Euphorbia - quite toxic, but still useful - botanical characteristics of milkweed

January 31, 2010

  • Euphorbia - quite toxic, but still useful
  • The botanical characteristics of milkweed

The botanical characteristics of milkweed

Euphorbia refers to numerous family Euphorbiaceae, popular around the world. Whole plants of this family, there are several thousand, in Russia - more than a hundred, they are presented as annuals and perennials.

Certain types of milkweed presented herbaceous plants, shrubs and even small trees. Appearance of significantly different: they can have only the leaves, the leaves from the stems, thorns, have a structure similar to the cactus and so on. But all members of the spurge have one thing in common: they contain a white milky juice enclosed in a branched lacteals without walls. Flowers are placed on top of a milkweed plant and gathered in clusters, where there are 10 male flowers and one female. Flowering time - from June to August.

Euphorbia - a very common plant which is more common in the south of Russia (the Volga region, the Caucasus, etc.) and in countries with warm climates.

The most common milkweed is considered a weed, not all types are suitable even for fodder. It is often used for disinfestation (Destruction of insects, such as bedbugs and fleas).

 The botanical characteristics of milkweed | Euphorbia - quite toxic, but still useful

Chemical composition

Milky juice of spurge called evforbiem, it has a burning taste, no odor and intensely oozing from cuts lacteals milkweed rapidly congealing and hardens. In evforbii evforbion contained resins, malic acid and certain substances. Evforbon is a mixture of substances from which marked evfol, alpha evforbol, tarakserol, reziniferol, beta amyrin - little-known substance that causes the body largely unknown.

Therapeutic and toxic properties of the milkweed were known since ancient times and ancient doctors always warned people away from independent use of this plant inside (infusions and decoctions of milkweed can cause irritation of the gastrointestinal tract, and seizures), while externally it is always used actively.

 The botanical characteristics of milkweed | Euphorbia - quite toxic, but still useful

Which diseases can be applied

Euphorbia used before our era, juice evforby it was named after the Numidian doctor who used it in the treatment of various diseases before our era. It was believed that the juice of the milkweed has a laxative, diuretic, diaphoretic, anthelmintic, emetic, analgesic, antipyretic, distracting and anthelminthic action. Euphorbia used in paralysis, edema, nonhealing ulcers, bites of animals suffering from rabies.

Russian healers used spurge in rabies (hydrophobia), from the evil eye, as a laxative and emetic. Outwardly milkweed was used for removing warts, calluses, age spots, for the treatment of malignant tumors.

Special types of milkweed always grew in the Altai, where they are considered a tonic juice, prevents aging agent. With the help of milkweed in Altai purified blood treated with kidney disease, bleeding in women, impotence Impotence - a female perspective on the problem  Impotence - a female perspective on the problem
 , Sexually transmitted diseases, skin cancer Skin cancer - a full recovery possible  Skin cancer - a full recovery possible
   and rectum, expel worms. Outwardly spurge treat sores, eczema, warts and corns removed.

The ancient roots of a treatment spurge in the East: milkweed was used extensively in the treatment of many diseases Tibetan monks and Chinese doctors. At the same time, Avicenna believed that all species of milkweed are highly toxic, and warned against their use.

Currently spurge applied only topically to remove warts, corns, bleaching freckles and age spots, as well as for the treatment of nonhealing wounds and ulcers.

 The botanical characteristics of milkweed | Euphorbia - quite toxic, but still useful

As harvest spurge and to cook from his medicines

Grass harvested at flowering, finely cut and dried under a canopy in the open air. Milky juice of the milkweed is going to its flowering, his squeeze, evaporated on a water bath Sauna and health: the benefits and harms of bath procedures  Sauna and health: the benefits and harms of bath procedures
 , Poured into jars.

Roots milkweed dig early spring (before leaves) or late fall (when the leaves have fallen down), washed with cold water and dried in an oven at low temperature.

Recipes milkweed for outdoor use:

  • for the topical treatment of cancer Cancer Treatment - difficult, but necessary  Cancer Treatment - difficult, but necessary
   (only after consultation with the doctor!): a tablespoon of juice spurge connect with three tablespoons of cottage cheese, triturated and applied to the tumor for an hour (until the burning sensation), and then the skin is cleaned and put on her fresh cheese that there remains to the following procedure (procedures are performed twice a day);
  • infusion of herbs milkweed for outdoor use: a teaspoon of chopped dry grass milkweed pour half a liter of boiled water, half an hour, filtered and used for foot baths fungal diseases of the feet.

But it must be remembered that an external application can give complication of milkweed as spurge has a very strong irritant.

Spurge - scantily poisonous plant, which, perhaps, has good medicinal properties, but its use for oral administration have not yet learned. Yes, and externally it must also be used with caution and after consultation with the doctor.

Article Tags:
  • spurge

Fennel - aromatic spices - Useful properties

July 29, 2011

  • Fennel - aromatic spices
  • Origin
  • The nutritional value
  • Beneficial features
  • Home pharmacy

Useful properties of fennel

Fennel has many useful properties and helps in the treatment of anemia, digestive disorders, flatulence, constipation, colic, diarrhea, respiratory diseases, menstrual disorders, eye diseases and many other disorders.

The plant fennel, or scientifically Foeniculum Vulgare Miller, or its extract is widely used throughout the world in breath fresheners, toothpaste, desserts, antacids as well as in cooking.

In addition, due to its healing properties of fennel is used as a component of many drugs. Data fennel healing properties shall components it contains essential oils, making fennel is used in the treatment of the following diseases:

  • Anemia

Iron, histidine and the amino acid contained in the fennel, help in the treatment of anemia. Iron - an important component of hemoglobin. Histidine promotes the production of hemoglobin and regulates the synthesis of other blood components.

  • Dyspepsia

In many countries, especially in the Indian subcontinent, taken after a meal to chew fennel seeds. This is done in order to facilitate digestion and maintain fresh breath. Some components of the essential oil of fennel are stimulants and promote secretion of digestive juices and stomach, reduce irritation of the stomach and intestines and contribute to the proper absorption of nutrients from food. Fennel also has antacid (alkaline) properties and is widely used in antacid preparations. Furthermore, this plant improves appetite.

  • Flatulence

Due to its carminative properties, Fennel is most often used as a remedy for flatulence. This is due to the fact that it contains an aspartic acid. Fennel extract can be used in treatment of flatulence, and also to expel the gases from the stomach, even in infants and the elderly.

  • Constipation

Fennel seeds, especially in powder form, acts as a mild laxative. It contains roughage help cleanse the intestine and its stimulatory effect helps normalize intestinal motility and thus the chair.

  • Diarrhea

Fennel helps eliminate diarrhea caused by vital functions of bacteria, as some components of the essential oil Essential oils and conception: can help the roses?  Essential oils and conception: can help the roses?
   fennel, e.g., anethole, cineole and others possess disinfecting and antibacterial properties. Some amino acids, such as histidine, improve the stomach and promote the proper functioning of the digestive system. Thus, fennel cures diarrhea caused by indigestion.

  • Colic

Polymeric and non-volatile molecules are useful in the treatment of renal colic. These polymers, which are also called phytoestrogens, are in anethole, fennel essential oil components. Thanks to this, fennel is used in the treatment of renal colic.

  • Respiratory diseases

To Fennel used to treat respiratory disorders, such as nasal congestion, bronchitis Bronchitis - protection if the body has malfunctioned  Bronchitis - protection if the body has malfunctioned
 , Cough, and all thanks to the content of cineol and anethole having, in addition to its other useful properties, expectorant.

  • Menstrual irregularities

Fennel is also emmenagogue. It facilitates and regulates the flow of blood by controlling hormone levels in the body.

  • Eye diseases

Use fennel food helps protect your eyes from inflammation caused by aging, macular degeneration, due to the presence of antioxidants in it Antioxidants: the truth about the notorious benefits  Antioxidants: the truth about the notorious benefits
   (vitamin C, amino acid arginine and other elements that help to restore tissue and prevent aging), detoxicants and stimulants. First of all, the data elements are contained in the essential oil of fennel. Also in this plant there are minerals such as cobalt and magnesium. The juice of the leaves and other parts of fennel can be applied to the eye to reduce inflammation and fatigue.

 Useful Properties | Fennel - aromatic spices

Other useful features

Fennel is a diuretic, ie, increase the frequency of urination and the number of outgoing urine, which in turn promotes the excretion of toxic substances, and also helps in the treatment of rheumatism Rheumatic fever - are possible complications of heart  Rheumatic fever - are possible complications of heart
 , Edema. Fennel also improves the production and secretion of milk in nursing mothers. Such milk has healing properties of fennel and improves the removal of gas, like the mother and the child. The use of fennel improves the condition of hair, prevents hair loss, helps to relax the muscles of the body, improves memory, and in the summer has a great refreshing effect if the water bright green-yellow color, which soaked fennel, put a little sugar and black salt.

 Useful Properties | Fennel - aromatic spices

Safety measures

Keep in mind that everything has its positive and negative sides, and that the excess what else may be harmful. It can be said of fennel. Some components of its essential oils, for example, anethol, as well as some substances contained in the plant, in excessive amounts can yield rather than beneficial harm. Those components that small amounts are able to kill bacteria in excess also become dangerous. You may experience difficulty in breathing, rapid heart rate, irregular heart rhythm problems and neuropathic nature.
