Treatment of mastitis - conservative or surgical? - Folk remedies

April 30, 2013

  • Treatment of mastitis - conservative or surgical?
  • Chest pain
  • Therapies
  • Conservative treatment
  • Folk remedies

 breast treatment of folk remedies

Treatment folk remedies

Effective treatment of mastitis is small enough - this is a common phenomenon that causes chest pain Chest pain is one symptom - a lot of diseases  Chest pain is one symptom - a lot of diseases
   and the formation of benign tumors, rarely treated with medication. In most cases, it helps alleviate the symptoms of mastitis treatment of folk remedies.


  • One of the most effective tool in the fight with the unpleasant symptoms of mastitis - evening primrose oil, medicinal plants, used for centuries in folk medicine. To suppress the symptoms of mastitis is recommended to take daily at least three grams of evening primrose oil.
  • The best method of treatment of mastitis in the home - to change the diet: a diet based on foods with low fat and high in fiber. Excess hormones produced, including, and adipose tissue of the body, provokes painful symptoms of mastitis Breast - Symptoms: When should I see a doctor?  Breast - Symptoms: When should I see a doctor?
 . Thus, the rejection of fat (eg, meat and dairy products with high fat content) helps to successfully deal with mastopathy. Soy foods help normalize hormone levels, balance the excess estrogen, so such products in the diet should be as much as possible.
  • Reduce the sensitivity of the breast, especially in the period before the onset of menstruation, it helps herb Vitex sacred - a medicinal plant for years been used in folk medicine for the treatment of diseases affecting women is. Every morning you should take forty drops of extract of Vitex in a glass of water.
  • To relieve pain caused mastopathy, can be used with hot compresses castor oil. Soak a clean cloth in castor oil, cold pressed and cover her chest, and on top put a hot compress on the twenty to thirty minutes. Do hot compresses can be as often as required.
  • Another indispensable tool in the fight against mastopathy - iodine, which neutralizes the effect of estrogen Estrogen - the key to bone health  Estrogen - the key to bone health
   on mammary tissue. Iodine in kind found in many vegetables and seaweed. Furthermore, iodine can be taken in capsule form.
  • In some cases, alleviate the symptoms of mastitis and makes something as simple as giving up caffeine. Reducing the amount of salt in the diet - especially before the onset of menstruation, when the breast is swollen and become sensitive - also helps with particularly unpleasant symptoms of mastitis. Very useful in the treatment of mastitis vitamin and mineral supplements - vitamins A, B, E, villages.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • disease of the breast

Diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer: what can be done - Myths and Facts

January 20, 2008

  • Diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer: what can be done
  • Myths and Facts

 Diagnosis treatment of breast cancer facts

Ten myths about the diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer

Myth: Breast cancer is always accompanied by the presence of the seals

Fact: While mammary gland seal and in fact may be a sign of breast cancer (and other diseases), it is observed not all women who were subsequently diagnosed a serious disease.

Myth: Mammograms with absolute precision allows to detect breast cancer at an early stage

Fact: According to experts, a mammogram reveals breast cancer is only 85% - 90% of cases. Although the vast majority of breast abnormalities can indeed be detected by mammography, some anomalies impossible to detect. For example, the abnormality sometimes goes unnoticed for the reason that the surrounding breast tissue have the same density as the abnormal tissue. If you find a lump or any other change in the breast and mammography has given a negative result (not confirmed the presumptive diagnosis), you should still see a doctor and undergo a complete examination to determine whether the tumor is not cancerous.

Myth: nipple discharge - one of the signs of breast cancer

Fact: in most cases, isolation of the breast are not yet indicate the presence of malignancy. Unexplained allocation (opaque or transparent, breast consistency) appear about 20% of women, so it's not so rare. Approximately 60% of women are discharge from the nipple appear during self-examination of the breast. As a rule, transparent, white, yellow or greenish discharge does not indicate the presence of breast cancer. But bloody or watery discharge Watery discharge: Signs rules and conditions  Watery discharge: Signs rules and conditions
   already considered an anomaly, but only 10% of such abnormal discharge is a sign of breast cancer Signs of breast cancer - unusual manifestations  Signs of breast cancer - unusual manifestations
 . In most cases, spotting Spotting - it is important to rule out pathology  Spotting - it is important to rule out pathology
   caused by the presence of non-malignant warts.

Myth: Most breast cancer - a death sentence

Fact: Yes, breast cancer is indeed the second largest cause of death for women (after lung cancer), but this diagnosis does not mean that you are doomed to die. Approximately 80% of women who heard the diagnosis, no metastases (ie, the cancer has not spread to nearby organs and lymph nodes). Approximately 80% of these 80% after the detection of the disease live at least another foot of years, and many much longer. Even patients with metastases can live a few more years. In addition, we should not forget about the rapid progress in the treatment of this disease.

Myth: If breast cancer diseased breast removed

Fact: Cancer Treatment Cancer Treatment - difficult, but necessary  Cancer Treatment - difficult, but necessary
   Breast really in many cases involves surgery. However, gentle treatment of breast cancer (breast tumor removal, followed by radiation therapy) is increasingly used for the treatment of breast cancer at an early stage (such as ductal carcinoma in situ).

Myth: Mastectomy ensures complete protection against the development of breast cancer in the future

Fact: mastectomy (removal of the affected breast disease) does not guarantee complete protection against the disease in the future. Some women relapse of breast cancer in situ after mastectomy scar. Also, it does not exclude the possibility that the disease has had time to spread to lymph nodes or other organs of the body, in which case one is not enough to treat mastectomy. It is also important to remember that breast tissue extends to the neck, under the arms and placed on the chest, so that even after a mastectomy some of their number still remains. Mastectomy really significantly reduces the likelihood of a recurrence RG, but this possibility exists as long as the woman's body is the breast tissue.

Myth: The elderly women do not have to take the full course of therapy

Fact: The mortality rate of older women suffering from WG is growing steadily, which can be explained by the fact that many older women neglect treatment after diagnosis. Although older women the disease develops slowly, it takes an aggressive and rapidly spreads to other organs of the body.

Myth: lack of RG within five after the diagnosis of the disease is full recovery

Fact: Although some types of cancer five years of life after diagnosis and treatment actually means recovery, WP is not concerned. WG relapse probability is particularly high in the first two years after treatment, but this disease can develop again at any time and anywhere over a period of time no matter how many years have passed from the time of diagnosis.

Myth: positive thinking prolongs life after breast cancer treatment

Fact: optimism and a positive attitude to the disease significantly improves quality of life, but there is no evidence to show that positive thinking increases the chances of survival. Sometimes, however, optimistic - the only thing left in the face of illness, the only thing that makes getting up in the morning. But feelings of sadness, anger and fear is absolutely natural in the case of disease WG. Flashy or false optimism only exacerbates loneliness and hinders the fight against the disease. Do not kid yourself and others, do not hide their true feelings and be sure to take the support of loved ones.

Article Tags:
  • treatment of breast cancer
