How to treat breast cancer? Treatment is individually designed by a variety of specially developed methods. They are used in a different combination - it depends on disease stage, tumor size, presence or absence of metastasis to nearby lymph nodes and distant organs.
Basic principles
Treatment of breast cancer (breast cancer - breast cancer) can be curative or palliative. Radical treatment of cancer
Cancer Treatment - difficult, but necessary
Breast - a combination of radical surgery and adjuvant (auxiliary) treatment in the form of radiation therapy, chemotherapy, hormonal therapy or immunotherapy. Radical treatment is carried out when there is a chance to get rid of the tumor in its early stages (from zero to the second stage).
If the tumor has grown into much surrounding tissue (for example, in the chest wall) or has metastasized to distant organs, rather than curative treatment palliative held, the purpose of which is to improve the quality of life of the sick woman and the extension of its life.
Radical treatment of breast cancer
This treatment involves a radical (completely remove the tumor) operations in conjunction with the treatment that kills or inhibits the development of possibly remaining after the removal of the cancerous cells.
Radical surgery - it is usually radical mastectomy - removal of the breast along with regional (nearby) lymph nodes and surrounding tissue. This can be removed and pectoral muscle, which is located on the mammary gland, but this phase of the operation is carried out only if the tumor grows into the chest muscles.
At the initial stages of the disease can sometimes be carried out radical sectoral resection - removal of the tumor from the surrounding tissue and regional lymph nodes. But this kind of operation is performed less often, since recurrences after more common than after radical mastectomy.
Adjuvant treatment in the early stages of the disease most often consists in carrying out radiation therapy. Sometimes it is a course of chemotherapy. When hormone-dependent tumors (if the tumor receptors found female sex hormones) being treated, the inhibitory effect of hormones.
Palliative treatment of breast cancer
Palliative treatment of breast cancer
Ten myths about the diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer
chosen individually and depends on the spread of the tumor and the symptoms of the disease. In this case, the operations are not radical and conducted only in the case where they can bring relief woman. For example, if too much of the tumor compresses the surrounding tissues, causing pain and circulatory disorders.
Large tumors with disintegration on the surface of the breast is removed together with surrounding tissues and regional lymph nodes. This is a radical mastectomy is not nature, but can reduce the pain, suppress bleeding and slow the spread of distant metastases.
After palliative surgery sometimes prescribe a course of radiation therapy or medical treatment. Drug treatment may be performed as to suppress the growth and spread of tumors (chemotherapy, hormonal therapy, immunotherapy), and as a symptomatic therapy that eliminates certain disease symptoms.
Influence of lifestyle and nutrition for breast cancer
Lifestyle and nutrition have a significant impact on the course of breast cancer, as this disease is closely related to metabolic disorders in the cells. Healthy life style, without the high physical and neuropsychiatric loads, stresses, but with moderate physical activity (sedentary Down!), In conjunction with proper nutrition
Proper nutrition - the basic precepts of healthy food
able to prevent the development of cancer recurrence and improve the condition of women.
Nutrition in breast cancer should exclude products of which are synthesized in the body of the female sex hormones. First of all, fatty meat - it has to be ruled out entirely, and lean red meat (beef, pork, lamb) limit, replacing it with low-fat poultry. Exclude must also all fatty foods of animal origin, replacing them with vegetable oil. From the diet of women with breast cancer should be excluded digestible carbohydrates (sweets and pastries), coffee, cocoa and chocolate.
Useful saltwater fish, seafood, vegetables, fruits, cereals, bread from wheat flour. Of all cereals are most useful soy products - soy has anti-cancer properties.
The combination of surgical and adjuvant treatment, a healthy lifestyle and good nutrition can help women overcome breast cancer
Breast cancer: what every woman needs to know
and lead a full life.
Galina Romanenko
Article Tags:
- treatment of breast cancer