Badger fat for centuries used to treat various diseases. Traditional medicine has used this gift of nature for the treatment of pulmonary diseases, gastric bleeding, heart disease, and as an external remedy for healing wounds and trophic ulcers. During World War II, when there were no antibiotics, badger fat sent to the front for the treatment of gunshot wounds.
How does the badger fat
In folk medicine have long been known properties such badger fat as the ability to recover from serious diseases and injuries, have a beneficial effect on the course of diseases of the respiratory tract (for a long time in Siberia, it was almost the only means of pulmonary tuberculosis), diseases of the stomach and intestines, accompanied by vomiting blood or blood in the feces isolation. Badger grease lubricated wounds festering sores were treated with skin diseases.
Today, the basic properties of fat badger understood, but scientists believe that not everyone knows, many discoveries to come. It is because of the fact that not all of this material has been studied, it is not recommended to take young children, pregnant women and nursing mothers.
Traditional methods for treating respiratory diseases badger fat
Before the invention of antibiotics and sulfa drugs folk remedies were often the only hope for severe diseases of the bronchi, lungs and pleura.
Badger fat used in this case as the main drug. He stepped up the body's defenses, has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect, contributed to sputum discharge.
In the 19th century, it started a real epidemic of tuberculosis, from which many patients died very young. Badger fat helped and tuberculosis, as in this case, much depends on the general condition of the body and its immunity.
Today, once again became interested in traditional treatments, including a badger fat. But nowadays this substance plays a supporting role and called biologically active food supplements (BAS). The main role in the treatment of diseases of the respiratory tract play modern high-performance tools. But badger fat is not lost on their background: it stimulates the body's defenses, which helps to cope with the disease.
Traditional medicine at bronchopulmonary diseases recommends badger fat as follows. His take on a tablespoon three times a day with meals or half an hour before meals for a month. Drink this unpleasant fat, so it can be mixed with honey, jam, milk. You can wash down with milk, juice, rose hips extract, juice and so on. Repeat treatment may be in a month.
In acute viral and bacterial infections of upper respiratory tract and respiratory tract can take the following mixture: melt the glass more than half of badger fat, add 2 tablespoons of cocoa powder and 2 tablespoons melted honey; when the mixture has cooled slightly, add to it 2, 5 tablespoons of ground in a meat grinder aloe leaves
Aloe - its amazing healing properties
, Mix and take a tablespoon of the mixture, dissolve it in a glass of milk for half an hour before a meal twice a day for a week. Keep the mixture should be in a cool place in a glass jar.
In chronic laryngitis and pharyngitis (inflammation of the larynx and pharynx), constant hoarseness and sore throat scratching badger fat
Badger fat - the beneficial properties: not exactly a cure, but still treats
take undiluted, but not cold, melted (it is well melted at room temperature) a tablespoon two or three times a day until complete recovery.
Traditional methods of treating diseases of the stomach fat badger
Traditional medicine is also widely used badger fat to treat erosive and ulcerative diseases of the stomach and intestines. In gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer it is recommended to take 30 minutes before eating a tablespoon two or three times a day. Badger fat reduces inflammation in the wall of the stomach or duodenum and stimulates the regeneration of tissues.
When ulcerative colitis badger fat taken one hour before a meal and a tablespoon three times a day. The course of treatment - a month. But gastrointestinal disease badger fat taken with care: doctors and traditional healers is well known that diseases of the digestive organs almost always result in a disruption of all the other organs. A badger fat is contraindicated in diseases of the pancreas, liver and biliary tract.
External application of badger fat in traditional medicine
Outwardly badger fat is used more widely. He was always used for the treatment of festering nonhealing wounds, ulcers, burns, chronic skin diseases in adults and children.
Insect bites badger fat relieve inflammation and swelling, resulting in pain and will itch. When the pain in my back and joints do hot compress to badger fat that brings significant relief to patients.
It helps badger fat in psoriasis, acne
Acne: facial trouble
, Prevents premature skin aging
Aging Skin: The three most common problems and their solutions
, Makes it more elastic.
Badger fat has long been successfully used in folk medicine.
Galina Romanenko