Treating hygroma folk remedies - with great caution

June 12, 2014

 treatment hygroma folk remedies
 Hygroma - is, in most cases, completely benign disease, but it can often cause patients considerable discomfort. Official medicine used to treat these tumors procedures such as puncture hygroma or surgical removal, and argues that using medication to get rid of it is not. However, in traditional medicine has a lot of money for the treatment of hygroma Treating hygroma - possible methods  Treating hygroma - possible methods
 That people often used today - with more or less success. Their effectiveness has not been proven, and when the signs hygroma is strongly recommended to see a doctor. If he decides that to remove it until you need to, you can try treatment hygroma folk remedies.

However, some of these funds is still better to be neglected - for their own good. For example, once a common way to get rid of hygromas by applying them hard blows today considered unsafe relic of the past. People were beaten by tumors flat heavy objects, most of all - books (because of this, in some languages ​​hygroma is called the Bible cyst - in the old days the Bible was often very thick, and often the only book in the house), then, ideally, the shell hygroma burst and its contents spread over in the adjacent tissues. From the bulge under the skin does not remain a trace. However, in practice such a treatment can lead to various complications - recurrence of damage to tissue adjacent to Hygroma.

There are safer means of hygroma, but they should be used with caution, watching the reactions of the organism, and if necessary, seeking the advice of a specialist.


Folk remedies for hygroma

First of all, keep in mind a few nuances hygromas treatment related to their location. Pretty complicated can be treated hygroma foot folk remedies. Firstly, many treatments require different packs, which must be kept for several hours. This is not easy to wear shoes and walk, besides, itself hygroma on the foot often interferes with normal movement. Secondly, national treatment is not soon yield results, and swelling on foot, albeit benign, can significantly reduce quality of life. Therefore, traditional medicine should be used only for the treatment of very young hygromas on his feet. Hygroma medium and large sizes, which cause discomfort when driving, it is better to remove.

It should also be noted that the treatment of hygroma brush folk remedies presents certain difficulties for people who are engaged in power sports, especially - powerlifting. Many experts believe that injuries, including those that at first glance appear to be harmless, contribute to the formation and further growth hygromas. When doing sports such more or less the likelihood of serious damage to joints or tendons quite large, and during treatment hygromas strongly recommended to use elastic bandages for hands and / or feet.

Treatment of carpal hygroma folk remedies will be most effective for those whose work is not associated with repetitive hand movements (for example, some factory workers, massage therapists, and so on).


The most popular folk medicine for hygroma

Drugs can be used to treat any hygromas, regardless of where they are located.

  • Compress of rubbing alcohol. Moisten a piece of gauze, folded several times, or a clean cotton cloth, rubbing alcohol (if it is not at hand, you can use vodka), and attach to the hygroma. Top attach a piece of polyethylene wrap and secure with a bandage. Leave it for a few hours or overnight. Folk healers recommend to repeat the procedure on a regular basis as long as the hygroma will not disappear, but when it happens, it is very difficult to say.
  • Celandine is used in folk medicine to treat a wide range of disorders, including hygroma. Press fresh stems celandine Celandine - a means-tested over the centuries  Celandine - a means-tested over the centuries
   about one tablespoon of juice. Within five to ten minutes to steam area of ​​the body, which appeared hygroma Hygroma when liquid in unnecessary places  Hygroma when liquid in unnecessary places
 And then lubricate the juice of celandine. Top apply gauze and then polyethylene, and tie it with a bandage. This wrap is recommended to keep the whole night, for weeks on end.
  • Compress of cabbage leaf. Cabbage leaves lightly knead, smeared with honey, is applied to the hygroma, and fix the elastic bandage. Hold compress takes a long time - a total of not less than eight hours a day, replacing the cabbage leaves every two hours.
  • The medicine of the ficus. From such a popular houseplant as ficus, can cook fairly effective means of hygroma. A few leaves of ficus should be cut into small pieces, and pour kerosene so that it completely covers the leaves. Place the container in the tincture in a dark, cool place, and hold it 7-10 days. Strain the finished tincture, soak it in a cheesecloth or cotton cloth and apply to the skin over the hygroma. Secure the wrap with a bandage and leave for a few hours. To cure gave a significant result, it must have been used for at least four weeks.
  • Wormwood is considered one of the most effective natural medicines hygroma. A few stems of fresh tarragon must be very finely chopped or, better, to grind in a blender. Get gruel hygroma lubricate the surface, and the top tie up bandage. Leave the compress on for several hours. Use this medication during at least three weeks.
  • Red clay. Mix three tablespoons of red clay and a half tablespoons of warm salt water. If necessary, add a little more water, but in the end you should have a very dense, homogeneous mass. Spread it on hygroma, place a piece of plastic on top and secure it with a bandage. This compress can be kept up to twelve hours. Do it for a week or two, and the result will not be long in coming.

Article Tags:
  • hygroma

Kidney stones - folk remedies are good in the hands of a specialist

April 18, 2014

 kidney stones folk remedies
 Kidney stones - folk remedies in this disease is almost always used as it decoctions and infusions of herbs in most cases, try to remove a kidney stone. And doing it yourself, but it's just absolutely contraindicated, since it can lead to infringement of the stone.


Herbs for deducing kidney stones

Most herbs used in traditional medicine for the treatment of kidney stones, have diuretic properties. Some attribute their properties, dissolving kidney stones. But in most cases it is not. Herbs, dissolving kidney stones, rare and operate inefficiently. These herbs include, for example, chicory.

But the pharmacy you can buy herbal medicines, which include a lot of plant components in the form of extracts. These drugs are tsiston shed, rovatineks, gindzhaleling and others.

Nevertheless, individual herbs having diuretic, anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory effects have a positive effect on kidney stones, folk remedies promote the removal of small (less than 1 cm in diameter) of smooth stones.


Kidney stones - folk recipes

Herbs from kidney stones activate the metabolism, thanks to diuretic properties removed from the urinary tract sand and small stones. Anti-inflammatory and antibacterial action of these herbs prevents the development of infections in the urinary tract.

  • It is widely used in folk medicine knotweed for kidney stones. To cleanse the kidneys of sand and small stones can be cooked infusion of herbs knotweed: two teaspoons of chopped dry grass knotweed pour a glass of boiled water, in a thermos overnight, drain, squeeze and take 2 tablespoons 3-4 times a day for half an hour before a meal for four weeks.
  • It has long been believed that the chicory and stone formation in the kidney are interconnected, because this herb acts on metabolism, normalizing it. Therefore, chicory is used for kidney stones. The infusion can be prepared as follows: 2 tablespoons pour two cups of boiled water, filter and take throughout the day. Take the infusion should be no less than a month.
  • Parsley from kidney stones. Grass and roots of parsley Parsley Health and Beauty  Parsley Health and Beauty
   They have strong diuretic properties. Furthermore, parsley has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect. For an infusion of 1-2 tablespoons of chopped herbs to brew two cups of boiling water - to drink during the day. The course of treatment - three weeks.
  • Rosehip for kidney stones. The fruits and roots of wild rose are used in folk medicine for the treatment of kidney stones, as they have a diuretic, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory action. Do not use rose hips when oxalate stones - it contributes to their formation. Prepare the broth hips at the rate of a tablespoon of fruit in a glass of hot water, and then boiled in a water bath for 15 minutes, cool, filter and drink half a cup 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals for a month.
  • Cranberries for kidney stones. Cranberry juice Cranberries for health and beauty  Cranberries for health and beauty
   prevent the formation of kidney stones and urinary tract, it has a diuretic, antibacterial, immunostimulatory effect, restores the metabolism Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting  Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting
 . In addition, substances found in cranberry juice, urinary system to protect against the ingress of bacteria. They inhibit the attachment of bacteria to the mucosa of the urinary tract, and outputting the collected urine pathogenic bacteria.
  • Green tea - kidney stones Kidney stones: identify and treat  Kidney stones: identify and treat
   humans regularly consume the beverage produced less and usually not grow large. Green tea is more appropriate for prevention than for treatment of nephrolithiasis. CH this purpose it is sufficient to drink tea glass 2-3 times per day.
  • Ginger for kidney stones. Ginger has excellent inflammatory properties, that is, can relax the smooth muscles of internal organs, including the urinary tract, preventing therefore the development of renal colic. It also has anti-bacterial and anti-oxidant (inhibits the action of toxic free radicals that disrupt metabolism) effect. Therefore, in folk medicine ginger tea is used to treat and prevent kidney stones.
  • Ginger tea drink for 30 minutes before the meal, in that case it is immediately absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract and enter into the biochemical processes that are an integral part of the overall metabolism. The recipe for ginger tea: a teaspoon of grated fresh ginger, pour a glass of boiling water for 15-20 minutes, strain and drink during the day before eating; at night so it is better not to drink tea - it excites.

Traditional medicine recommends kidney stones treated mainly with the help of herbal remedies.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • stones in the kidneys
