The world of plants today are not fully understood. Among the huge number of plants with medicinal properties, there are others that can affect the hormonal system of women. The structure mastodinon has six plants, could affect the synthesis and interaction of hormones.
Features action mastodinon tablets
The composition of the tablets mastodinon includes six herbal drugs and excipients, including milk sugar (lactose), potato starch and magnesium stearate. Due to the presence in tablets mastodinon milk sugar, receiving them is not suitable for all women.
This happens because some people missing or is produced in a small amount of enzyme which transforms milk sugar - lactase. It may be an innate feature of an organism, and may develop on the background of some diseases of the digestive system. In any case, if the intake of pills mastodinon appear abdominal pain
Abdominal pain: Types and Symptoms
and bloating (flatulence) is a sense to switch to a reception mastodinon other dosage form - drops from which auxiliary substances is present only alcohol.
The rest of the pills and drops mastodinon identical. This drug inhibits the production of prolactin - a hormone of the pituitary gland, a large amount of blood which causes suppression of secretion of female sex hormone progesterone
Progesterone - norm and pathology
, Menstrual irregularities, infertility and various pathological changes in the mammary glands. As a result, in a woman's hormonal balance is restored, and the beginning of lesions regress.
When appointed mastodinon pills, and when they are contraindicated
Tablets mastodinon appoint a long-term treatments for the following violations of a woman's body:
- in the menstrual cycle and infertility which occur in deficiency of the second phase of the menstrual cycle, that is, when there is insufficient secretion of the female hormone progesterone;
- in diffuse mastopathy - uniform increase in mammary glands due to its proliferation and the formation of ducts at their ends of small cysts;
- premenstrual syndrome - a condition associated with a lack of progesterone in which a woman a month before menstruation changes drastically mental state (there is irritability
Irritability - you try to control my temper
, Aggressiveness), there are severe headaches, swelling, pain in the abdomen and in the breast.
Contraindications pills mastodinon are individual intolerance of components, pregnancy, breast-feeding
Breastfeeding - a personal choice
chest and under the age of 12 years. Do not prescribe pills mastodinon well as enzymatic deficiency and breast cancer.
Side effects that may occur while taking pills and overdosing mastodinon
Mastodinon tablets are usually well tolerated, but still in its reception may have side effects. The major side effects associated with the presence tablets plants K. prostrata, which is the main active ingredient.
K. prostrata has long been used for the treatment of gynecological diseases, to this end, it has appointed Hippocrates. Then it became known and its side effects on the central nervous system, which manifests itself in the form of increased physical and mental excitability, headaches, confusion, sometimes the appearance of hallucinations. But a side effect of the therapeutic dose mastodinon occurs rarely.
Side effects tablets mastodinon the gastro-intestinal tract (abdominal pain and bloating) are associated with the presence in the dosage form of lactose - some women can not tolerate simple sugars because of the lack of enzymes for their processing.
Another side effect of the tablets mastodinon may be allergic reactions - the contents of six tablets herbal preparations significantly increases the risk of allergic reactions. The latter may take the form of allergic rashes, including urticaria, which in severe cases can proceed in angioneurotic edema subcutaneous tissue with grasping the larynx. This in turn can cause respiratory disorders. Therefore, the appearance of the first allergy tablet mastodinon overturned.
Mastodinon overdose usually does not happen.
Tablets mastodinon - it's effective, but fairly slow-acting homeopathic medicine. A dosage form in tablet form is preferred by many women as convenient to use.
Galina Romanenko