Peptides: The new panacea? - As a way of

December 2, 2010

  • Peptides: The new panacea?
  • As a way of

 as a way of peptides

As the peptides

Peptides - a midget biologically active substances, which has high hopes in medicine. What is so special about peptides, structure and functions of which have been known for more than a decade? It turns out that these "little ones" appreciated only after the emergence of such concepts as nanotechnology.


What are peptides

The biochemistry of peptides called low molecular weight fragments of protein molecules consisting of a small number of amino acid residues (from two to several dozen). Many peptides are biologically active substances. Was digested by the enzymes of peptides - peptide hydrolase.

The most important group of biologically active peptides constitute peptide hormones. These include:

  • hormones of the hypothalamus (part of the brain responsible for the entire endocrine system in the human body) - thyroliberin, GnRH, somatostatin;
  • pituitary hormones (the main endocrine glands, located in the brain) - vasopressin, oxytocin, adrenocorticotropic hormone, lipotropin;
  • thyroid hormone The thyroid gland - is responsible for your hormones  The thyroid gland - is responsible for your hormones
   - Calcitonin;
  • pancreatic hormone Diabetes and pancreas - the things you need to know  Diabetes and pancreas - the things you need to know
   - Glucagon;
  • hormones gastrointestinal - secretin, gastrin, pancreozymin.

The natural peptides include some antibiotics (eg, gramicidin C) proteinase inhibitors (substances that suppress the activity of enzymes that break down proteins), poison snakes and insects, as well as some of the biologically active substances involved in many biochemical processes in the cell.

A special group of the peptide is endogenous opiates (substances that are produced in the body and have analgesic action), as well as sleep hormones Dreams: how to understand our dreams  Dreams: how to understand our dreams
 Stimulants memory and other so-called neuropeptides.


As the peptides and their functions in the human body

Almost all biologically active peptides, including peptide hormones are synthesized in the body as a precursor protein from which they are formed by the decay of peptide bonds by enzymes.

Peptides play an important role in the body. Hypothalamic neurohormones regulate the activity of the pituitary gland that controls the functions of all the other endocrine glands. Peptides having morphine-like action (endogenous opiates) affect the perception of pain mechanisms. Vasopressin, oxytocin, corticotropin affect blood vessels, muscle contractions of the uterus, as well as the behavior, memory, motivation and learning.

The main function of the biologically active peptides is that they carry information about how to correct the cell must operate. With the development of nanotechnology has become possible to use ultra small peptides to monitor and restore the functioning of cells. Today, most of the peptides used in gerontology and cosmetology. But just around the corner, when drugs will be developed on the basis of peptides for the treatment of a variety of diseases.


The peptides in anti-aging

Gerontology - the science of aging. Here peptides open up broad prospects. On this basis, developed drugs that can slow the aging process. Such drugs are initially created to save the lives of people in extreme conditions (such as during war or disaster). Of course, all this is still very far from perfect, but the basis of this research has been made.

Suspiciously quickly responded to the survey data cosmetic industry. So, today, there are cosmetics containing peptides that are "forced" fibroblasts Fibroblasts: the mystery of the connective tissue  Fibroblasts: the mystery of the connective tissue
   the skin to produce collagen. As is known, human skin with age becomes less elastic and flexible, resulting in formation of wrinkles. Starting this process because connective tissue cells that are in the area of ​​the skin (fibroblasts) lose the ability to produce collagen and elastin - substances providing firmness. Drawing on the skin cosmetics peptides (since they are very small, it is free to droop into the deeper layers of the skin) causes the fibroblasts to work more actively, resulting in the skin becomes more elastic and young.

Peptides are added even in toothpaste and mouthwash - it prevents the development of caries. A gel with peptides treats gums - this is especially important, since it is the condition of the periodontal tissues depends on the state of our teeth.

Unfortunately, it is difficult to evaluate the true quality of cosmetic products. It is possible that some of them are really high quality, and the remaining products use the word "peptides" and "nanotechnology" only as an advertisement.

However, apparently, the peptides are of great interest to medicine in general and for the treatment of certain diseases in particular.

Galina Romanenko

Nanotechnology: Science Fiction in the service of the Ministry of Health? - Nanobot

August 6, 2009

  • Nanotechnology: Science Fiction in the service of the Ministry of Health?
  • Nanobot



Just imagine: the bloodstream sick person gets a perfect, almost intelligent device capable of self-reproducing, decision-making and complex manipulations. The size of the device is comparable with the magnitude of the virus or tumor cells - this means that the device is noticed and no misses. On the contrary, being close to the source of the disease, this wonderful mechanism can apply point, local strikes precisely in focus, without putting excessive load all the other organs and systems. A benefit of such a device for the purpose of research or diagnosis is impossible to overestimate.

But in fact, this technology even it is not necessary to provide that even kindergarten kids will say that we are talking about nanotechnology - the future of science, technology and medicine at the same time. Mankind has for decades dreams about nanotechnology, they are devoted to thousands of TV shows, hundreds of literary works, dozens of films ... But how these dreams are far from reality?

The first thing you should know - nanorobots does not exist yet. There are dozens of ideas and thousands of designs and millions of fantasies. Some scientists claim to have created the future of the nanorobot, or that "studies show confidence tends to further study," etc. In reality, a microscopic device yet. True, there are prototypes - rough similarity of the coming holiday fantasy. Most often they are still around "too much": too big, too inactive, too dysfunctional, too not nano.


What prevents scientists to create a functioning nanorobot?

Let's for a moment imagine that nanotechnology has long been in the service of all nations and doctors, for example, we are now witnessing in the surgery to remove a liver tumor. Chief surgeon - nanorobot. He is assisted by technology and programmers.

So, in order to neutralize the disease nanorobot must get inside the human body.

  • The first problem - the introduction and removal of the device. And in fact it is very small. Scientists have already determined: the programmed nanorobot enters the body through the circulatory system through the bloodstream moves "in place." After the task set is switched off ("dies") and together with the waste excreted from the body. This is a simple and very natural way.
  • The second problem - the number and coordination. The very meaning of nanotechnology - a very, very small devices. If you follow this logic and do not forget the nano-particle, one nanorobot has to be much smaller tumors, consisting of tens of thousands or even millions of cells. Hence, the small but smart and capable nanorobots should be a lot. How exactly? How will they coordinate their efforts with each other? Will they have markings, signal systems?
  • The third problem - reproduction. If part of the nanorobots will be lost during transport if they can reproduce the missing - replicated? Would not it be lost or corrupted data during copying?
  • Fourth problem - the size and equipment. If you think that the shoe a flea difficult, imagine how difficult it is equipped with manipulators, scanners and other tools device hundreds of times smaller than a flea. Shoe flea - easily. Where it was more difficult for her to forge horseshoes.
  • The problem fifth - navigation. Microscopic device - for their circulatory system is the whole universe. As they make their way? For some grid coordinates on any satellite? The living conditions of the patient, with the ever-changing vascular lumen, the movement of internal organs - invisible to the eye changes may be true cataclysms for the nanobots.
  • The problem sixth - material. Compatibility of a large number of nano-robots of different species and millions of potential patients, completely dissimilar people. How to make the nanorobot was quite alien element - that the body was not learned, but at the same time and was neutral - not to cause rejection?
  • Seventh problem - communication and control. How do people "in the outside world" will monitor the work of nanorobots? Will you need to decrypt the signal? How much time it will go away? Is it possible to be stopped immediately if necessary nanorobots - all or selected? Would it be possible to adjust their program during the job?
  • Problem eighth - energy and power. The tiny machine will have to overcome a huge way (for its size), make a lot of action and coordinate them as the center, and with "colleagues". That would give her energy? What will be the "fuel", which will launch the "engine"?

Even if all this sounds absolutely fantastic, think about it: something that he remembers the days when the Internet seemed a children's fairy tale ...

  Gregory Vesser

Article Tags:
  • Nanotechnology
