- Treatment of amenorrhea - should begin as soon as possible
- Methods
- Progesterone is
- Pills
- Primary and secondary
Treatment of amenorrhea - is not easy. First of all, you should find out its exact cause. Only then can a woman do to help. Today, there are developed methods of treatment of all types of amenorrhoea. A woman can help to have a baby, even if it does not have own eggs - used donor eggs and IVF technology.
Treatment of amenorrhea - the basic principles
In order to treat amenorrhea, you should first make a correct diagnosis. Without this treatment would be impossible. But there are general principles of treatment of all types of amenorrhoea. First of all - it's a proper diet, a healthy lifestyle, eliminating the high physical and neuropsychiatric load, stress, proper rest, combined with moderate exercise, normal sleep
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at night and maximum stay in the fresh air. For the treatment of certain types amenorrhoea (e.g., psychogenic) is often sufficient.
Amenorrhoea but most still require medication and sometimes surgery.
Treatment of amenorrhea of central (hypothalamic-pituitary) origin
Amenorrhea of central origin may be due to different reasons, and therefore require different treatments. Very often the cause of this disease are increased loads and stresses that women obviously can not handle it. This leads to the development of amenorrhea. In this case, to help the general recommendations on nutrition and healthy lifestyles. Psychotropic drugs are used only in extreme cases, since they hamper the work of the neurohormonal system.
If the cause of the disease is a tumor or hypothalamic disease, the treatment can help a neurologist and endocrinologist, as in the hypothalamus are centers regulating the activity of the endocrine glands. Therefore, with the defeat of the hypothalamus develop diseases with very different symptoms: a violation of all types of metabolism, vegetative-vascular disorders, drops in blood pressure, heart attacks and heart pains, panic attacks
Panic attacks - fear of nowhere
and so on.
If necessary for this kind of amenorrhea appoint synthetic analogs of hormones of the hypothalamus, pituitary gonadotropic hormone, human chorionic gonadotropin, the female sex hormones.
The most common cause of amenorrhea in patients with lesions of the pituitary gland prolactinoma is a tumor that produces the hormone prolactin, suppresses the secretion of hormones of the hypothalamus, and thus the function of the entire neurohumoral system. Today, with this tumor have learned to cope without surgery using drugs that suppress the secretion of prolactin, such as Parlodel. Very large tumors compressing the surrounding tissue, or tumor insensitive to the drug exposed surgically removed.
Treatment of amenorrhea of ovarian origin
The cause of amenorrhea of ovarian origin is a violation of ovarian function congenital or acquired nature. For the treatment of this pathology is performed, hormone replacement therapy female sex hormones and ovulation stimulation medication is used from the group of stimulants secretion of pituitary gonadotropins (TG - follicle - FSH and LH - LH) clomiphene. Increased secretion of FSH and LH leading to stimulation of the ovaries. If the ovary still have egg capable of maturation, this leads to ovulation induction, whereby it becomes possible pregnancy.
If this treatment does not work, then the polycystic ovary performed surgical treatment of ovarian wedge resection or decapsulation (removal of the capsule of the ovary). This often leads to the recovery of the menstrual cycle.
Treatment of ovarian amenorrhea among adolescents should focus on strengthening the body and strengthening of secondary sexual characteristics. When stunting prescribers thyroid and anabolic steroids (nerabol, retabolil). Female sex hormones are allowed to use only 18 years old, as they contribute to the closure of growth zones. However, micro-doses of hormones sometimes still prescribe.
But even if all these ways to restore ovarian function fails, the woman is still a chance to have a baby with the help of in vitro fertilization (IVF), and donor egg.
Treatment of amenorrhea uterine origin
Treatment of uterine amenorrhea
Uterine amenorrhea - how and why there
It depends on the identified pathology. When adhesions in the uterus spend scraping
Scraping - heavy and unsafe procedure
uterus or colliotomy using a hysteroscope with the subsequent appointment of female sex hormones estrogen to restore the mucous membrane (endometrium). Adhesions to the channel region of the cervix divide or dissect the probe using a hysteroscope.