Causes of breast cancer is still not finalized. Breast cancer is the most studied cancers and well-known factors that contribute to the development of this disease. The problem is that the presence of these factors in a woman's life does not mean that it will necessarily develop cancer. Just as the absence of predisposing factors does not guarantee getting rid of breast cancer.
What you need to know the factors that predispose to the development of breast cancer
Women who know these factors can largely protect themselves from breast cancer. If any factor can not be excluded, it creates suspicion as a result of which the woman would regularly visit the doctor and cancer can be detected early on. But early-stage breast cancer can be treated well - there are elaborate methods of treatment of this disease and prevent its recurrence.
So know the main factors predisposing to the development of breast cancer, it is necessary for every woman.
Factor first - heredity
The presence of this factor creates the highest risk of breast cancer. It has long been observed that if the next of kin of women (mother, sister, grandmother, aunt) was diagnosed with breast cancer
Breast cancer: what every woman needs to know
, The risk of developing this disease it is increased by several times. In recent years, it was found that the cause of this particular gene is present in these women and is inherited.
However, the presence in the body of the gene responsible for the development of breast cancer, it does not mean necessarily that the woman will develop cancer. Matter and other predisposing factors, as well as yet unknown to science reasons.
The second factor - hormones
Elevated blood levels of the female sex hormones estrogen and is a predisposing factor for the development of breast cancer. Under the influence of estrogen develops fibrocystic breast disease
Breast - the mirror Women's Health
And its components can be reborn in the form of cancer, although this happens rarely.
The high content of estrogen in the blood is often the cause of breast cancer at a young age - this is usually the most aggressive forms of cancer. Long-term use of hormonal contraceptives (minimal risk of their use - 2 years) and long-term hormone replacement therapy in menopause also increases the risk of developing breast cancer.
Increasing weight is a risk factor for breast cancer because of the fact that fat cells produce estrogen. Therefore, all endocrine diseases (hypothyroidism, diabetes mellitus
Diabetes - threatening and incurable disease
and so forth) of obesity, are also risk factors
The third factor - the age and condition of the reproductive system
In most developing breast cancer of age 55 to 65 years. And only 10% of women the disease begins before the age of 30 years (but is at the same time severe course). The risk of developing breast cancer increases by an average of 40% for women who were giving birth to the first abortion, and if the first pregnancy and childbirth have been after 25 years. The greater the abortion rate, the higher the risk of developing breast cancer.
What matters is the connection with the age of the menstrual cycle of women. Contributing factors are early (before 12 years) menarche (menarche), late (after age 55) menopause and menopause long (almost 80% of women with breast cancer have a variety of menopausal disorders).
The fourth factor - ionizing radiation
Ionizing radiation can significantly increase the risk of developing breast cancer in the next few decades. This risk arises from women living in areas with high radiation or undergoing radiation therapy (for example, in the treatment of cancer). Thus, the dose 100-fold increased risk of breast cancer three times.
What are some other factors that predispose to the development of breast cancer
The causes of breast cancer may be associated with long-term smoking and alcohol abuse. It is found that daily consumption of 50 ml of alcohol increases the risk of developing breast cancer 1, 4-1, 7 times.
Twice the risk of developing breast cancer in women
Breast cancer in women - one of the most frequent localizations
Suffering from malignant tumors of the uterus and the ovaries.
What if a woman enters the risk of developing breast cancer
Therefore women are encouraged to:
- regular self;
- examination by a specialist, since the age of twenty;
- Annual performance of mammography (breast X-ray) and ultrasound breast, starting from 25-30 years;
- blood test CA 125 - oncomarker allowing detect cancer in early stages.
Galina Romanenko