Celandine acne - true means

May 3, 2014

 celandine acne
 Hundreds of years ago, when medicine was not as advanced as today, people treated in that nature provided. Now, some recipes have been lost, but many grass and today are used to treat diseases. For example, celandine acne and other inflammatory skin formations has been successfully used in our time.


Official medicine or folk remedies?

The causes of skin acne, acne and other inflammatory formations lot. Their appearance on the face and other parts of the body can be caused by hormonal changes, metabolic disorders, as a result of infestation, decreased immunity and other reasons. In these cases, acne treatment celandine may be ineffective.

Impure skin - it's always a signal that the body that something is wrong. And so before you treat a rash, you should be examined by a doctor, you have to get to the true causes of acne or pimples. In some cases, it is enough to turn to traditional medicine to get rid of skin problems.

The effectiveness of the treatment celandine is due to its composition. Any skin inflammation caused by microbes. And as part of celandine has a so-called alkaloids that fight microorganisms, that is has antibacterial properties. In addition, this herb contains organic acids: succinic, malic and citric. They also disinfect the skin. And vitamins A and C, which so rich celandine, nourish the skin, resulting in its cells rapidly updated. And if acne caused by a skin infection, you can quickly via celandine rid of pimples.


How to use celandine acne?

Many prescription treatments. Most effectively cope with the problem of fresh grass. Sometimes it's enough just to pick two stem celandine and yellow jelly, which is released from the wound the stem, brush with pimples. So it is necessary to do more than once, and to the desired results, until the skin is cleansed.

Collect celandine need during flowering. At this time, it is necessary to collect and make a mask, decoctions, tinctures, lotions, and other means. And as for the future harvest celandine need when it will flower, because at that time in the maximum number of plant nutrients.

It must be remembered that the Celandine is poisonous. And if the skin is sensitive, thin and delicate, acne cure Acne Treatment - proper care of inflamed skin  Acne Treatment - proper care of inflamed skin
   celandine can cause burns. Better to let him treat her less effective but safer means.

In addition, there are contraindications to treatment celandine Treatment of celandine - for help to nature  Treatment of celandine - for help to nature

  • open wounds;
  • Infectious diseases of the skin;
  • various vascular diseases (lupus erythematosus, dermatomyositis, etc.);
  • allergy, that is intolerance of components celandine;
  • eczema;
  • dermatitis;
  • some nervous, cardiovascular and respiratory diseases.

So how can you use celandine acne? Easy and simple to make yourself a good lotion. It should take two tablespoons of dry grass, pour two cups of boiling water and infuse for three hours. The solution was then drain and lotion ready. They need to wipe the face several times a day. Celandine is to dry the skin, so after each wash well with warm water. A week later, the skin clears.

Tincture of Celandine acne preparing as well as lotion, you need only to press two or three days. And if the skin is very oily, you can make a tincture with vodka. You will need half a liter of vodka and two tablespoons of celandine. This infusion process skin as pimples disappear. Alcohol tinctures of celandine Infusion of celandine: use requires caution  Infusion of celandine: use requires caution
   with the addition of cucumber - a very effective means of getting rid of acne. We need to take two cucumbers, scroll through a meat grinder with fresh celandine, pour a mixture of a glass of vodka and put on two weeks in a cool dark place. Wetting of the tincture of gauze, apply it on the face, acne is begin to dry out.

Broth celandine preparing acne no more difficult than the infusion. Grass is filled with boiling water and boiled over low heat for ten minutes. You can take the dry grass, but it is better to use fresh. Broth celandine filtered. They need to wet the gauze on the face and keep for five, ten minutes. You can also add the broth celandine any nourishing mask.


Celandine of acne on the face and body

Does celandine acne? This question can not be answered unequivocally. Some can not boast of any visible results, as well other help with a variety of masks celandine.

Celandine acne masks used for any skin type.

  • If the skin is dry, the mask is taken one yolk with a spoon of olive or other vegetable oil and add ten drops of juice of celandine. This mask not only nourishes the skin but also helps to get rid of acne.
  • For oily skin need to take the egg white mixed with a tablespoon of honey and a spoonful of broth celandine. Honey dries oily skin and nourishes and celandine Celandine - a means-tested over the centuries  Celandine - a means-tested over the centuries
   not only dry the skin, but also disinfects it. With this mask face as if covered with a thin protective film. After the procedure, the skin is not necessary to lubricate the cream as a dry, well enough to wash it with warm water.

You can not spend time cooking home masks, and ready to buy in the drugstore pharmaceutical preparations, such as "Bee celandine acne", containing extract of celandine and medicinal oil. But ready tools such as self-made and can not guarantee successful treatment of acne. If the reason lies inside the body rash, then some external means not enough: you need to cure the underlying disease, diet, lifestyle changes, and vitamin therapy. Celandine drugs and also with him in this case will only helpers in getting rid of acne.

Maria Bykov

Article Tags:
  • celandine

Cleaning vessels with garlic and lemon - People's prescription for the treatment of atherosclerosis

November 19th, 2014

 cleaning of vessels with garlic and lemon
 Cleaning vessels garlic Garlic health: almost a panacea  Garlic health: almost a panacea
   and lemon is recommended in folk medicine for the prevention of atherosclerosis. Dissolve atherosclerotic plaques, which is already in the blood vessels, in a manner unlikely to succeed. But to prevent or slow down the process of their education - is quite real.


What is contained in garlic and lemon

And in garlic, and lemon contains many biologically active substances, which are capable of stimulating the metabolism Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting  Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting
 . Contained in garlic polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) improve lipid metabolism and prevent the formation of excess cholesterol, which is then deposited on the walls of blood vessels. Enhances the effect of polyunsaturated fatty acids present in garlic, vitamin C, B complex, minerals, organic acids.

Many vitamins and organic acids in the lemon. In addition, it contains a large amount of pectin - substances which promote excretion of toxins and other harmful substances, including cholesterol.


How to prepare cleaner vessels

It should take 4 garlic cloves, peeled, crank on the grinder or grate. 4 lemon wash, mince together with zest, mix with garlic, to shift into a three-liter glass jar, fill it completely with warm boiled water, stir, cover with gauze and occasionally stirring, is allowed to stand at room temperature for three days. Then infusion of strain and store in refrigerator.


How to receive an infusion of garlic and lemon

Infusion take a third cup three times a day for half an hour before meals for 6 weeks. Repeat the course of purification will be possible only after a year. Prolonged use of the infusion helps to change the metabolism and cleanse the body Cleansing the body - comprehensive restoration  Cleansing the body - comprehensive restoration
   toxins and metabolic waste products. For those who barely tolerate high dose infusion, traditional medicine recommends taking it on a tablespoon 3 times a day.

During the purification of the body should be used to 1, 5-2 liters of fluid - drinking water, weak tea, juices, fruit drinks, fruit drinks.


Do you have this folk method of side effects?

A frequent side effect of this purification are allergic reactions such as urticaria, angioedema, very different allergic skin rash, and so on. If you suspect an allergy treatment should be abandoned, since subsequent allergic reactions are heavier than previous ones and can be life-threatening.

During treatment, it can also appear heartburn. If heartburn occurs frequently, you should stop the treatment.


This is counter-infusion of garlic and lemon

Infusion is contraindicated in:

  • people prone to allergic reactions;
  • patients suffering from inflammatory and ulcerative diseases of the gastrointestinal tract - gastritis, gastroduodenitis, enterocolitis, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcers, and so on;
  • pregnant and nursing mothers.


Another popular method of cleaning the blood vessels with the help of garlic

At this time, preparing alcohol tincture of garlic: 350 g peeled garlic is crushed in a meat grinder or rub on a grater, put in a glass bottle, pour a glass of vodka. After that, the bottle is closed tightly with a lid and put in a dark cool place (not in the refrigerator) for 10 days. Then infusion of strain and should be taken with two tablespoons of milk for half an hour before a meal, as follows:

  • 1st day - three drops of tincture;
  • Day 2 - - 4 drops for the first reception, 5 drops - the second, 6 drops - the third;
  • Day 3 - the same as the previous day, plus 1 drop of 2 and 3, and 9 drops of reception for 3 doses;
  • Day 4 - continued increase of one drop in each step;
  • Day 5 - increase to 15 drops per reception;
  • Day 6-10 - gradual reduction to three drops per day;
  • Day 11-25 - 15 drops three times a day.

On the background of purification also requires increased water load - 1, 5-2 liters of fluid per day.

To enhance the effectiveness of the treatment should also maintain an active lifestyle and eat right. With food the body needs to do as much as possible of products containing vitamins, minerals and fiber: fresh vegetables, fruits, berries, cereals. It is necessary to refuse food in violation of the digestive process: spicy, fatty, fried, canned food, easily digestible carbohydrates (sweet and rich foods) to increase the absorbability of nutrients in the intestines often eat better, slowly (5-6 times a day). In no case can also overeat.

Cleaning vessels with garlic and lemon lead to increased metabolism, improve the general condition, appearance of vivacity, restore normal sleep Dreams: how to understand our dreams  Dreams: how to understand our dreams

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • atherosclerosis
