The treatment of endometriosis with leeches - another asset in the fight against disease

December 3, 2012

 leeches treatment of endometriosis
 Some women are looking for alternative ways to treat endometriosis, stopping, including not hirudotherapy (treatment with leeches). But every woman should clearly understand that some leeches to cure endometriosis impossible. This girudoterapiya may enter into a plan of treatment of this woman to address her attending gynecologist, if he finds it possible to assign, for girudoterapiya can enhance bleeding.

 The treatment of endometriosis with leeches - another asset in the fight against disease

How do leeches

Leeches are a class of annelid worms with oral sucker and prisasyvatelnym disk on the back end. Prisasyvayas to the skin, leeches emit a secret head or neck glands - hirudin, is a potent anticoagulant. In addition, the secret of the cervical glands contain histamine agent, expanding capillaries. Therefore, if these women have endometriosis is accompanied by severe and prolonged bleeding, it will girudoterapiya contraindicated.

But girudoterapii there are properties that are useful in the treatment of endometriosis. This method of treatment is able to affect the body as a whole, correcting the work of all organs and systems and providing anti-inflammatory, resolving and analgesic effects.

Has the meaning and effect of leech reflex - today they are placed on specific points related to this or other authority, that is girudoterapiya has become one of the sections of reflexology Reflexology - a policy of non-drug therapies  Reflexology - a policy of non-drug therapies

But perhaps the main advantage of hirudotherapy is to restore immunity. Biologically active substances contained in the saliva of leeches, act as immunomodulators. It does not really know exactly how it happens, but the result can be a significant improvement in the flow of endometriosis, if the main reason for its development were impaired immunity. This is especially noticeable when using hirudotherapy in the treatment of endometriosis cases resistant (insensitive) to the basic methods of treatment of this disease.

 The treatment of endometriosis with leeches - another asset in the fight against disease

Application hirudotherapy in the treatment of ovarian endometriosis

The cause of endometriosis are known to be in violation of the hormonal changes the relationship between the female sex hormones estrogen and progesterone Progesterone - norm and pathology  Progesterone - norm and pathology
 That are produced by the ovaries in the first and second half of the menstrual cycle. During the session hirudotherapy restores normal blood circulation in the area of ​​the ovaries, which can not affect their function. Therefore ovarian endometriosis, if it is not combined with internal endometriosis Endometriosis - a serious problem with serious consequences  Endometriosis - a serious problem with serious consequences
   uterine bleeding, hirudotherapy may enter into the treatment plan.

But there is a danger that if ovarian endometrioid cyst formed, they sometimes break, accompanied by bleeding. Leech therapy can increase the risk of bleeding.

 The treatment of endometriosis with leeches - another asset in the fight against disease

Application hirudotherapy in the treatment of internal endometriosis

By the inner form of the disease is endometriosis, uterus and fallopian tubes. Sometimes, especially in the initial stages, when the internal endometriosis is not accompanied by bleeding, hirudotherapy can also be included in the plan of treatment of such patients. Under the influence of allocated with the saliva of leeches biologically active substances normalization of hormonal and immunological status, eliminating venous stasis in the uterine wall. In addition, the saliva of leeches, and has resolving the action, which is especially useful in the defeat of the fallopian tubes and the formation of adhesions there.

Still, for the treatment of internal forms of the disease girudoterapiya rarely used - is too great a risk of bleeding. Including bleeding may occur when an ectopic pregnancy, endometriosis characteristic of the fallopian tubes.

 The treatment of endometriosis with leeches - another asset in the fight against disease

Application hirudotherapy in the treatment of external endometriosis

Modern methods of treatment of external endometriosis External endometriosis - a mysterious disease  External endometriosis - a mysterious disease
   (the rest of the genital organs besides the uterus and fallopian tubes) involves a surgical treatment. Thus, the earlier identified and removed all areas of endometriosis, the more effective the treatment. After the operation, as a rule, the treatment is carried out, the vast potential of relapse.

At this time you can assign course hirudotherapy, as a result of which will be stimulated by the hormonal activity of the ovaries and the immune system, that is, processes are activated, preventing the spread of endometriosis.

 The treatment of endometriosis with leeches - another asset in the fight against disease

Contraindications for girudoterapii

The main hirudotherapy are contraindications to increased bleeding, iron deficiency anemia and low blood pressure. These symptoms usually accompany endometriosis. Therefore, without the treating doctor - a gynecologist to use hirudotherapy impossible. It is contraindicated during pregnancy.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • treatment of endometriosis

Ayurvedic massage - an ancient method of effective influence on the body

November 4th, 2013

 Ayurvedic massage
 Ayurveda massage - a special kind of massage, in which the skin is rubbed individually tailored according to the constitution of the human vegetable oil or vegetable oil with dissolved essential oil. Ayurvedchesky massage - this is one of the techniques of Ayurveda - the ancient Indian medicine, the doctor at the same time, body and soul.


What is so special massage ayurvedcheskogo

In ayurvedcheskom massage massage movements combined with various individually selected oils. Oil well absorbed by the skin and have a general effect on the body. If the oil has been chosen correctly, the effects of massage on the body is very effective - it is believed that this massage has a harmonizing effect not only on the body but for the soul. The positive effects of massage ayurvedcheskogo:

  • improves microcirculation in the skin, the skin becomes smooth, elastic, young;
  • decreases in the amount of subcutaneous fat layer, smoothed or disappear altogether phenomenon of cellulite;
  • due to the impact on the reflex zones on the body surface is a harmonizing effect on the function of all organs and systems: cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive, urinary, immune, and so on; slows the aging process;
  • by harmonizing effect of massage on the neuroendocrine system improves the process of falling asleep and sleeping, irritability passes Irritability - you try to control my temper  Irritability - you try to control my temper
 , Anxiety Anxiety - how to distinguish normal from disease?  Anxiety - how to distinguish normal from disease?
 , Depression, headaches, chronic fatigue syndrome Chronic fatigue - if life is not a pleasant experience  Chronic fatigue - if life is not a pleasant experience
 , Normal body weight.


Ayurveda Massage Techniques

There are various techniques of Ayurvedic massage - Champi (effective for headaches psychogenic), Marma Chikitsa (full body massage lasting about three hours - leads to harmony between body and soul), Snehana (oiling the body) and others.

External Snehana (oiling and giving softness) lies in the oil rubbed into the skin using massage movements, internal - to accept the oils inside.

External oiling can be carried out with the help of several massage techniques. One of the most popular methods is the oiling technique Abhyangu - self-massage the whole body. If you draw a self-massage properly relieve tension (both muscular and emotional), improve blood circulation throughout the body, which will help restore the function of all organs and tissues. Massage Abhyangu recommended when sedentary lifestyle, osteochondrosis, obesity, menopause and others. He is contraindicated in any acute illness, exacerbation of chronic diseases, severe diseases of the internal organs in violation of their functions, skin diseases.

Abhyangi massage technique with the use of about two to three tablespoons of hot oil: start with self-massage of the head, rubbing in a circular motion, stretching and rubbing the skin while rubbing individually selected oil: then move on to the trunk, upper and lower limbs; carefully massaged the hands and feet, on which a lot of reflex zones.


Which oils are used in massage ayurvedcheskom

In ayurvedcheskom massage is applied or pure vegetable oil, or they added essential oils of various plants. Each oil has its own properties that are well suited to some people and do not approach others:

  • sesame oil - contributes to an increase in muscle and decrease in the volume of adipose tissue, soothes, heals cracks and bruises;
  • Oil Guy (clarified butter, from which removed the water and all impurities) - reduces inflammation, swelling, burning and itching of the skin, tones the nervous system, causing a burst of energy, improve memory, intelligence, vision (when applied to the foot), the voice of the process the digestive system;
  • mustard oil - helps to reduce adipose tissue, increases the temperature of the body; is used in preheated form at cold, at which no body heat;
  • Sunflower oil - well absorbed by the skin, gives a warming effect, tones the nervous system, strengthens bones;
  • corn oil Corn oil: the good and the harm to human  Corn oil: the good and the harm to human
   - Quickly absorbed by the skin and penetrates to the nervous tissue, it helps to increase muscle mass;
  • olive oil - deeply penetrates the tissues, reaching the bones and muscles, restores their structure; It can be used after fractures and sprains of muscles;
  • coconut oil - creates on the skin surface protective film, has a strong moisturizing effect, nourishes, smoothes and softens it; Suitable for all skin types; the hands and feet held dryness, peeling and cracking.

Essential oils Ayurvedic massage (added to the vegetable oil in a ratio of 1:20 or 1: 50):

  • eucalyptus oil - is very well absorbed by the skin and literally permeates the fabric; It is used for colds;
  • geranium oil - helps to reduce blood pressure;
  • clove oil - has a soothing and analgesic properties;
  • lavender oil - is effective for burns;
  • Sandalwood oil - restores tissue.

Ayurvedchesky massage came to us from time immemorial, it requires careful and proper performance of individual selection of oils.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • massages
