- Secondary amenorrhea - a dangerous norm?
- Treatment
Secondary amenorrhea - a cessation of menses for more than six months at a steady menstrual cycle. Secondary amenorrhea may be of a physiological nature, such as during pregnancy and nursing
Breastfeeding - a personal choice
breast menstruation does not happen.
Causes of secondary amenorrhea
Causes of secondary amenorrhea are very diverse. Thus, secondary amenorrhea associated with disruption of the hypothalamus (the central amenorrhea) can be caused by severe neuro-psychiatric and physical (eg, sport) loads, stress, poor diet (eg, frequent fasting, extreme diets). Sometimes, the development of amenorrhea lead long and hard for the common occurring chronic diseases (a consequence of intoxication).
Sometimes the cause of the hypothalamic-pituitary secondary amenorrhea may also be diseases, injuries and tumors of the hypothalamus and pituitary gland. For example, prolactinoma (benign tumor of the pituitary gland, secreting the hormone prolactin). Prolactin inhibits the production of pituitary follicle-stimulating hormone, follicle maturation in the ovary, prolongs the existence of the corpus luteum and release of progesterone, and therefore the onset of menstruation.
Another cause of secondary amenorrhea - disorders (including hereditary and autoimmune), and ovarian tumors. Such diseases include polycystic ovarian syndrome, ovary exhaustion syndrome (Sia), resistant ovary syndrome (SRYA), benign and malignant ovarian tumors.
The cause of secondary amenorrhea may be other endocrine glands, in the first place - the thyroid and adrenal glands. Diseases, disorders and hereditary tumors in these glands can also cause amenorrhea.
The cause of secondary false (the mother), amenorrhea may be carried over abortion, obstructed labor, inflammatory processes in the uterus. All this may lead to the formation inside the uterus or within the cervical canal adhesions and accretions of preventing leakage of menstrual blood.
Moreover, the cause of secondary amenorrhea may include: taking certain drugs (antidepressants, corticosteroids, antipsychotics, antitumor agents), radiation effects, including radiation therapy, polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS - wherein increased levels of male sex hormones, which leads to disruption of ovarian function), rapid significant weight loss (fat cells produce estrogen).
Symptoms of secondary amenorrhea depends on the cause of its development. For example, if the central Secondary amenorrhea is functional in nature, it appears only in the absence of menstruation.
If the cause of amenorrhea become a pituitary tumor, it can develop Cushing's syndrome, which is manifested obesity with predominant deposition of fat in the upper body, on his stomach, face. On the skin there are numerous bluish-colored stretch marks (striae), increased body hair, osteoporosis, decrease in the volume of breasts, increased blood pressure. Most developing diabetes
Diabetes - threatening and incurable disease
and amenorrhea.
When wasting syndrome and resistant ovarian (Sia and SRYA), when the ovaries have a normal structure, but their function or exhausted or for some reason they are resistant (insensitive) to the stimulating effects of gonadotropin-releasing hormone of pituitary women initially have normal appearance - the disease develops Only the emergence of amenorrhea before the age of 40 years. A short time after the beginning of the disturbances due to the absence of female hormones. There are typical climax vegetovascular symptoms - irritability
Irritability - you try to control my temper
, "Hot flashes", heart attacks, heart pain
Pain in the heart - always consult a doctor
, Sweating, weakness, headaches in violation of disability. Against the backdrop of lack of menstruation develop progressive atrophic processes in the mammary glands and genitals.
When false amenorrhea caused atresia cervical canal in women appear monthly cyclic abdominal pain. If amenorrhea is caused by a false adhesions in the uterus, it manifests itself only in the absence of menstruation.
Since the causes of secondary amenorrhea are numerous, a woman must undergo a comprehensive examination which includes questioning and examination of the patient, blood tests for hormones, hormonal tests, ultrasound and X-rays, if necessary - magnetic resonance imaging, diagnostic hysteroscopy and laparoscopy.
Only after a thorough examination and to establish a definitive diagnosis a woman may be given treatment.