Breast cancer - stage cancer - I degree

June 17, 2013

  • Breast cancer - stage cancer
  • Grade I
  • Grade II
  • Grade III
  • Grade IV

 Breast Cancer I degree

Breast Cancer I level (stage) - the disease has only just begun

Breast Cancer I level well treated, so experts are making maximum efforts to detect cancer at this stage, or even at zero, non-invasive. But it is not so simple, because breast cancer is initially asymptomatic. Detection of cancer at an early stage is impossible without the participation of the woman.

 Grade I | Breast cancer - stage cancer

Why is it so important to find breast cancer at an early stage

Breast cancer is best to identify at zero noninvasive stage when cancer cells has not "plucked strength" and unable to penetrate into the surrounding healthy tissue. This is called non-invasive cancer or carcinoma in situ (in place of its occurrence). In this case, the location of the tumor only atypical cells, which, in general, may be a little different from the surrounding healthy cells.

A non-invasive lobular carcinoma presented intraepithelial carcinoma Carcinoma - how to prevent disaster?  Carcinoma - how to prevent disaster?
   (cancer cells are formed as a result of mutations of glandular cells of the breast) or ductal intraepithelial carcinoma (tumor cells - the result of mutations in the epithelial cells of the ducts of the breast). It is believed that at this stage immunity can still cope with the disease - immune cells destroy cancer cells. But it does not always happen, sometimes the cancer cells become more aggressive, multiply rapidly, drawn into the tumor and invade the surrounding tissue - invasive cancer begins.

At this stage, the tumor can not be seen on the probe or ultrasound, it can be detected only by mammography Mammography - protection against breast cancer  Mammography - protection against breast cancer
   or magnetic resonance tomography.

If treat the tumor at this stage, it will never relapse - is impossible. Another thing is that the cancer can begin in another place, as for its development were some predisposing factors. And here is a great deal depends on the woman - is required to completely overhaul your lifestyle and make adjustments to it. In addition, a woman needs to have a lifelong vigilance against cancer and undergo regular inspection.

 Grade I | Breast cancer - stage cancer

Breast Cancer I level (stage) - the spread of the tumor and its symptoms

Cancer stage I - this is an invasive cancer, its cells may spread to the surrounding tissues, but yet they only accumulate at the site of origin and form a tumor with a diameter of 2 cm. This cancer is difficult to distinguish cancer following, IIa stage when the tumor is 2 cm in diameter and even less can metastasize Metastasis - danger everywhere  Metastasis - danger everywhere
   to regional (nearby) lymph nodes. Such changes may initially be in the nature of micrometastases, are visible only when the laboratory study of tissue, which may carry out after the removal of lymph nodes, ie radical mastectomy surgery.

Generally, nodal stage I cancer appears only as a small nodule in the mammary gland.

Mastitopodobnogo symptoms of breast cancer are the initial symptoms of mastitis - redness and swelling of the breast. When rozhepodobnom cancer redness and swelling on the skin of the breast has a tongue-shaped edge. And in fact, and in another case, the disease does not respond to antibiotics - that this feature makes it possible to suspect cancer. In cancer, Paget's disease (cancer of the breast nipple) on the nipple may appear not passing scratches or cracks.

Sometimes breast cancer appear moderate aching pain in the back between the shoulder blades or in the sternum, not associated with movements and breathing - this feature should also cause suspicion in relation to breast cancer.

Symptoms of breast cancer stage I usually do not differ in clarity and certainty. Therefore mammologists recommended to seek medical help at occurrence of any changes in the breast.

 Grade I | Breast cancer - stage cancer

Diagnosis of breast cancer stage I

After a medical examination to confirm the diagnosis or removal of breast cancer (breast cancer) conducted the following studies:

  • breast ultrasound (US) - with the help of this study can be found in breast tumors larger than 2 cm in diameter, and diffuse changes in breast tissue; to distinguish benign from malignant neoplasm carried ultrasound elastography - a method to determine the nature of the fabric for its degree of elasticity;
  • X-ray examinations of the breast and the milk ducts - and ductography mammography; These methods allow to identify more subtle changes in the breast;
  • aspiration biopsy - biopsy specimens for laboratory testing of tumors under ultrasound; punctate in cells trying to identify abnormal cells (cells differ from healthy tissue) specific to cancer Malignant tumor: cells are mad  Malignant tumor: cells are mad
  • in some cases to confirm the diagnosis is carried out magnetic resonance imaging - this study allows you to fully confirm or refute the diagnosis of breast cancer.

Mammography - protection against breast cancer - Types

October 5, 2008

  • Mammography - protection against breast cancer
  • Kinds

Does it make sense to carry out mammograms for all women

Mammography is skrinningovym (for mass screening) method for early detection of cancer and pre-cancerous breast disease. With regular and timely conduct a study of breast cancer with mammography can be detected at an early stage.

On the need for regular mammograms talked about in the sixties of the last century, when we have learned to treat breast cancer Breast cancer: what every woman needs to know  Breast cancer: what every woman needs to know
   in the early stages. But this has not led to a decrease in mortality from cancer, as most patients start treatment in a state of neglect, which can not be cured. That is why women over 40 years (and especially after 45-50 years) recommended annual mammography, since this is the age most common breast cancer.

 Forms | Mammography - protection against breast cancer

X-ray equipment for mammography

Mammography is performed on a mammogram is a special x-ray machines, which can be not only a picture, but also to biological material sampling for laboratory testing. This material is extracted puncture (puncture).

On a mammogram have a special stand for placement of the breast. After the breast is placed on the stand, it is covered with a special top plate, and then the picture is taken. Pass this procedure is completely painless, while exposure is insignificant and has no negative impact on health.

The pictures are usually carried out in two different angles (projections). If necessary, an additional sighting make images of individual sections cancer.

Mammography is contraindicated only in pregnancy and breastfeeding Breast-feeding: feed - and no nails!  Breast-feeding: feed - and no nails!

 Forms | Mammography - protection against breast cancer

Types of Mammography

  • Preventive and Diagnostic

Preventive mammography routine inspection carried out at the women all in a row (screening) to identify tumors and precancerous diseases of the breast that can not probe. These tumors occur most often in women in the second half of life. Therefore, healthy women are advised to take a picture of breast cancer at age 40, and the other images are then compared them with experts. After that, the pictures worth doing once every two years, and after 50-55 years - once a year.

Diagnostic mammograms are doing on prescription-mammalogy women who complain of pain in the breast, seal them, nipple discharge, any changes in the nipple, etc.

Mammography is produced from the 5th to 12th day of your period, counting from its first day. Radiation exposure is very low at the same time, there are no complications can cause.

  • Digital Mammography

Currently there digital mammography examination which is especially effective in women with a high density of the mammary glands. The method differs from classical mammography so that the image can be seen on the computer, it can be processed using a variety of diagnostic programs. In digital mammography is better visible fine details of the structure of the breast The structure of the human mammary gland  The structure of the human mammary gland
 . It is important also that the picture can be saved to your computer, and then compare it with the following pictures.

  • Pneumocystography

If the mammogram detected breast cyst Cyst of the breast - a sign of hormonal trouble  Cyst of the breast - a sign of hormonal trouble
 Then the doctor prescribes pneumocystography. Pneumocystography - one of the methods of X-ray examination of the breast (mammography), designed to detect breast cysts. First performed puncture (puncture) and cyst aspiration of its contents (it is sent to the laboratory for analysis), then the cyst is filled with gas and make X-ray images in direct and lateral projections. In the picture can be seen the inner surface of the cyst and possible changes in it. Introduced gas self-absorbed 7-10 days. Pneumocystography also has a therapeutic effect.

Mammography - simple, accurate and safe method. All these features allow you to use as a screening method, covering a large number of women and to identify cancer in its early stages - when else can prevent tragic consequences.

Remember: even if a mammogram, there were no disease picture should be protected, because in the future all the images will be compared with each other.

  Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • mammography
