The seal in the breast - a cause for concern
September 2, 2014
- The seal in the breast - a cause for concern
- What to do
Even a very small lump in the breast in any woman will cause a strong and well-founded concerns. In most cases, the seal in the mammary gland, especially in young women, are not signs of cancer
Fifteen signs of cancer that women ignore
And, nevertheless, if they are detected as soon as possible need to undergo a medical examination. Only a doctor can determine the nature of tumors in the breast and decide you need a special treatment, or not.
Reasons seals in the mammary gland
Physiological seal some women appear on certain days of each menstrual cycle (most often - a few days before the beginning of the month), others - only occasionally. There are women who are generally unfamiliar with seals.
Physiological seals are the norm and are often accompanied by symptoms such as increased sensitivity and breast tenderness. They are soon after the start of menstruation.
Fibroadenoma - a benign seal in the breast, which is especially common in women under the age of 40 years. They are the result of excessive growth of connective tissues and glands in the breast. By touch fibroadenoma is a round, firm and usually painless induration in the mammary gland. They usually do not cause significant discomfort, and their growth may eventually stop by itself. After menopause fibroadenoma may start to decrease or even disappear completely.
A cyst in the breast - is a fluid-filled cavity. These tumors are most common among women of premenopausal age, but there are also representatives from other age groups. When the pressure on the brush, they can move slightly; pain while not usually occur. Cysts may become particularly large for about two weeks before menses and postmenses they decrease so that the patient often can not find them. For the treatment of breast cyst aspiration used - a procedure in which fluid from a cyst output by a thin hollow needle. About three out of ten cysts after a while once again filled with fluid, and you want to re-conduct of aspiration.
Infections. Seal caused by infection of the breast in women - a fairly common phenomenon during lactation. Some of the channels along which the milk can be blocked, and if the crack through the nipple penetrate bacteria or other pathogens in the breast can form abscess
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. Seals in the chest, which was caused by an infection, sometimes there are women who do not breastfeed.
Breast - a fairly common disorder, which is characterized by the formation of seals in the mammary gland, and sometimes chest pain
Chest pain is one symptom - a lot of diseases
and abnormal discharge from the nipple. A sign of mastitis can be a rather large single tumor and diffuse seal breast. In the latter case, a few small, scattered seals, which are not always to be found in self-examination.
Breast adipose tissue damage sometimes leads to the seals. Typically, over time, they are in themselves, but in some cases they have to be surgically removed.
Lipoma - a benign tumor that forms in the adipose tissue. Special treatment of lipomas required only if it is a very large seal in the mammary gland, causing pain or discomfort.
Breast cancer. The most common malignant tumor of the breast - is a small and sickly seal in the mammary gland, which initially causes less concern than, for example, large fibroadenomas. Typically, these seals are inactive - with the feeling seems to be that they grow in dense tissue and, in general, the impression is false. In addition to tumors in breast cancer may experience symptoms such as nipple discharge and inflammation of the breast skin. The probability that the tumor is cancerous in the breast may be improved by the presence of one or more of the following factors:
- Age. The risk of developing breast cancer increases significantly after 40-45 years, although this does not mean that at an earlier age lump in the breast are not a cause for concern;
- Personal history. If a woman has previously had breast cancer, it is likely that the future tumor in the breast begin to grow again. The risk of developing breast cancer increased in women, whose breast during radiotherapy
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It was irradiated (whether conducted radiotherapy for the treatment of breast cancer or other cancer species);
- Genetic factors. In 5-10% of cases of breast cancer associated with congenital genetic changes.
Seal the breast of the child should be mentioned separately. Children lumpy breasts are rare, and the vast majority of them are benign, most often - fibroadenoma. Very rarely, these tumors are large filloidnymi tumors that begin to grow very quickly. In such cases, usually recommended as soon as possible to carry out a biopsy - is the most accurate method of diagnosis to determine the nature of the tumor. It should be noted that although breast cancer occurs in children and adolescents rarely, they often it is more aggressive, and worse treatment than the adults. When choosing a method of treatment of this type of cancer in children doctors try to take into account, among other things, fertility problems, which may occur in the future due to the use of certain therapies.
Myths and facts about seals in the mammary gland
- Any seal in the chest with a high probability of cancer. In fact, 8 out of 10 in the mammary gland seals are benign. Most of these tumors are fibroadenoma and cysts. However, independently determine the cyst or cancer is impossible.
- If a mammogram or ultrasound showed that the tumor benign, all right. Sometimes seals, which some time ago were benign, develop into cancerous tumors. The probability of this is low, but women who have benign tumors in the breast is more likely to pass the test.
- Cancerous tumors in the breast is always painless. Not necessary. Although most of these tumors do not cause pain (until the later stages of the disease), painful nodule in the breast may also be cancer.
- Neoplasms which have appeared during breastfeeding may not be cancerous. The probability of developing cancer during lactation actually lower than normal, but it is still not excluded.
- Girls and young women are no breast cancer. Breast cancer is not only the girls, but also young girls - though, of course, they it is much rarer than in women older than 50 years.
- Young seals are less malignant than larger tumors. In fact, both cancerous and benign tumors may be of any size.
- If you notice a new seal shortly after an ultrasound or mammogram, it is possible not to rush to the survey. Consult your doctor, even if you have found a new knot in my chest the day after the US. Medical imaging methods are accurate but not perfect, and the doctor can not observe tumor including malignant.
- The seal, probably not malignant, if your relatives had breast cancer. It is very common, and it is a misconception. In fact, only 15% of women diagnosed with cancer of the breast, a family history of this disease.
Aevitum when mastitis: prescribe courses
May 27, 2012
Aevitum is composed of vitamins A and E in large doses. Both of these vitamins have a positive impact on the state of the mammary glands and hormones of women. Therefore Aevitum mammology widely used in the treatment of hormonal diseases such as mastitis.
Hormonal breast disease
Hormonal breast disease primarily relates mastopathy
Breast - the mirror Women's Health
-razrastanie In the mammary gland of connective tissue to form at the ends of ducts of small cysts filled with fluid. Such violations in the breast can cause inflammation of the genital organs of women, abrupt hormonal disorders during the abortion, stress and so on. The formation of mastitis contributes to increasing the number of female sex hormones estrogen and progesterone decrease in the number. Breast can be diffuse (uniform distribution characteristic changes in both breasts) and nodular (with formation of large nodes).
Typical manifestations of diffuse mastopathy (it is usually the initial stage of the disease) is the feeling of engorgement and breast pain during the second half of the menstrual cycle. Pain can range from minor to very strong. Nodal mastopathy is characterized by the fact that almost no woman and there is often a random finding during prophylactic examinations.
Identify and treat mastitis, and in the initial stage of a watching. This is necessary due to the fact that the mastitis (especially nodes) are considered a precancerous condition.
Of great importance to restore hormonal levels and the state of the mammary glands is the normalization of metabolic processes in the body. This is achieved by using lacto-vegetarian food, vitamins, treatment of dysbiosis, recovery of all parts of the digestive system, improve overall motor activity combined with good rest. In the process of observation and treatment of women suffering from breast, identified and being treated all processes that can adversely affect the metabolism
Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting
. If adopted nodular breast, the woman recommended surgery to remove it.
As vitamins A and E act on the mammary gland
Vitamins A and E, primarily are antioxidants, i.e. prevent toxic damage cells, including cells of the glandular tissue. It is on the site of damaged cells of glandular tissue proliferating cells of the connective tissue that contributes to the development of mastitis. Furthermore, both contribute to vitamin hormonal regulation and ratio between estrogen and progesterone
Progesterone - norm and pathology
. And as hormonal disorders are a major cause of mastitis, breast condition improves.
Vitamin A prevents increased keratinization of the skin and mucous membranes, including in the field of breast ducts. Obstruction of the ducts of the mammary glands of exfoliated epithelial cells leads to the formation of cysts filled with fluid. The formation of cysts also contributes to increased permeability of small blood vessels (capillaries) - a process prevents vitamin E.
Overall Aevitum
Aevitum - for the treatment, rather than prevention
positive effect on the glandular breast tissue and prevents the further development of mastitis.
As prescribed in mastopathy Aevitum
Aevitum usually prescribed as part of an integrated treatment of one capsule a day for a month. Such courses may be repeated twice a year. Longer treatment or taking high doses of Aevitum contraindicated because of what may develop signs of overdose or chronic intoxication Aevitum vitamins A and E.
But nobody forbids women with mastopathy constantly eating foods rich in vitamins A and E - overdose of natural vitamins contained in foods does not happen.
Vitamin A is found only in animal products: butter, liver, meat, oily fish, etc. The precursor of vitamin A (provitamin A or beta-carotene) found in vegetable products. A lot of it in carrots, apricots, pumpkin. Vitamin E is contained in vegetable oils, nuts.
What happens if you take a large dose of Aevitum
It will be an overdose. Depending on the initial condition of the body (the content of fat-soluble vitamins) signs a small overdose can develop even when taking two capsules Aevitum. In this case, the first to show signs of vitamin A overdose include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, double vision, headaches, liver enlargement in violation of its function, exacerbation of cholelithiasis. When these signs need to interrupt the use of Aevitum and seek medical advice.
Aevitum has positive effects on the mammary gland, but it is dangerous overdose.
Galina Romanenko