How to take mastodinon - only on prescription

February 5, 2012

 how to take mastodinon
 For information on how to take mastodinon written instructions. But in addition to the instructions there are many developments in the treatment of various hormonal disorders Hormonal disorders - oversupply and a lack of equally dangerous  Hormonal disorders - oversupply and a lack of equally dangerous
   mastodinon. Therefore, doctors do not always adhere to the instructions in the appointment of the drug.


Basic Principles on the Use mastodinon

Mastodinon issued in the form of tablets and drops of a German pharmaceutical kompaniemy Bionorica. How to plant and non-toxic drug with no significant side effects and contraindications, mastodinon acts slowly. All hormonal changes slowly change the state of the tissues of female genitals and mammary glands. Therefore, the main condition for the effectiveness mastodinon is its long-term use. Assign it is usually for a period of three to six months and more, applying throughout the menstrual cycle, including during menstrual bleeding. Mastodinon can be combined with other treatments and medications.

Important to regularly use mastodinon. This helps that it is taken twice a day, and women are able to choose the dosage form that it is more suitable (tablets or drops). Tablets are washed down with a little water, and take a drop, throwing water. Bottle with drops definitely shaken before use.


How to take mastodinon in mastopathy

Mastodinon help only at the initial stage of the disease - diffuse (spread) fibrocystic breast. In this case, the normalization of hormonal levels and reverse processes in the breast are well visible already after three months. A woman may notice improvement even earlier - and a half months.

Therefore, when mastopathies mastodinon usually prescribed on a tablet or 30 drops twice a day for three months. If the woman's condition has improved, but cyclical pain and engorgement it is still concerned, then at intervals of one to two months of treatment mastodinon reappointed. Such courses may be several, as long as women do not come persistent improvement. Of course, all must be treated only under medical supervision - this is very important because the breast Breast - the mirror Women's Health  Breast - the mirror Women's Health
   It is considered a precancerous condition and is required to notice the signs of a developing tumor.

When treating mastodinon woman should know that if after its cancellation symptoms reappear, the second course of treatment may appoint a doctor.


How to take mastodinon in the menstrual cycle at teenagers

When the menstrual cycle, it is important to begin treatment as early as possible, as soon as the girl's menstrual cycle is established. For example, there are studies on the application of mastodinon adolescent girls from 13 to 18 years. It is used for various problems: the inter-menstrual bleeding, prolonged and heavy menstrual bleeding in the absence of menstruation or scanty menstruation and premenstrual syndrome.

Adolescents with menstrual irregularities mastodinon appointed continuously for three months. At the same time recommended to prescribe vitamin therapy (vitamin E throughout the cycle, ascorbic acid - in the first phase of the cycle, folic acid Folic acid - the value is hard to overestimate  Folic acid - the value is hard to overestimate
   - In the second phase of the cycle) and a physiotherapy endonasal (nasal) galvanization with vitamin B1 and calcium chloride. On the appointed night sedatives.

After a course of treatment more than half of the girls' problems disappear. If this treatment does not help and the menstrual cycle is not restored, they later appointed correcting hormonal treatment.


How to take mastodinon in the menstrual cycle and infertility

Violations of the second (progesterone) phase of the menstrual cycle often lead to infertility. At the same time it is not necessary to begin treatment with hormones. Quite often, a regular intake mastodinon help cope with the problem.

In such cases mastodinon appointed for a longer period of three to six months, sometimes a year. The course can be either intermittent (three consecutive months with a break of one or two months) and continuous. With this course of treatment in about half of the women restored menstrual cycle and pregnancy occurs. For those who have not returned to normal menstrual cycle, hormonal therapy is prescribed.

Efficacy, safety and tolerability mastodinon allow you to assign it in the treatment of various gynecological diseases. But the primary use of the drug found in the treatment of diffuse mastopathy and menstrual disorders related to inadequate secretion of progesterone Progesterone - norm and pathology  Progesterone - norm and pathology

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • mastodinon

Chest pain when breathing: Requires access to a doctor

February 3, 2012

 chest pain when breathing
 Chest pain when breathing may indicate a disease of the lungs, pleura, heart, chest and some other diseases. Sometimes the patient worried about just such a pain and nothing else. To find out what and why it hurts, it is necessary to conduct a full examination.

 Chest pain when breathing: Requires access to a doctor

Contact with respiratory diseases

Chest pain when breathing often accompanies diseases such as severe (lobar) pneumonia and pleurisy (inflammation of the pleura - the serous membrane covering the lungs). It is a serious illness that requires hospital treatment.

When lobar pneumonia affects large part of the light - or the share of the segment, but the pain of breathing arise from the fact that in the inflammatory process always involves the pleura - there are many nerve endings. Lobar pneumonia is characterized by acute onset, high fever, dry cough, which turns into a cough with bloody sputum expectoration, severe.

Pleurisy can be an independent disease, occur in the form of dry or exudative pleurisy. In the dry pleurisy appears mild fever, cough, chest pain with a deep breath, fatigue, night sweats. Dry pleurisy can occur unnoticed, but maybe hard to escalate into exudative.

If pleural effusion in addition to chest pain when breathing appears increasing shortness of breath, and when the exudate becomes purulent - fever. To help such a patient can usually only remove the pleural cavity of the pus using pleural puncture.

 Chest pain when breathing: Requires access to a doctor

Chest pain when breathing associated with diseases of the cardiovascular system

Pain during breathing may be associated with heart disease, in the case where the inflammatory process involved in cardiac bag - the pericardium, covering the outside of the heart. Between two sheets of serous pericardium is pericardial. Inflammation can be acute or chronic, dry and exudative (with the accumulation of inflammatory fluid in the pericardial cavity).

But any type of pericarditis is characterized by pain in the heart, worse when breathing. Moreover, if the process is acute, the pain, and there are strong enough, they can sometimes be confused with even strokes. They differ from the pain of pericarditis pain in angina longer duration, lack of effect when taking nitroglycerin, increased pain during deep breathing and shortness of breath change of body position. Shortness of breath when dry pericarditis occurs because the patient breathe deeply hurt and his breathing becomes frequent and superficial. Often dry pericarditis, pericardial enters.

When pericardial effusion is increasing shortness of breath and she was dependent not only on the pain factor, but also by compression of fluid in the heart of the heart bag. It compresses not only the heart, but other organs adjacent (trachea, esophagus). Squeezing of the trachea leads to a call appearance of dry cough, against which the heart pain Pain in the heart - always consult a doctor  Pain in the heart - always consult a doctor
   enhanced. Compression of the esophagus is a violation of swallowing, compression of the nerves that innervate the larynx - violations pronunciation of sounds and even the complete absence of votes.

Chronic pericarditis begins slowly, accompanied by shortness of breath and pain in the heart, worse from deep breaths. All the symptoms of the disease is slowly increasing.

After recovery of pericarditis is often found that the pericardial adhesions formed Adhesions - how to get rid of them?  Adhesions - how to get rid of them?
 That interfere with cardiac activity, including the cause of pain when breathing deeply. The outcome may be calcification of the pericardium.

 Chest pain when breathing: Requires access to a doctor

Intercostal neuralgia

Intercostal neuralgia may develop from various causes. Often, it occurs in various diseases of the thoracic spine when infringed roots extending from the spinal cord nerves. But it can also have an inflammatory origin, such as colds, with the defeat of the intercostal nerve zoster virus, in some diseases of internal organs.

A sign of intercostal neuralgia is the pain of a permanent nature along the edges, worse in different movements, including when breathing. In the places where the intercostal nerves to the surface can be determined in terms of increased sensitivity.

Treatment of intercostal neuralgia Neuralgia - the scourge of the elderly  Neuralgia - the scourge of the elderly
   It depends The cause. In any case, to reduce pain appointed non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs both internally and externally (if no rash on the skin) - diclofenac voltaren Voltaren - relieve inflammation and pain  Voltaren - relieve inflammation and pain
 , Nise and so on.

Pain in the chest when breathing depend on various reasons, to understand that only a doctor can.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • chest pain
