Mastodinon - User: What are the indications for admission

February 5, 2012

 mastodinon guide
 Mastodinon - is a homeopathic preparation, which includes a number of herbal remedies. The main feature of this product is its ability to reduce the levels of prolactin - a hormone produced in the pituitary gland and is responsible for the process of lactation in women and affects the balance of female hormones.

 Mastodinon - User: What are the indications for admission

Mechanism of action

Mastodinon is a homeopathic product that is produced by the pharmaceutical company Bionorica (Germany). This preparation was a lot of clinical trials, and is now widely used by gynecologists and mammology most countries.

The mechanism of action is based on mastodinon its stimulating effect on the dopamine receptors in the hypothalamus (part of the brain responsible for the activities of the endocrine glands), resulting in accelerated binding reaction of dopamine receptors. Dopamine - a substance that is produced gipatalamusom and inhibiting the synthesis of prolactin. Prolactin inhibits the production of the female hormone second half of the menstrual cycle, progesterone, which is produced by a temporary endocrine gland corpus luteum, formed in place bursting at ovulation Ovulation - How to determine as accurately as possible?  Ovulation - How to determine as accurately as possible?
   follicle. Menstrual irregularities, infertility, predmestrualny syndrome, cyclic breast pain and mastitis often arise due to the increased secretion of prolactin.

Since prolactin increases in the amount of breast tissue buildup therein edema, expansion duct constriction of blood vessels and nerve endings (cause pain in the breast), suppression of the synthesis of the hormone facilitates the restoration of normal functioning of the mammary glands and elimination of pain associated with menstrual cycle. In connection with the normalization of prolactin levels ordered a second phase of the menstrual cycle, as the balance is restored gonadotropins (hormones produced by the pituitary gland and is responsible for the function of the sex glands), and female hormones.

The main active ingredient is mastodinon Agnus castus D1 (Vitex sacred, chaste tree, prostrate summer cypress), which has all the above properties. Additionally composed mastodinon includes five components:

  • Caulophyllum thalictroides D4 (cohosh vasilistnikovidny) - is used for menstrual dysfunction;
  • Cyclamen D4 (European cyclamen, violet Alpine) - used to treat nervous disorders, headaches, menstrual dysfunction.
  • Ignatia D6 (chilibuha Ignacy, grudoshnik bitter) - is indicated for nervous disorders;
  • Iris D2 (toffee-colored, multi-colored iris) - is effective in the treatment of migraine;
  • Lilium tigrinum D3 (Tiger Lily) - appointed in the menstrual cycle and increased irritability Irritability - you try to control my temper  Irritability - you try to control my temper

Produced mastodinon the drop inside (30, 50 and 100 mL per bottle) and in the form of tablets (60 and 120 pieces per pack), and successfully used in the treatment of diseases such as breast, premenstrual syndrome, many gynecological diseases associated with increased prolactin, including infertility.

 Mastodinon - User: What are the indications for admission

Indications and contraindications for use

Indications for admission mastodinon is:

  • shotty breast Breast - the mirror Women's Health  Breast - the mirror Women's Health
  • premenstrual syndrome;
  • menstrual irregularities and infertility associated with changes in the second phase of the menstrual cycle and the failure of the corpus luteum due to increased prolactin.

Contraindications to receiving mastodinon is individual intolerance of components, children under 12 years of age, pregnancy and lactation Breast-feeding: feed - and no nails!  Breast-feeding: feed - and no nails!
   child diseases associated with malabsorption of simple sugars glucose and galactose, galactose intolerance, a genetic lactase deficiency (an enzyme that breaks down milk sugar - due to lactose in tablets).

Mastodinon not drug used to treat breast cancer. Not recommended intake drops mastodinon persons who have undergone treatment for alcoholism (due to the alcohol content in the formulation). When liver disease receiving mastodinon should be agreed with your physician.

 Mastodinon - User: What are the indications for admission

Side effects

Side effects mastodinon are allergic to components of the drug, less frequently pain in the stomach, nausea, itching and flaking of the skin, acne, weight gain, headaches, and may occasionally arise psychomotor agitation, confusion and hallucinations. If you have side effects, the drug should be discontinued immediately and seek medical advice.

 Mastodinon - User: What are the indications for admission

How to apply mastodinon

Take mastodinon 30 drops (or one tablet) twice a day (morning and evening). Upon receipt of drops need a little diluted with water. Tablets need to drink some water. Course admission mastodinon at least three months continuously (during menstruation). The effect of receiving mastodinon begins about six weeks from the start of the reception. The drug is generally well tolerated and is suitable for long-term use (if after a three-month course of the complaints persist, you can continue treatment in consultation with your doctor).

Mastodinon - is one of the main drugs for treatment of diseases associated with high levels of prolactin.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • mastodinon

Inverted nipples - if a problem is when breast-feeding?

April 23, 2013

 inverted nipples
 Inverted nipples can become a big problem after birth. It is difficult to capture a nipple as it should be - with the areola (the areola). Improper gripping teat leads to the fact that the child does not eats, swallows a lot of air, becomes restless. And on the teat skin there are small scratches and cracks - the gate to get into the mammary gland infection.

 Inverted nipples - if a problem is when breast-feeding?

Why nipples become embroiled

Breast woman riddled with channels through which during lactation towards the nipple moves milk. On the surface of the nipple is opened a few fairly large ducts. Normally ducts located along the strands of connective tissue, which runs branches connecting the adjacent tissue and the depth of the ducts. If these jumpers are short of connective tissue, the nipple becomes flat or even drawn inside.

Such changes of the connective tissue can be so subtle as nipples can stretch when subjected to physical traction (for example, when feeding). But it also happens that the nipple can not be recovered by a conservative influence.

Inverted nipples are usually congenital and sometimes hereditary: disturbed maturation process of the connective tissue, the cause may be particularly neuroendocrine system. In this case the nipples are drawn form immediately after formation of the breast. Sometimes nipples are flat or inverted after a prolonged wearing bra small.

Inverted nipples - a change that has always developed on both sides. Mammologists pay this special attention to the fact that if the nipple pulled from only one side, a woman should be carefully examined: the reason for this phenomenon may be a tumor.

 Inverted nipples - if a problem is when breast-feeding?

The problems that arise in Inverted nipples

If the nipples are strongly involved, it sometimes creates psychological problems: chest does not look aesthetically pleasing. But most of the problems occur while feeding the baby Breastfeeding - a personal choice  Breastfeeding - a personal choice

During feeding the child can not properly capture the chest, nervous, screaming, malnourished. Such a child becomes restless, not sleeping, because during attempts to capture the nipple often naglatyvaetsya air and it causes intestinal colic. Regular malnutrition leads to the fact that a child is behind in weight, physical and psychological development.

Mother during breastfeeding inverted nipples deliver no less trouble. From numerous attempts to capture a breast nipple and areola are injured, they appear extremely painful abrasions and cracks through which the breast tissue can get infected - develop mastitis Mastitis - faced once again encounter  Mastitis - faced once again encounter
 . Purulent mastitis requires weaning the baby and surgical treatment.

 Inverted nipples - if a problem is when breast-feeding?

What if a woman has inverted nipples?

If a woman notices a defect nipples before pregnancy or during the preparation for it, it is worth a visit, and mammalogy to consult, how to restore normal nipples. Available special nipple covers that can be worn for several hours a day - it promotes stretching of the connective bridges and pulling nipples. But not all the nipples amenable to conservative treatment. In such cases, sometimes carried out endoscopic breast surgery using a special optical device (an endoscope) to perform operations on dissection around the nipple connective cords that pull the nipple.

Most women notice inverted during pregnancy and begin to "take action": pulling the nipple in various ways, to rub them, and so on. But it should not do, as the breasts and nipples are particularly closely linked with the rest of the neuroendocrine system that supports pregnancy. Sore nipples can stimulate the secretion of hormones that stimulate the motor activity of the uterus and induce miscarriage Miscarriage - can you protect yourself from it?  Miscarriage - can you protect yourself from it?

After giving birth to breastfeeding, you can use special pads. For its imposing chest lifted, while the nipple begins more or less above the surface of the areola and sucked plate. Over time, if the changes are functional, designed and nipples bounce back. Constantly self-injure nipple and areola area should not be - this zone is characterized by the fact that the injury may lead to the development of tumors.

All women should periodically inspect their breasts and notice the changes occurring in them. Particular attention should be paid to the retraction of one of the nipples. Even if the chest does not hurt or cause any other discomfort, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • Nipples
