- Brucellosis - almost biological weapons
- Treatment and prevention of brucellosis
Treatment of brucellosis
Principles and methods of treatment depend on the form of brucellosis. In the acute form of brucellosis appointed antibiotics in fairly large doses, because insufficient doses of drugs and premature cancellation of further development of the cause of chronic disease course. Appointed as drugs, reduce allergic reactions, restorative treatment in the form of vitamin and mineral complexes and means of restoring immunity.
But still the cornerstone of treatment of brucellosis - antibiotics. Due to the high frequency of relapses recommend taking several antibiotics
Antibiotics - whether they will help you in the foreseeable future?
for one course. Most often prescribe doxycycline
Doxycycline - penetrates into the tissue cells
, Streptomycin, rifampin, gentamicin, and trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole. Combination of antibiotics are selected depending on how difficult the case, what is the age of the patient, whether pregnancy
Typically, the patient has to take antibiotics for six weeks; early treatment not only relieves the symptoms but also prevents complications. However, with proper treatment of relapses are 5-10% of cases. Depending on severity of the disease recovery takes several weeks to several months.
In rare cases, surgical intervention is required - for example, abscesses and infection of the heart valve.
Antibiotics for chronic forms are not very effective. In such cases, a vaccine therapy, which reduces the allergic reactions and stimulates the immune system
Immunity - types and characteristics in children in adults
. With the purpose of treatment is used only vaccine with killed pathogens. If it affects the joints and spine are actively using physiotherapy and spa treatment (only without exacerbation).
Bacteria exciting brucellosis, very stubborn, so it is difficult to treat. During the course of treatment is necessary to conduct regular tests to identify the bacteria Brucella is still present in the body. The mortality rate from the disease is relatively low; Most people who have died from brucellosis, died from that bacterium struck the heart valves. Despite the fact that the risk of dying from brucellosis is not large, it should be treated for at least because its symptoms causing significant discomfort and no treatment may persist for a long time.
Prevention of brucellosis
To prevent infection with brucellosis can take a variety of measures. The most important step - is to control the state of health of the animals which may or may already transmit brucellosis. This requires the organized efforts of local organizations involved in health, and major organs that control the health of animals. The most effective measures for this - vaccination programs, surveys of animals and, unfortunately, the destruction of infected animals. Vaccines for human brucellosis at the moment does not exist.
In areas where the vaccination of livestock or destruction of any reason impossible, to take preventive measures to prevent the transmission of disease from animals to humans. These measures include:
- Pasteurization of dairy products
- Failure to use unpasteurized milk products
- Rejection of the use of meat and meat products that have not undergone adequate heat treatment
- The use of barrier precautions (goggles, gloves, masks) to avoid inhalation of bacteria
- Warning laboratory workers about potentially infected specimens that was adopted by the third level of biosecurity
Diagnosis of brucellosis
Because the symptoms of brucellosis resemble flu symptoms or a severe cold, sometimes it takes time to make the correct diagnosis, especially if the patient lives in an area where the disease is rare. So I should immediately tell the doctor where you have traveled recently, and that you normally eat.
You can help the doctor had prepared for him as much information, such as writing on paper answers the following questions:
- When you first developed symptoms?
- Did you eat foods from raw (unpasteurized) milk, such as goat's cheese?
- You went to the regions with a high risk of contracting brucellosis during the last year?
- Do you work or have worked for a year in the lab, where they could be infected with the animals?
- You recently hunted?
After reviewing this information, the doctor will probably check the mobility of your joints, reflexes, muscle strength; manually examine your abdomen to check whether some are not enlarged organs.
The doctor makes a detailed history (there should be, including information on travel, kind of activity, contact with animals). To diagnose brucellosis, also need a blood test and analysis of tissue samples. The blood is tested for the presence of antibodies to the causative bacteria and isolated therefrom bacteria themselves. Biopsy (e.g., bone marrow or liver) helps ensure correct diagnosis. Additional blood tests may reveal anemia, low platelet and white blood cell count, and increased liver function. Sometimes, in cases of suspected Brucellosis also conducted CT scans, MRIs, X-ray examination and / or ultrasound, or electrocardiogram.
As confirmed diagnosis of brucellosis
The diagnosis of brucellosis is confirmed by laboratory and radiological studies. Produce bacteriological examination of the blood content of the bone marrow and lymph nodes to detect pathogens.
Also used a variety of techniques to detect antibodies in the blood of the patient to the causative agents of brucellosis (reaction Wright, Coombs test, ELISA) and to identify the allergic reaction to the pathogen (intradermal test Burne).
To detect complications of brucellosis, you may need:
- X-rays - to find changes in the bones and ligaments.
- Computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging. Using these methods, you can see the inflammation and abscesses in the brain and other body tissues.
- Analysis of the cerebrospinal fluid. With this analysis it is possible to identify meningitis
Meningitis - an inflammation of the meninges
and encephalitis.
- Echocardiography. Using sound waves, the doctor is the image the patient's heart and can check for signs of infection or damage.