Menstrual cycle: what happens these days, really? - Common Myths

January 26, 2012

  • Menstrual cycle: what happens these days, really?
  • How to deal with cramps
  • Common Myths

The most common myths about menstruation

  • The menstrual cycle of every woman is or should be exactly twenty-eight days.
  • Menstruation must begin on a monthly basis.
  • Ovulation takes place in each cycle.
  • Bleeding means that she is not pregnant.
  • A woman can not get pregnant during menstruation.

All these errors are completely unrelated to reality. Indeed, many women menstrual cycle is about twenty-eight days - but a woman can be perfectly healthy and normal, even if there are only three or four cycles per year. It is worth remembering, however, that the so-called deviation from the norm can be as absolutely normal and indicative of more serious health problems. For example, recent studies have suggested that an irregular menstrual cycle may be a symptom of diabetes Symptoms of diabetes - if you are thirsty  Symptoms of diabetes - if you are thirsty
   the second type.

Ovulation occurs approximately fourteen to sixteen days before the start of menstruation (and not, as many believe, fourteen days after the start of menstruation). The second half of the cycle, comprising the steps of ovulation and menstruation itself usually does not differ from the length of the first half cycle. However, the duration of the first half of the cycle may vary from woman to woman, and, furthermore, be different in each cycle. In very rare cases, ovulation may occur twice a month.

Fertilization of the egg (conception) occurs only after ovulation. Left the ovary egg is functioning normally during the order of twenty-four hours, but the period of life of sperm inside the female body is three to four days, in very rare cases - up to six or seven days. If intercourse took place before ovulation Ovulation - How to determine as accurately as possible?  Ovulation - How to determine as accurately as possible?
   or after ovulation, a woman can get pregnant because sperm activity has been put in the uterus. Thus, particularly high chances of getting pregnant for seven to ten days in the middle of the menstrual cycle.

 Common Myths | The menstrual cycle: what happens these days, really?


Actually menopause - this is the last menstrual period in a woman's life, and the menopause - a period of time before and after the menopause. However, in a general sense the term "menopause" denotes the entire process - and the last menstruation and menopause. For most women, menopause occurs between the ages of forty to sixty years. Menopause can last from six months to three years.

Typically, before the final cessation of menstruation woman's menstrual cycle has changed several times: change the duration, the time between cycles, the length of the menstrual period. One of the most common symptoms of menopause - heavy menstrual provotecheniya. It is because ovulation does not occur, the endometrium continues to thicken and the onset of menstruation is copious.

The symptoms of menopause can be very different: it is, and mood swings Mood swings in women - bad character or a disease?  Mood swings in women - bad character or a disease?
 And sleep disorders Dreams: how to understand our dreams  Dreams: how to understand our dreams
 And headaches and migraines, a sharp rise in temperature, a burst of energy. As in the case of premenstrual syndrome, some symptoms of menopause - is a consequence of hormonal imbalance caused by an unhealthy diet and lifestyle.

 Common Myths | The menstrual cycle: what happens these days, really?

Did you know?

Women lose an average of twenty to eighty cubic centimeters (thirty to sixty milliliters) of blood for the normal period.

The development of one out of every six fertilized eggs usually ends with the interruption of pregnancy, and in some cases, the egg is again absorbed by the body and the woman does not even know that she was pregnant.

Duration of the menstrual cycle (the number of days from the first day of the first period to the first day following historical period) depends on the number of days required for the ovary to release an egg. Once the egg is released from the ovary, before the onset of menstruation is about fourteen days.

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  • menstrual cycle
