0, 05 g of fennel essential oil Essential oils and conception: can help the roses?  Essential oils and conception: can help the roses?
   liter with purified water and produce shaking. Stored pharmacy dill water for a month. Appointed she newborn teaspoon 3 times a day after feeding.

In recent years, there are many other drugs to reduce the phenomenon of flatulence in infants, but many parents still prefer dill water, which is often not at the pharmacy. Is it possible to cook dill water itself? Cook, of course, you can have the people, the life-tested recipes. But for a newborn baby because of its physiological characteristics it is better to use pharmaceutical drugs prepared according to the rules and under sterile conditions.

 Dill water and its beneficial properties - old grandmother means

Dill cooking water at home

To do this you need to buy in a pharmacy dill seed and make it the basis of: one tablespoon per liter of boiling water, in a thermos for an hour, strain and give the child a teaspoon three times a day. In order not to bring the child infection before cooking dill water should wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water and a thermos and pour over boiling water used spoons.

You can do it even easier: buy at the pharmacy bag Plantex and observing all the rules of sterility, dissolve it in water, in accordance with the existing instructions. The structure of this product contains extracts of fennel fruits, fennel essential oil, glucose Glucose: The energy source  Glucose: The energy source
   and lactose. The pharmaceutical company that manufactures the drug (Lek, Slovenia) clearly painted in the instruction as it is necessary to prepare and take. The effect is the same as on the dill water.

Remember, a newborn baby is very vulnerable, so it should be treated carefully, including its use for the treatment of predominantly pharmaceutical drugs and prescribed by a doctor.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • dill

Garlic health: almost a panacea

March 14, 2014

 Garlic health
 In cooking, garlic is used a long time ago: many national cuisine without this vegetable tantalizing aroma unthinkable. But garlic - is not only a means of defense against vampires and fragrant spices. Doctors claim that the garlic for the health needs as well as for the preparation of delicious Italian, French, Greek and Spanish dishes.


About garlic

Garlic - a distant relative of onion. These plants are similar in appearance and only bulb of garlic has a lobed structure, known as "garlic" literally means "split the bulb."

It is a perennial herb, native to South Asia. Garlic is known to people at least four thousand years, and from the beginning it was used not only as food but as medicine. In the food consumed as a bulb of garlic and its young green shoots.

His popularity is obliged garlic spicy taste and specific aroma, appetizing. Today it is impossible to imagine without the garlic, for example, Mediterranean cuisine: spicy cloves give a pleasant aroma and severity of a variety of dishes throughout the world.

Medicinal properties of garlic are also known from ancient times. So, along with garlic, onions included in the diet of ancient Egyptian slaves, so that they remain strong, healthy and functional. The drugs from this plant were intended for pharaohs - Garlic has been found, for example, in the tomb of Tutankhamun. With garlic juice people were rescued from epidemics of cholera and plague. A famous physician of antiquity Avicenna advised to consume garlic directly from all diseases. In ancient Egypt, there were more than twenty medicines based on garlic.

No less popular was the garlic in ancient Greece, Rome, his cultivated Indians, Assyrians, Jews and Arabs. The plant is mentioned in the Bible and the Koran, from which it can be concluded that garlic was of great importance in ancient culture.


Odorous medicine

Garlic is rich in nutrients. This plant has antimalarial, antifungal, anti-parasitic, anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory and antiviral effect. Even in ancient Egypt garlic mixed with salt used as antipyretic.

According to modern medical, garlic may also have imunnomodeliruyuschee action. This is due to the fact that garlic increases phagocytes, macrophages and T-lymphocytes. Furthermore, garlic can be used for combating free radicals.


Against bacteria and not only

In the XIX century Louis Pastor found that garlic can kill bacteria. But long before the discovery of garlic preparations on the basis used to combat a variety of infections, both bacterial and microbial or viral. For example, garlic - a recognized tool for the prevention of influenza. No wonder when they declare a flu epidemic, garlic has become the most popular product: those who include in the diet of garlic during epidemics, suffer on average three times less likely than those who neglect this measure.

Garlic kills viruses and helps the body resist disease. It is effective against salmonella, E. coli, Staphylococcus aureus. With garlic, you can win and fungi genus Candida.


Digestive problems?

Traditional medicine uses garlic to combat parasites. For example, garlic enema great help to get rid of tapeworms, and eating lots of garlic - a great tool prevention of parasitic diseases.

Garlic is effective in the fight against bacterial infections of the gastrointestinal tract. It improves digestion, helps to defeat diarrhea or bloating. However, all of these useful properties are under one condition: if a person can tolerate such treatment. The rest will have to look for other drugs, because if you are sensitive to garlic, this plant only irritates the gastrointestinal tract.


Health vessels

Diseases of the cardiovascular system - the trouble of the modern society, these diseases kill more people than cancer. Among the many ways to prevent such ailments garlic is not the last. It is proved that contained in this vegetable substances help to reduce "bad" cholesterol in the blood and at the same time - raising "good" cholesterol.

The use of garlic helps to reduce blood pressure as a result of regular use strengthens blood vessels, improves blood circulation and reduces the load on the heart.

At the same time, doctors emphasize that completely cure hypertension and other cardiovascular diseases using garlic impossible useful vegetable to be used as an adjunct to drug therapy, but not instead of drugs.


Garlic Against Cancer

Garlic is considered a good tool for the prevention of cancer: its use reduces the risk of cancer by a third, or even half. However, this does not apply to all types of cancers, but only to stomach cancer Stomach cancer: genetics and lifestyle  Stomach cancer: genetics and lifestyle
   and rectum. Also, the use of garlic reduces the risk of prostate cancer, breast, throat, kidneys and respiratory system.

Of course, garlic - not a panacea, but it is better to have it more often. Garlic can be used raw or cooked. Efficiency and preparations based on garlic.



Garlic could be an excellent aphrodisiac Aphrodisiacs - cause desire where necessary  Aphrodisiacs - cause desire where necessary
 If not its specific aroma. If the dishes are seasoned with these vegetables, the smell is very attractive, the breath Breath (halitosis) - is sometimes useful to close the mouth  Breath (halitosis) - is sometimes useful to close the mouth
   after their use pleasant to name already does not. Besides the smell is very resistant, and cope with them can be difficult.

Garlic preparations are contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women, patients with epilepsy and suffered from kidney disease. In its natural form garlic, of course, safer. And yet it is better not to abuse hemorrhoids Hemorrhoids - a shameful disease  Hemorrhoids - a shameful disease
 , Epilepsy and of course, you are hypersensitive.

Maria Bykov
