"Why is there no monthly? ": A question asked myself at least once in every woman's life. The menstrual cycle - is a complex system that is responsive to all the problems that occur in the female body. It would seem that such a trifle as a vacation spent at the sea, Sat or may not affect the arrival of "dear guests", and in fact, any slightest disturbance or a shift in the traditional way of life responds to delay menstruation. The normal menstrual period may be delayed up to three days. If you long for one or more months of amenorrhea - a reason to see a doctor.
The main reasons for the lack of menstruation
The main and most common cause of a missed period is pregnancy. There are so-called questionable signs of pregnancy: change in taste, nausea, vomiting, bloating and breast tenderness, mood swings and other. Confirm the existence of pregnancy will help conduct the test, which in 90% of cases will be positive in a few days delay monthly
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. Prior to the onset of menstruation can determine pregnancy after a blood test for human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG).
Ectopic pregnancy
Ectopic pregnancy is different, but this disease also indicates a more or less long delay menstruation. The characteristic symptoms of ectopic pregnancy are recurrent attacks of severe pain, localized in the abdomen, usually on the right or the left. After the termination of the attack appear minor or moderate bleeding from the genital tract, which is often perceived as a violation of women's menstrual cycle. The pregnancy test is often negative, sometimes there are early signs of pregnancy.
Often, after the production of medical abortion is delayed onset of menstruation. This is due to hormonal changes occurred. Sudden interruption of pregnancy "confusing" the menstrual cycle, which is reduced for three to twelve months. In addition, a surgical abortion is too thorough curettage
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violates the growth and proliferation of the endometrium in the near future, and in some cases leads to the formation of intrauterine adhesions (adhesions), and amenorrhea.
Sexual maturation
After menarche (first menstruation), menstrual cycles do not immediately begin to function like clockwork. Menses irregular, sometimes with rather long delays. The time needed to establish a regular menstrual cycle is about twelve months.
Early menopause
Early menopause or ovarian failure syndrome occurs in women under the age of 37-38 years. His reasons are manifold. This may be chromosomal abnormalities (small follicles of ovaries with lack of) damage to the central nervous system autoimmune disease exposures during fetal development, and others. In addition to amenorrhea
The absence of menstruation (amenorrhea) - ambiguous symptom
, Early menopause is characterized by hot flashes, sweating, development of infertility.
Any nervous shock or experiences (emotional shock, exams, war), chronic and long-term stress also affect the menstrual cycle and may cause premature as the beginning of monthly and their delays.
Ovulatory disorders
Development of a follicular cyst or a corpus luteum cyst
Corpus luteum cyst - when hormonal changes
accompanied by hormonal disorders and leads to disruption of oocyte maturation. Often found neovulirovavshego follicle syndrome (LYUF). LYUF essence lies in the maturation of the dominant follicle during the menstrual cycle without further rupture and release an egg. LYUF rate is 5-10% of normal cycles. It confirms the diagnosis of hormonal assays and ultrasound data. With regular or frequent repetition of this syndrome develop infertility.
Oral contraceptives
Hormonal contraceptive drugs off the ovaries and the production of hormones. If hormonal birth control pills taken for a long time after the cessation of the menstrual cycle is restored immediately, but within a few months.
Anna Sozinova