- Celandine - a means-tested over the centuries
- Chemical composition
- How to use
How to use celandine
If a century ago, people usually with their hands collected celandine, and squeezed out of him juice or dried and prepared tinctures and decoctions, today you can buy celandine in tablets and capsules, prepared extracts of celandine, ointments celandine, and so on. Although herbs are considered very safe, before taking into celandine it is strongly recommended to talk to your doctor; external application of celandine
The use of celandine - a wide range of actions
rarely leads to serious consequences, but those who have serious skin diseases, too, should not be ignored expert advice. If the doctor says you can take celandine without fear, you can go to the pharmacy or to the nature - to collect celandine own.
Medicinal plant celandine grows almost the entire territory of Europe, except for its most northern and cold regions. He prefers shade and partial shade, but it can be found in a sunny position. Often celandine grows right at the houses, the gardens, parks, and so on. But it is better to collect in places that are far enough away from busy roads, large cities, factories, and other sources of pollution. To collect, you will need paper or fabric bags (plastic and can be used if no other), a sharp knife, scissors or a small sickle to cut the plant.
Choose healthy celandine with green leaves and no signs of any disease - a sick plant is unlikely to be used for medicinal purposes. Collect celandine need during the flowering period; in most parts of Russia, it blooms from May to the end of July or beginning of August. Cut plants approximately six inches from the ground. Be careful to not get the juice celandine on clothes - from it are still visible yellow spots. Also avoid getting juice in the eye - it can lead to severe burning and redness of the eyes.
Dry celandine in a dark, dry, well-ventilated area, for example, in the attic, and a shed, or loggia (if it is not on the sunny side). It can be spread out on a wooden lattice or suspended, gathering the stems into small bunches. Make sure that during the drying celandine not direct sunlight - because of this it loses its medicinal properties. When dry celandine (it is well dried, if the stems break easily, and do not bend), lay it in a package of paper or cloth, and store in a dark place. For storage you can also use cardboard boxes or other containers when not at hand, glass jars.
How to brew celandine
There are different recommendations on how to brew celandine, but most of it brewed almost like regular tea: a certain amount of herb pour boiling water, give the brew for 10-15 minutes and strain
. To prepare a weak broth celandine usually recommended to use one teaspoon per cup of water (250 ml)
. For the preparation of a concentrated broth can be filled with the same amount of water a tablespoon of celandine
. Herbs, including celandine, should be filled with water, the temperature of which does not exceed 95-97 degrees Celsius - it is believed that this is best saved the useful properties of plants
. However, in a number of recipes celandine recommended some time to simmer; Unfortunately, there is no reliable scientific evidence that would give a clear recommendation on how to prepare a decoction method is best
How to squeeze the juice of celandine
The easiest way to squeeze the juice of celandine - cut stem (best to use the thickest part), squeeze it firmly, and immediately put on the cut appeared drops of juice on the wart, shipitsu, warts, and so on.
If you need more juice, gather and cut a few plants celandine (you can also dig them together with the root), wash them, cut them into pieces, and grind in a meat grinder or food processor. From the resulting pulp squeeze the juice using a fine sieve or folded in several layers of cheesecloth.
How to cook the ointment of celandine
Mix one teaspoon of fresh juice of celandine with four tablespoons of petroleum jelly until smooth and place the finished cream in a glass container with a tight lid. This ointment can be used to treat warts and corns. It is assumed that it is effective and disorders such as psoriasis and eczema, but before you treat these diseases folk medicine, consult your doctor.
How to cook the syrup celandine
Put on the fire a small saucepan, pour it in a liter of water and bring to a boil. Remove the pan from the heat and add the water, five grams of dried celandine. Cover the pan with a lid and a thick towel and leave overnight in a warm place. The next day, strain the infusion and mix it with 200 g of honey. This medicine out of celandine is recommended for indigestion and other problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Before his admission is advisable to consult a doctor.
How to brew celandine bath
For mid-size bath should brew celandine rate of 100 g of grass for three to four liters of water. Bring water to a boil, pour it celandine, and allow to stand for at least one hour. Fill the tub with warm water, and add the infusion. Baths with celandine recommended for the treatment of diseases such as abrasions, scabies, psoriasis, acne (if acne appears on the body). They are also used to relieve the symptoms of allergic urticaria, but there are no reliable information about whether celandine helps with allergies.
Celandine bathing newborns can be used only with a doctor's permission. If it is used to treat skin diseases in young children is usually a very low concentration to minimize the risk of any side effects.
Chistotel used in gynecology for treatment of yeast, inflammatory diseases of the reproductive system, as well as cervical erosion, and several other disorders. Women suffering from yeast infection, it is recommended to do douching celandine. To do this you need to cook a weak infusion of celandine (0.5-1 teaspoon of herb per 250 ml of water), give it brew for about an hour, strain and douche twice a day. That treatment was more effective and can be taken into the celandine. When cervical erosion can use vaginal suppositories
Vaginal suppositories - for contraception and treatment of inflammation
with celandine (they can be purchased at the pharmacy), or do sitz baths.
Quite effective is douching with endometriosis celandine. It is recommended to do 1-2 times a day for 7-10 days. When the disease is also helpful to drink tea made from equal parts of celandine, mint
Mint and its useful properties: aromatic freshness
, Calendula, yarrow and hypericum. Of course, to treat endometriosis only folk remedies is not: Celandine may serve as a supplement to the treatment prescribed by the doctor.
Removing warts celandine
To get rid of warts, you can use ready celandine extract or fresh juice of the plant. Juice extract, is applied to the condylomata two or three times a day for several weeks. Make sure to celandine did not get on a healthy skin - in small quantities it does not harm, but prolonged exposure to the substance contained may cause redness, burning, and even burns.
But the use of celandine to remove moles
Removal of moles - a deadly process?
Contrary to popular belief, it is not necessary. It's not that celandine of moles does not help - he probably can remove them as well as warts. However, doctors believe any moles potential time bomb, and no one can say in advance how and when this mechanism will be activated. Therefore, to remove moles to be very careful, and in any case not be used for this traditional methods. At the moment, it is best to get rid of them with a laser, in specialized clinics - there is not only the most accurate and safe to remove the mole, but also conduct tests to rule out malignant disease dangerous.