Violation of the menstrual cycle: medications that can help

October 24th, 2012

 menstrual disorders medicine
 There is no doubt that any violation of the menstrual cycle requires the appointment of treatment. Principles of therapy of this disease are almost identical, but the medicines, which are appointed in violation of the menstrual cycle, is directly dependent on the cause, he was summoned. If the menstrual cycle was caused by sexually transmitted diseases, prescribe anti-inflammatory therapy in the case of endocrine pathology being treated with hormones. In addition, considerable importance in the regulation of the menstrual cycle is a vitamin. Also do not forget that various uterine bleeding leading to severe anemia, which is an indication for antianemic preparations.

 Violation of the menstrual cycle: medications that can help

Principles of treatment of menstrual disorders

Basic principles of treatment failure of the menstrual cycle as follows:

  • Stop bleeding (hormonal or surgical hemostasis - scraping Scraping - heavy and unsafe procedure  Scraping - heavy and unsafe procedure
   the uterus);
  • hysteroscopy (controls whether all the lining of the uterus is removed);
  • prevention of bleeding;
  • anemia;
  • vitamin.

 Violation of the menstrual cycle: medications that can help


Often, for the prevention of bleeding, as well as violations of the menstrual cycle, associated with lack of luteal phase progesterone prescribers. These drugs include Duphaston. The drug has a progestin activity, reduces the contractility of the muscles of the uterus and tubes. Prescribers tend to rate the six months to 10 mg (one tablet) from the 16th to the 26th day of the menstrual cycle The days of the menstrual cycle: Four phases  The days of the menstrual cycle: Four phases
 . In the case of amenorrhea Djufaston should take 5 mg from 11 th to 25 th day of the menstrual cycle. By the side effects of the drug include the possibility of pronounced uterine bleeding. In this case it is necessary to increase the dose of the drug.

 Violation of the menstrual cycle: medications that can help

Oxyprogesterone kapronat (17-DIC)

Oxyprogesterone kapronat produced in solution for injection (12, 5% and 25%, 1 ml). The drug is a synthetic hormone of the corpus luteum (progesterone). The body oksiprogesterona kapronat more resistant than progesterone Progesterone - norm and pathology  Progesterone - norm and pathology
 . Operating means at a single injection lasts seven to fourteen days. Prescribers in pathological processes associated with the failure of the corpus luteum. As a rule, oksiprogesterona kapronat applied with dysfunctional uterine bleeding, which occurred in premenopausal Premenopausal women - one step in a woman's life  Premenopausal women - one step in a woman's life
 . Prescribing following scheme: women younger than 48 years after the scraping injected drug dose of 125 or 250 mg on the 14th, 17th and 21st day of the menstrual cycle. Women who are older than 48 years receive injections twice weekly in a continuous mode. The course of treatment lasts four to six months.

 Violation of the menstrual cycle: medications that can help

Depo-Provera (medroxyprogesterone acetate)

Depo-Provera also relates to means and progestin is a synthetic progesterone analogue. The drug is widely used in the menstrual cycle, particularly with dysfunctional uterine bleeding. Furthermore, Depo-Provera is used as an anticancer agent for hormone-tumors (breast cancer, uterine cancer, and kidney). Depo-Provera available in tablets of 100, 200, 250 and 500 mg, and a 15% suspension of 1 ml for injection. In tablets, the drug is given 50 mg 14 to 25-day menstrual cycle. The course of treatment lasts four to six months.

 Violation of the menstrual cycle: medications that can help

Combined oral contraceptives

Combined oral contraceptives are used in women of reproductive age. The composition of combined estrogen-progestin formulations are included in different proportions of two components: an estrogen (ethinyl estradiol) and a progestogen (often levonorgestrol). There are single-phase, two-phase and combined oral contraceptives. Driving prescribing the same as for contraception and treatment is six months. Side effects of drugs in this group include the risk of thromboembolic complications, high blood pressure, dyspeptic symptoms (nausea and vomiting), neuro-vegetative disorders (headache, migraine attacks), and more. Commonly, the following combined estrogen-progestin preparations: Regulon, Marvelon, Mersilon, Rigevidon and others.

Anna Sozinova

Article Tags:
  • menstrual irregularities

Violation of the menstrual cycle after taking the hormones: it is better to consult a doctor

September 15, 2012

 menstrual disorders after taking hormones
 Violation of the menstrual cycle is considered one of the most common gynecological pathologies. Reasons cycle disorders are varied and numerous. Failure of the menstrual cycle can be caused by both external factors (climate change, harmful working conditions) and internal (diseases of the female reproductive organs, infections, chronic systemic diseases). Not least in the development of menstrual disorders are receiving hormones. Typically, hormonal contraceptive drugs are prescribed with the aim of, and one of the side effects of receiving a menstrual cycle. That is why many women refuse to use hormonal contraceptives.

 Violation of the menstrual cycle after taking the hormones: it is better to consult a doctor

The normal menstrual cycle

The menstrual cycle is a complex physiological process which is characterized by cyclic changes occurring in the body, towards its oocyte maturation and fertilization (i.e., preparation for pregnancy). If fertilization has occurred, the menstrual cycle ends uterine bleeding - menstruation. Duration of the menstrual cycle of 21-35 days, and last menstruation themselves from three to seven days. All deviations from normal menstrual cycle indicators are evidence of its abuse.

 Violation of the menstrual cycle after taking the hormones: it is better to consult a doctor

Classification of hormonal contraceptive products

There are three groups of hormonal contraceptives:

  • Combined oral contraceptives

The structure of combined oral contraceptives (COCs) contains estrogen (ethinyl estradiol) and progestin (desogestrel or norgestrel) components. Depending on the quantity of hormones secrete monophasic, two- and three-phase hormones. For example: Mikroginon, Novinet, Regulon. Accepted KOC within 21 days, after which the seven-day break should be done (this time will menstrualnopodobnoe bleeding).

  • Formulations containing only the gestagen

For this group of contraceptives are pills minipill (Ekslyuton, Mikronor, Denovis) and sustained release formulations (Depo-Provera). Mini-pill taken continuously, without interruption, and the long-acting drugs are produced by injection to be repeated every three months.

  • Means for emergency contraception

Drugs in this group are used only in case of emergency (unprotected sexual intercourse). These include Postinor and eskapel.

 Violation of the menstrual cycle after taking the hormones: it is better to consult a doctor

Painful menstruation

Often, while taking hormonal contraceptives, such as the combined oral drugs (Rigevidon, Mersilon, Marvelon and others) there are painful menstruation. The cause of algomenoree Algomenoreya - with age and can not pass  Algomenoreya - with age and can not pass
   It is the wrong location of the uterus (uterine bend backwards), adhesions in the pelvis Adhesions in the pelvis: Symptoms and Treatment  Adhesions in the pelvis: Symptoms and Treatment
   or the presence of internal endometriosis. In addition, pain during menstruation can occur due to improperly matched hormonal preparation (too large doses of hormones).

 Violation of the menstrual cycle after taking the hormones: it is better to consult a doctor

Intermenstrual bleeding

Very often women complain about the appearance of intermenstrual bleeding while taking hormone preparations. Such bleeding occur after the COC and is considered normal during the first three months of pill use, and after the injection of long-acting progestin drugs (Depo-Provera). If intermenstrual bleeding Intermenstrual bleeding - a cause for concern  Intermenstrual bleeding - a cause for concern
   emerged in patients receiving HEC, it indicates the "addiction" of the body to hormones. If bleeding continues for more than three months, you should see a doctor, so a high probability of improper selection of pills.

 Violation of the menstrual cycle after taking the hormones: it is better to consult a doctor


The absence of menstruation (amenorrhea) often occurs in patients receiving gestagensoderzhaschih drugs, especially with prolonged action. The cause of amenorrhea The absence of menstruation (amenorrhea) - ambiguous symptom  The absence of menstruation (amenorrhea) - ambiguous symptom
   associated with a decrease in the surface of the functional layer of the endometrium due to prolonged use of progestogens.

 Violation of the menstrual cycle after taking the hormones: it is better to consult a doctor

Heavy menstruation

Heavy menstruation (giperpolimenoreya) usually occur in patients receiving HEC. The cause of giperpolimenorei associated with incorrectly chosen drug (too high a dose of hormones).

 Violation of the menstrual cycle after taking the hormones: it is better to consult a doctor

Irregular menstruation

At irregular menstruation cycle varies. This is due to improper intake of pills and the woman's desire to shorten, lengthen the menstrual cycle.

 Violation of the menstrual cycle after taking the hormones: it is better to consult a doctor


Massive bleeding occurs while taking hormone pills for emergency contraception. The emergence of heavy bleeding due to a very high dose of progestogens, which contain pills for contraception fire. This situation requires immediate treatment to the doctor.

Anna Sozinova

Article Tags:
  • menstrual disorders
