It turns out the woman who is well-versed in the peculiarities of their menstrual cycle, feels more secure than women who do not delve into the process. After all, in life there are all sorts, including extreme situations (for example, forgot to take the pill hormonal contraceptive) and the menstrual calendar helps make the right decision.
The periods of the menstrual cycle
In the menstrual cycle there are two periods:
- the first period - the first day of menstruation to ovulation (usually mid-cycle); this time in the ovary under the influence of female hormones estrogen and pituitary hormones ripen a follicle, which contains the egg; at the time of ovulation, the egg follicle breaks and released from the ovary into the abdominal cavity or fallopian tube;
- Second period - from the moment of ovulation
Ovulation - How to determine as accurately as possible?
before the first day of the next menstruation; this time on the site of the ruptured follicle forms a temporary endocrine gland - the corpus luteum that produces the female sex hormone progesterone
Progesterone - norm and pathology
Which prepares internal genital organs of women in pregnancy, to help in this process and pituitary hormones; If pregnancy does not occur, then it rejected overgrown under the influence of hormones the mucous membrane of the uterus and bleeding starts (menstruation).
How and why you need to keep a calendar of menstruation
To learn to determine what day of the menstrual cycle
The days of the menstrual cycle: Four phases
A woman should know the signs of ovulation. Every woman's ovulation is manifested in different ways. Most often, women do not feel the time of ovulation, but sometimes she has a slight momentary pain in the lower abdomen on one side. At this time, women may receive an increased sex drive and vaginal mucus. If ovulation takes place without any sensation, its presence can be determined by measuring the temperature in the rectum (basal temperature, it is measured using special techniques) or simply calculated.
The fact that a normal woman's menstrual cycle usually lasts for a certain time. In most cases the 28-day cycle, with ovulation occurs in the middle of the cycle, at day 14-15. There are cycles lasting 21 days and 35 days - this is very individual. Sometimes, during normal fertility menstruation in women occur at different time intervals. It is also a variant of the norm, but it is difficult to establish the day of menstruation.
Calendar of menstruation is conducted in order to calculate the time for safe sex or, conversely, to conceive. In extreme situations (for example, if the condom broke) the woman who keeps a calendar of menstruation, do not panic, but calmly calculates what day it is, how big is the probability of getting pregnant, and only then take immediate action.
In addition, at different menstrual cycle doctor must know exactly timing the onset of menstruation and her character, that is, the duration, the degree of blood loss, pain. With proper and orderly conduct of the calendar menstruation immediately visible deviation from the normal menstrual cycle: menstrual irregularities, too large or small volume of lost blood, the duration and intensity of pain.
If the calendar is being menstruation in order to prevent an unwanted pregnancy or conception, the calendar marked all the days of menstruation and ovulation day. If a woman has a menstrual problems, apart from that in the days of menstruation should be celebrated and nature of menstruation. Generally note the intensity of bleeding (very weak, weak, medium, strong, very strong), and painful menstruation. All the marks made with the help of special icons (circles, squares, dashes) - every woman can think of them for themselves.
How do I use the calendar to calculate the time of menstruation safe sex and conception
To do this, keep a calendar of menstruation for at least six months and sometimes a year. The calculation will be true only when the regular menstrual cycle with small deviations. The required time is calculated based on the fact that the egg from the ovary after living day (another day taken as a correction of a possible mistake), the sperm in the genital tract of women live mainly in three days, but in some cases they may live, and six days.
The calculation of the best time for conception is carried out by a special formula. Take two menstrual period - the shortest and the longest for six months or a year. From a short period of consuming the number 18 (the first day it will be the best time for conception), from the long - 11 (the last day of the period). For example: 26 - 18 = 8 (the 8th day); 30 - 11 = 19 (19th day). That is, the probability of conception will be from 8 to 19 day menstrual cycle.
Time for safer sex
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divided by the time relative and absolute sterility. Time relative sterility - this time, only when the egg matures (before ovulation) and sperm may well wait for the time of its maturity. Thus, the further the time of sexual contact is from the time of ovulation, the safer. Time two days after ovulation and before the first day of the next period of time is considered an absolute sterility, as there is no egg, and she will mature soon.
Calendar of menstruation should lead every woman with the appearance of her first menstrual bleeding.
Galina Romanenko
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- the phase of the menstrual cycle