Side effects mastodinon, like any other drug of plant origin, expressed slightly. Nevertheless, they have and to consider when assigning this drug women. In the case of significant side effects mastodinon overturned.
What determines the side effects mastodinon
Mastodinon enhances the effectiveness of dopamine - a substance that is produced by the hypothalamus (part of the brain responsible for the endocrine system). Dopamine suppresses pituitary hormone prolactin secretion and thus has a harmonizing effect on the synthesis of female hormones. Prolactin is the main "culprit" of the pathological processes in the female body as menstrual disorders, premenstrual syndrome, breast pain associated with the menstrual cycle, breast
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This is because that prolactin reduces the secretion of pituitary hormones that stimulate the synthesis of female sex hormones, because that violated the processes of oocyte maturation, ovulation
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(release of the egg from the ovary) and the functioning of the corpus luteum secretion of progesterone. Under the influence of mastodinon normal second phase of the menstrual cycle and wound violation of the ratio between estrogen and progesterone
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- The female hormones that ensure the normal functioning of the reproductive system of women.
Prolactin stimulates the proliferation of mammary tissue, connective tissue formation and expansion of the ducts of the mammary glands. Inhibition of the synthesis of prolactin causing regression of pathological processes in the mammary glands.
Side effects mastodinon associated with hormonal imbalances in women. Therefore mastodinon encouraged to nominate only after a preliminary examination. It is particularly important in the study of blood hormones.
Side effects mastodinon metabolism
Prolactin is a hormone is superfluous, it performs its function in the body. Dangerous its increased concentration in the blood. If the formation is suppressed by too much prolactin, may cause acne, as under the influence of prolactin properly developed sebaceous glands. Acne arise in violation of their development.
It is also possible increase in body weight, which is due to the increased secretion of estrogen - the female sex hormones, under the influence of which is the formation of the body of the female type, with the deposition of fat in the abdomen and thighs.
Mastodinon side effects on the central nervous system
The structure includes an extract mastodinon K. prostrata, which is a feature of the exciting action on the central nervous system. Under the influence of this substance in some women may appear motor and mental excitement, headaches, confusion and even hallucinations (the woman begins to see, hear or feel what is actually there). Sometimes, on the contrary, there is a weakness, depressed mood (depression).
Very rarely exposed mastodinon disrupted hypothalamus gets off the menstrual cycle appear (or worse), breast pain.
The appearance of such side effects are rare and largely depends on the individual characteristics of the central nervous system of women. In such cases, the reception mastodinon should be discontinued.
Mastodinon side effects on the gastrointestinal tract
Mastodinon tablets contain lactose. Side effects mastodinon in the gastrointestinal tract in most cases related to the individual characteristics of a woman - a lack in her body enzymes for processing of simple sugars, especially milk sugar - lactose, which is required for the assimilation of a special enzyme - lactase.
When simple sugars are not digested in the gut, it causes bloating (flatulence), pain, spastic nature, sometimes - diarrhea. Then tablets mastodinon be replaced by a drop in the composition of which no simple sugars.
Side effects mastodinon in the form of allergic reactions
Herbal substances often cause various allergic reactions. The composition mastodinon includes six extracts of plants, each of which can cause allergic reactions. The fact that these plant compounds are part of the drug in the microscopic doses (mastodinon - homeopathic medicine, and homeopathy
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always use ultra-low doses of the drugs) is irrelevant - allergic reactions occur with any amount of the substance to which the body has idiosyncrasy.
An allergic reaction to mastodinon most often in the form of itchy rashes. Sometimes it can be hives with the transition to angioedema.
Yet mastodinon is sufficiently safe and effective medication at the same time.
Galina Romanenko