Treatment of uterine fibroids propolis - only under medical supervision

May 25, 2013

 propolis treatment of uterine fibroids
 Treatment of uterine fibroids propolis - a national method, which is suitable for the treatment of uterine fibroids is not always. It should know that any people's treatment of fibroids can be used only with permission of your doctor - he must "fit" in the complex treatment of this disease.

 Treatment of uterine fibroids propolis - only under medical supervision

Propolis and its chemical composition

Propolis - a waste product of bees, which is obtained after treatment with enzymes glands of bees mixture of resinous substances collected from the buds of trees, nectar, pollen, and other biologically active substances. Bees use propolis to putty the inner surface of the hives, cracks, and sometimes as a supplementary food. Color propolis depends on grass, which brings together the components, it can be from green to dark brown. Propolis Taste bitter, pungent smell - gummy.

With the composition of propolis contains a large number of volatile production, flavonoids, organic acids, terpene compounds, plant resins, oils Essential oils and conception: can help the roses?  Essential oils and conception: can help the roses?
 Wax. It has amino acids, vitamins, macro-and micronutrients and some other biologically active substances.

 Treatment of uterine fibroids propolis - only under medical supervision

The action of propolis on the human body

The positive effect of propolis on the human body has long been known. It has been found that it has anti-microbial, anti-viral, anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory, wound healing, antioxidant, analgesic properties, improves blood circulation, strengthens the walls of blood vessels.

Relatively recently, it has been found that the propolis possesses immunomodulating and antitumor properties. Today there is an active study of these properties of propolis, found that it is able to stop the growth of tumor cells and the subsequent development of apoptosis (self-destruction), as well as prevent the metastasis of malignant tumor cells. It was found that the anti-tumor properties of propolis are closely related to its antioxidant action - the ability to inhibit the toxic effects of free radicals produced in the body during metabolism Metabolism: The basis of life of all living things  Metabolism: The basis of life of all living things
 . In addition, there is evidence that the anti-tumor action of propolis is associated with the activation of cellular immunity.

All of this allows the use of propolis for the treatment of certain tumors, including uterine fibroids, but only by prescription.

 Treatment of uterine fibroids propolis - only under medical supervision

Treatment of uterine fibroids propolis - is there any sense in it?

Obviously, to use propolis in the treatment of uterine fibroids is possible, but only by a doctor's prescription and under his control. The fact that clinical experience in the use of propolis for the treatment of myomas is little, and no one knows how to use it can be combined with other treatment, in particular hormone replacement therapy Hormone therapy - is it possible to fool nature?  Hormone therapy - is it possible to fool nature?

Harmful use of propolis, and before the operation, because it is not known exactly how propolis acts on blood clotting, that is, the risk of complications during surgery. Nevertheless it is known that propolis has a positive effect on capillaries, reinforcing their walls. This allows the use of propolis for bleeding from the nose and gums, in the treatment of cuts and minor wounds, abrasions, bruises, and so on.

But the use of locally (in the vulva) independently prepared medicinal preparations based on propolis (eg, alcohol tinctures) is undesirable because it can cause burns and irritation of the mucous membranes of the genitals.

If the doctor thinks it possible to assign to the treatment of uterine propolis, it can be used in the form of rectal suppositories.

 Treatment of uterine fibroids propolis - only under medical supervision

Rectal suppositories with propolis

Available homeopathic rectal suppositories with propolis, which are used as anti-inflammatory and immunostimulatory agent in people, often chronically ill colds.

The composition of each candle includes 0, 5 g of propolis and adjuvants - cocoa butter and anhydrous lanolin. Spark injected into the rectum by one three times a day for 10 days. You can enter one candle every day for a month.

Because of side effects of this drug are known only to allergic reactions, but they are fairly common (such as the use of other bee products). Do not use this candle only when they are hypersensitive and at the age of 18 years. During pregnancy and nursing Breastfeeding - a personal choice  Breastfeeding - a personal choice
   breasted use of the drug is only possible if the expected benefit to the mother's body outweighs the potential risk to the fetus or baby.

Propolis - is not yet fully known substances with a complex composition. No one knows exactly how it will work on this or that women suffering from uterine cancer. Therefore, propolis can be used only on prescription and under his control.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • hysteromyoma

Nutmeg - how effective is it?

April 25th, 2010

 Throughout the history of nutmeg was widely used in medicine. Medicines prepared on the basis of nutmeg, were treated in ancient Egypt, ancient Greece and ancient Rome, it was thought that nutmeg activates the brain. Nowadays, nutmeg is widely used in cooking and perfumes, its therapeutic effects much less is known.

 Nutmeg - how effective is it?

What it is and where it grows nutmeg

Nutmeg (nutmeg tree miristika) - an evergreen tree height of 10-15 m and more, with a dense pyramidal crown, referring muskatnikovyh family. The leaves are dark green on top, bottom - whitish, leathery, alternate. Year-round blooming flowers on the tree, in the sixth year of the tree begins to bear fruit - flowers turn into fruit. Fruit length of 9 cm, yellow, with one seed, a solid peel. When ripe, the fruit bursts and becomes visible seed, covered with a thin shell and juicy hard thin shell.

Nutmeg has been taken by the Portuguese from Indonesia in the 14th century, where it grows wild in the Moluccas. He loves a tropical humid climate with temperatures no lower than 20 ° C. Over time, the tree began to grow in all tropical countries.

Fruits harvested at the time of opening (up to three or more times a year). Securities products of this plant are mace and nutmeg, which are dried and used as a spice. The dried nutmeg (without hard rind) has a length of about 3 cm, an oval shape, brown color, at one end of the lighter and on the other - a darker. If the nut cut, you can see the marble pattern with alternating light and dark stripes.

Mace (mace) - a dried bag, which was concluded seed. It is obtained by squeezing the nut, so in the center hole is formed, dried in the sun and flattened by special rollers. Mace - a brittle, slightly transparent plate, a diameter of about 3 cm, with a hole in the center. The best varieties of muscat color is obtained from the leaves, lying closer to the seed. On the world market the most prized Penang mace.

 Nutmeg - how effective is it?

Chemical composition

The fruits contain a lot of nutmeg oils: essential oils it contains about 10% fat and 40% oil. The nutmeg also contain vegetable protein, starch, pigments and saponins.

Essential oil of nutmeg - a pale yellow fluid liquid with a rich, warm, spicy and sweet flavor. The essential oil has a complex composition, which include terpenes such (aromatic substance) as pinene, geraniol, ovgenol, dipentene, linalool and others. Moreover, the essential oil contained biologically active substance (myristicin, elemicin, safrole, etc.), which jointly interact with each other (some of which have sedative and other - stimulating properties) exert effects on the central nervous system similar strong synthetic psychostimulants amphetamine. Terpenes enhance absorption of psychotropic substances.

Nutmeg and mace have different aroma and taste, which allow to use them both together and separately. Subtle spicy and pungent smell of spicy taste of tropical gifts made them necessary in cooking and perfumes. Modern medicine uses this plant mainly in the form of external agents.

 Nutmeg - how effective is it?

Medicinal properties of nutmeg

Nutmeg has a very strong stimulant and also a calming effect on the central nervous system, inhibits (slows down the formation of) the prostaglandin system stomach (prostaglandins - biologically active substances that cause inflammation), which promotes the healing of gastric ulcer and 12 duodenal ulcer, has antimicrobial and antitumor action, strengthens the immune system, the structure of the hair and cartilage, nerves and memory, heals various sexual disorders. In small doses, nutmeg relaxes muscles and soothes the body, promotes the removal of gases from the body. But large amounts of nutmeg is a poison, welcome it may even be fatal.

In traditional medicine, the East nutmeg in very small doses used to treat benign tumors, and for the prevention of cancer, to treat tuberculosis Treatment of tuberculosis - a lengthy process and requires constant monitoring  Treatment of tuberculosis - a lengthy process and requires constant monitoring
 , Sexual disorders, hair tonic Strengthen hair - how to protect themselves from the negative effects?  Strengthen hair - how to protect themselves from the negative effects?
 , The immune system and the whole organism, to reduce any pain. It was thought that nutmeg is useful in diseases of the muscles and joints, osteochondrosis, diseases of the stomach and intestines (including when swelling), nausea and diarrhea. Long-term use of nutmeg in very small doses helps to improve memory and strengthen the nervous system.

Outwardly nutmeg essential oil is used, mixed with vegetable oil (5 drops per tablespoon). So oil rubbed joints and muscles for pain, make compresses. A few drops of essential oil Essential oils and conception: can help the roses?  Essential oils and conception: can help the roses?
   nutmeg can be added to the bath, stir it into the pre-milk.

 Nutmeg - how effective is it?

Contraindications and side effects

Nutmeg oil is only used externally. It can not be used when you are hypersensitive, children (may cause skin irritation), pregnant women (causing a rush of blood to the uterus), people suffering from seizures and increased excitability.

Inside all drugs nutmeg in our country are not accepted: We have no tradition of treating this plant. Since nutmeg has many side effects (increased blood pressure Blood pressure - dangerous if his swing?  Blood pressure - dangerous if his swing?
 , Palpitations, shortness of breath and so on), and it is fraught with fatal overdose, it is better not to tempt fate and apply it topically, and only as a spicy seasoning to dishes.

Galina Romanenko
