Dimexidum - candles Propolis-D for the treatment of gynecological, urological diseases and proctologic

June 17, 2012

 dimexide candles
 Candles with only one Dimexidum not available, but there are candles Propolis-D, which include propolis dimexide - substances which mutually reinforce each other's action. These candles can also be introduced vaginally and rectally, so they are widely used in various diseases of the pelvic organs.

 Dimexidum - candles Propolis-D for the treatment of gynecological, urological diseases and proctologic

How do candles Propolis-D

The composition of propolis spark-D consists of propolis dimexide. This made for a special procedure Propolis activates the body's defenses (immune system), has antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and local anesthetic action. Propolis promotes the resorption of scarring and tissue repair.

Dimexidum has all of these properties. Moreover, it is able to penetrate rapidly into cells of the mucous membranes and transported together with other drugs, while enhancing their properties. In this case, it greatly enhances all of the properties of propolis and promotes its accumulation in tissues. This dimexide restores and increases the sensitivity of pathogens to the antimicrobial action of propolis.

 Dimexidum - candles Propolis-D for the treatment of gynecological, urological diseases and proctologic

Candles dimexide-D in the treatment of gynecological patients

Candles dimexide Dimexidum - relieve inflammation and pain, baldness cure  Dimexidum - relieve inflammation and pain, baldness cure
 D'used in gynecology as an adjunct in the treatment of various infectious and inflammatory processes of the vulva, vagina and cervix caused by different infectious agents - bacteria, viruses, protozoa, fungi. Candles dimexide-D at the same time be appointed as part of a treatment. They activate the body's defenses, have a slight antibacterial and local anesthetic, anti-inflammatory effect.

In their application the inflammatory process in the field of female genital mutilation and the accompanying unpleasant symptoms (burning, itching, discharge) is faster and usually without complications.

Assign candles Propolis-D one candle in the morning and at night in the vagina for two weeks. On prescription treatment can be repeated.

 Dimexidum - candles Propolis-D for the treatment of gynecological, urological diseases and proctologic

Candles dimexide-D in the treatment of urological diseases

Candles dimexide-D is prescribed in urology for treatment of chronic cystitis, as well as acute and chronic prostatitis. A feature of these diseases is long, gradually increasing and at first imperceptible current. Of great importance in this case is the state of general and local immunity - the body's ability to resist infection. All the symptoms of these diseases (impaired urination, pain) are usually associated with inflammatory tissue edema. In addition, due to the long flowing inflammatory process is threatened overgrowth of scar tissue with impaired function of the affected organs.

Candles dimexide-D stimulate the immune system and also have antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory action.

Cleared tissues edema, resulting in patients recovering normal urination tested pain caused edema Prevention and treatment of edema - it is important to understand the root cause  Prevention and treatment of edema - it is important to understand the root cause
   tissues. Propolis and dimexide also hinder growth of connective tissue and prevent the rapid development of bladder disorders Urinary bladder - structure and function  Urinary bladder - structure and function
   and prostate.

For the treatment of urological diseases dimexide-D appoint one candle on the night of the rectum. Before the introduction of candles patient should make a warm bath - so the drug will work faster. A course of treatment is required thirty daily procedures. Total spend three recommended treatment intervals between them in two months.

 Dimexidum - candles Propolis-D for the treatment of gynecological, urological diseases and proctologic

Candles dimexide-D in the treatment of diseases proctologic

Candles dimexide-D often used in the treatment of various diseases of the rectum. As you know, this area is very painful, because it has a large number of nerve endings. Candles propolis-D have a local anesthetic effect, so it is good relieve pain resulting hemorrhoids Hemorrhoids - a shameful disease  Hemorrhoids - a shameful disease
 , Anal fissures, inflammatory processes in the area of ​​the rectum and surrounding soft tissues (for example, abscess - an inflammation of tissue surrounding the rectum). Candles dimexide-D is also used after proctologic operations.

In all these cases, the candles dimexide-D have not only the analgesic effect, but also to actively reduce inflammation, have a slight antibacterial effect, promote faster tissue repair.

Applied candles dimexide-D one candle one or two times a day for two to three weeks. It is recommended to follow a diet conducive to weakening of the chair.

Dimexidum-D has almost no side effects other than allergic reactions, but since it is used to treat serious diseases, procedures required to agree with the doctor.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • dimexide

Dexamethasone - instruction: preparation for all occasions

September 2, 2012

 Dexamethasone guide
 Dexamethasone - a synthetic drug glucocorticosteroid (GCS) containing fluorine and having a wide range of activities common to all SSC. It has anti-inflammatory, antiallergic, antishock and antitoxic action, suppresses the immune system.

 Dexamethasone - instruction: preparation for all occasions

The mechanism of action deksometazona

Dexamethasone is a synthetic analogue of the natural corticosteroids, which are produced in the body by the adrenal cortex and regulate metabolic processes. This drug is one of the most effective drugs of GCS, he made numerous pharmaceutical companies under the names: Daxin, dekadron, dekdan, index-allvoran, deksabene, deksaven, deksazon, deksakort, deksamed, deksapos, deksafar, Dexon, Dexon, detazon, detametazon , maksideks, oftan-dexamethasone Dexamethasone - one of the most effective glucocorticosteroids  Dexamethasone - one of the most effective glucocorticosteroids
 , Sondeks, fortekortin. These drugs are available in pills, injections, eye and ear drops.

Dexamethasone is able to quickly suppress the inflammatory and allergic reactions, reduces swelling, pain, and itching caused by these reactions, reduce the amount of bleeding in the foci of inflammation and allergies. It also suppresses the immune system and the ability of the cells of various tissues to divide (cell proliferation). Deksametozon has a powerful effect antishock as activates the action of the neurotransmitter (a substance that transmits neural excitation) adrenaline. Adrenaline causes momentary spasm of blood vessels and increased blood pressure (BP), which is very important in any kind of shock, when blood pressure drops sharply.

Dexamethasone has an active effect on the metabolism Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting  Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting
 . It contributes to increased protein breakdown and the formation of these products and their glucose metabolism. This may lead to disturbance of growth in children. Accumulation of large amounts of glucose in the blood stimulates insulin which helps tissues absorb glucose. However, glucose is formed too much and it results in the development of steroid diabetes. Under the influence of dexamethasone increased the amount of fat and cholesterol.

Unlike other corticosteroids (e.g., prednisolone) deksometazon slight delay in the body of sodium and water and downward out of the body potassium and calcium. However, it inhibits the activity of vitamin D, which leads to a decrease in calcium absorption, increasing its excretion from the body and the development of osteoporosis (bone thinning and fragility, calcium depleted).

Dexamethasone and actively suppresses pituitary function is long, leading to its decrease in secretion of hormones. Adrenokoritkotropny pituitary hormone (ACTH) stimulates the synthesis and secretion of the natural (endogenous) corticosteroids by the adrenal cortex. By reducing the secretion of ACTH secretion is reduced and the GCS, which causes the development of the syndrome Cushing: obesity with the formation of irregular shapes of the body, increased body hair, increased blood pressure, menstrual disorders in women and impotence Impotence - a female perspective on the problem  Impotence - a female perspective on the problem
   men. In children and adolescents under the influence of dexamethasone is delayed sexual development.

 Dexamethasone - instruction: preparation for all occasions

Indications and contraindications

The use of dexamethasone is shown:

  • as replacement therapy in adrenal function decline;
  • If any function of the thyroid gland;
  • when adrenogenital syndrome - an increased allocation of male hormones by the adrenal glands;
  • for severe allergic diseases (asthma, eczema, hay fever, etc.) that can not be treated by conventional means;
  • in severe allergic reactions (angioedema, anaphylactic shock) - intravenous;
  • in infectious and allergic diseases of the kidneys (glomerulonephritis);
  • in severe infectious and allergic diseases of the joints and spine;
  • oncological diseases;
  • under certain blood diseases associated with autoimmunity (allergic own blood cells).

One-time use of dexamethasone for health reasons only contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity to it the body of the patient.

The use of dexamethasone as a treatment is contraindicated in gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcers, diabetes, pituitary Cushing, severe obesity, bacterial, viral or fungal infections, as well as infections caused by protozoa and helminths, severe diseases of the cardiovascular system, chronic renal and liver failure, osteoporosis, glaucoma, feeding baby Breastfeeding - a personal choice  Breastfeeding - a personal choice
   feeding. Do not use dexamethasone as in inflammation of the lymph nodes that have arisen after the vaccination against tuberculosis. Furthermore, it is not used but eight weeks before the administration of any vaccine and two weeks thereafter.

Side effects of dexamethasone are numerous, they are related to its effect on the metabolism and all the organs and body systems.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • dexamethasone
