One of the most frequent cancer in women is breast cancer. The consequences of this disease can be divided into the complications of the disease and the effects of its treatment. Modern medicine in general, and to cope with that, and with the other.
The consequences in the form of complications
Breast cancer (BC) is developing in the glandular tissue or milk ducts, it can compress and destroy these tissues, as well as located in this area blood vessels and nerves. This can cause a variety of bleeding and pain.
In addition, the malignant tumor can always join the inflammatory process, especially if there is a violation of the integrity of the skin (for example, if there are sores on the skin). Inflammation of the breast called mastitis and can greatly complicate the disease.
Metastasis - danger everywhere
malignant tumors in distant organs and tissues in these organs can also develop complications. Metastases to the lungs - inflammation of the respiratory organs, with metastases to the liver - a violation of its functions, with bone metastases - pain and bone fractures, with metastases to the brain - headache, impaired consciousness, seizures, hearing, vision, with metastases in the spinal cord - fecal incontinence and urine.
With all these complications of breast cancer patients were symptomatic treatment, which in most cases leads to a better quality of life.
Complications after surgery for breast cancer
The most common breast cancer surgery is performed removal of the breast along with nearby lymph nodes. Removal of the breast often causes women psychological trauma. Therefore, the doctor usually explains that in the first months after the operation the woman can wear a prosthesis, and then, after the rehabilitation of the behavior can be plastic surgery that completely restore the appearance of the breast.
After removal of the axillary lymph nodes
Axillary lymph nodes - signals about trouble in the mammary glands
possible violation of lymphatic drainage, which leads to swelling and limited mobility hand. This is correctable - the doctor will give a special set of exercises, through which it will be possible to restore movement in the hand and fully or partially remove puffiness.
Complications of radiotherapy and chemotherapy for breast cancer
After radiotherapy and chemotherapy for breast cancer may cause changes in the skin and nails. The skin may appear dry areas, peeling, redness, inflammation, increased venous pattern, etc. These metadata should be carefully protected from the sun - solar radiation
Radiation and its biological effect: gently infected!
It may enhance the effects of X-rays. Clothing and underwear is better to wear natural fabrics - they are less irritating to the skin.
It should also try as little as possible in contact with the various means of rubble chemistry and cosmetics. The fact that the influence od chemotherapy and radiation therapy can change the body's sensitivity to the components of these drugs will cause allergies and the means by which a woman previously enjoyed many times without any consequences.
Furthermore, the hair can fall out and become brittle nails. Sometimes the nail plate is separated from the skin, and this area becomes a gateway for the introduction of a bacterial or fungal infection. It facilitates the introduction of infection decreased immunity, which occurs on the background radiation. Nails after treatment should be short haircut, do not use nail polish or artificial nails glued
Artificial feet - acrylic, gel and silk
- All this will slow down the recovery of the nail plate.
In order to avoid getting an infection, any household work is best done with gloves. Hands need to Myto with soap and water, then thoroughly dry them with a towel - it can prevent the development of fungal infection.
The hair starts to fall out even during the course of chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Doctor advance warning patients about such consequences. Therefore, many women do before treatment short hairstyles and wigs are reserved. After some time, the hair begins to grow gradually.
When the behavior of regular rehabilitation conducted after an active breast cancer treatment the skin is cleansed, grow hair, nails regain their appearance.
Treatment of breast cancer can produce complications, but it is usually not severe complications and with proper treatment, they quickly tested. Alternatives such treatment is not - can not, for example, to replace him by some people's means - the consequences can be tragic. The consequences of surgery, radiation and chemotherapy is quite possible to survive - they allow a woman to survive and maintain a decent quality of life.
Galina Romanenko
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- treatment of breast cancer