PMS - premenstrual dysphoric disorder

April 15, 2007

 premenstrual syndrome
 Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) has a variety of symptoms, including mood swings, breast tenderness, increased appetite, fatigue, irritability and depression. Approximately three out of four women experience PMS in one way or another. As a rule, 30 years after symptoms begin to manifest this state less and less.

Typically PMS symptoms appear in a specific pattern. However, the physical and emotional changes experienced by a woman during PMS may be particularly intense in certain months, and barely noticeable - in others.

In any case, this issue should not be allowed to manage their lives. There is a special treatment that can effectively deal with PMS.

 PMS - premenstrual dysphoric disorder

The most common signs and symptoms of PMS

Emotional and behavioral symptoms:

  • Stress or anxiety Anxiety - how to distinguish normal from disease?  Anxiety - how to distinguish normal from disease?
  • Depressed mood;
  • Tears for no apparent reason;
  • Mood swings, irritability Irritability - you try to control my temper  Irritability - you try to control my temper
   or anger;
  • Changes in appetite and / or a craving for certain foods;
  • Problems with falling asleep (insomnia);
  • Avoiding communication;
  • Poor concentration.

Physical signs and symptoms:

  • Pain in joints or muscles;
  • Headache;
  • Fatigue;
  • Weight gain due to fluid retention in the tissues;
  • Bloating;
  • Breast tenderness;
  • Acne;
  • Constipation or diarrhea.

Despite the long list of possible signs and symptoms, the majority of women in PMS encountered only some of these problems.

In some women, the physical pain and emotional stress How to beat stress? Create an oasis  How to beat stress? Create an oasis
   It is so severe that affect their daily lives and activities. Most of them have symptoms of PMS disappear when menstruation begins.

A small number of women suffering from PMS, it is the state of every month causes symptoms that disrupt their ability to cope with their responsibilities. This form is also called premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD).

PMDD is a severe form of PMS symptoms such as depression, hopelessness, anger, anxiety, low self-esteem, difficulty concentrating, irritability and tension. I have a number of women with severe PMS, there are major mental illnesses Mental illness - ashamed to ask for help?  Mental illness - ashamed to ask for help?

 PMS - premenstrual dysphoric disorder

When to see a doctor

If you feel you can not cope with PMS alone, and that his symptoms may significantly reduce the quality of your life as soon as possible consult a physician.

 PMS - premenstrual dysphoric disorder


It is not known what causes PMS, but the following factors may contribute to this condition:

  • Cyclical changes in hormone levels. Signs and symptoms of SCI vary with fluctuations in hormonal levels, and disappearing with the onset of pregnancy and menopause.
  • Chemical changes in the brain. Fluctuations in the level of serotonin, a neurotransmitter that plays a crucial role in creating the mood of the person, may be a trigger PMS. Lack of serotonin can contribute to premenstrual depression and sleep disorders, and fatigue.
  • Depression. Some women with severe PMS is not diagnosed with depression, although it may be a contributing factor, but not the main cause of PMS.
  • Stress can aggravate some of the symptoms of PMS.
  • Poor diet. Some PMS symptoms associated with a lack of vitamins and minerals. In addition, consumption of too large amounts of salty foods, which can cause fluid retention, as well as abuse of alcohol and some drinks with caffeine, can cause fatigue and mood swings typical of the ICP.

 PMS - premenstrual dysphoric disorder


There is no way a physical examination or laboratory findings that would confidently diagnose PMS. For diagnosis usually requires:

Keep a diary. For at least two menstrual cycles necessary to write all of their symptoms and also the date - when they appear and disappear when. It is also advisable to note that you eat and what to do when there was an exacerbation of symptoms, under any circumstances, the symptoms of PMS is especially soft, and so on.

Fill out the questionnaire. Typically, this is done in the first day of the month. Questions concerning any PMS symptoms that the patient could experience over the previous two weeks.

 PMS - premenstrual dysphoric disorder


For the treatment of PMS can be used the following tools:

  • Antidepressants. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, such as fluoxetine and paroxetine, successfully fighting the symptoms such as fatigue, sleep disturbances and depression.
  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen and naproxen, relieve some of the physical symptoms of PMS.

 PMS - premenstrual dysphoric disorder

Useful drugs

Some medications are used to treat PMS, and are also used to treat TX. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors help to strengthen the action of serotonin, a chemical in the brain.

 PMS - premenstrual dysphoric disorder

Premenstrual syndrome and depression

DWP does not mean that you're depressed. Some drugs help in the treatment and depression, and the DWP.

 PMS - premenstrual dysphoric disorder

Time medication

Some medications from the DWP should be taken 10-14 days before the anticipated onset of menses.

 PMS - premenstrual dysphoric disorder

Other treatment options

If drug therapy will be ineffective, the physician will recommend other treatment options, depending on your lifestyle and health.

Article Tags:
  • menstrual irregularities

Short menstrual cycle: Should I be concerned?

August 27, 2012

 short menstrual cycle
 The main indicator of the state of women's reproductive health is a menstrual cycle. It is with various disorders of the cycle (lengthening or shortening, heavy or painful menstruation), women are more likely to seek medical advice. One of the disturbances is short and the menstrual cycle. But sometimes a shortening of the cycle and for physiological reasons, it does not require treatment and is not facing infertility. And, nevertheless, short menstrual cycle is a cause for concern and may indicate a decrease in the ability to conceive.

 Short menstrual cycle: Should I be concerned?

Characteristics of the menstrual cycle

The menstrual cycle - a physiological process that is subject to the action of hormones. Conventionally menstrual cycle can be divided into two phases: the proliferative and secretory. The proliferative phase is dominated by estrogen in the body, which occurs under the influence of the dominant follicle maturation and ovulation (release of a mature egg into the abdominal cavity). The secretory phase begins to intensively synthesized progesterone Progesterone - norm and pathology  Progesterone - norm and pathology
 Which prepares the uterine lining to accept a fertilized egg. If conception has not occurred, the functional layer of the endometrium is rejected, what is called menstruation.

Duration of the menstrual cycle, each woman is different and depends on many factors. The average duration of the menstrual cycle of 21-35 days (ideally 28 days).

 Short menstrual cycle: Should I be concerned?


Proyomenoreya - a term that referred to gynecologists short menstrual cycle (less than 21 days). When proyomenoree menstruation occur too frequently, usually every two weeks. Recurrent bleeding usually low intensity and continuing for two or three days.

But about one in five women suffer from heavy and prolonged bleeding Spotting - it is important to rule out pathology  Spotting - it is important to rule out pathology
 . At the same time, there are no signs heralding the beginning of the month. Spotting associated with premature rejection endometrium, which is the result of a short-term decrease in estrogen synthesis in the middle of the menstrual cycle.

 Short menstrual cycle: Should I be concerned?

The reasons that lead to the shortening of cycle

Causes of menstrual disorders that lead to its shortening, varied. These include:

  • endocrine pathology (thyroid gland, adrenal glands, etc.);
  • chronic systemic diseases (pathology of the cardiovascular system, kidney, liver, metabolic disorders);
  • infectious diseases;
  • violation of blood coagulation;
  • lack of vitamin C, and K;
  • inflammation of the female genitalia;
  • anomalies of development and position of internal genitals (the bend of the uterus);
  • fatigue, nervous exhaustion;
  • climate change;
  • uterine fibroids;
  • Ovarian cysts and tumors;
  • physical injury.

 Short menstrual cycle: Should I be concerned?

Clinical manifestations

Proyomenoreya is a consequence of the shortening phase of the cycle (proliferative, secretory phase, or both at once).

The shortening of the first phase of the menstrual cycle, usually occurs in climacteric, post-partum and post-abortion periods, and also a variety of infections.

Despite the shortening of the menstrual cycle, it is characterized by normal ovulation Ovulation - How to determine as accurately as possible?  Ovulation - How to determine as accurately as possible?
 Which occurs before (in the seventh - eighth day). The level of sex hormones, tests of functional diagnostics and indicators of basal body temperature are normal and only slightly displaced in time. In these patients retained the ability to conceive and conduct hormonal therapy is not required.

The two-phase menstrual cycle with the shortening of the luteal phase is diagnosed on the basis of short-term increase of basal body temperature (no more than six - seven days). This marked the first phase of the normal maturation and ovulation of the dominant follicle, and premature resorption of the corpus luteum (luteal insufficiency). In this case, quite often observed infertility and shows the assignment of hormonal treatment.

Alternating shortened menstrual cycle is characterized by short persistence follicle, lack of ovulation, and therefore the absence of the corpus luteum. Basal temperature curve has the form of a monophasic, the endometrium is proliferative changes, and often develops glandular-cystic hyperplasia Hyperplasia - do not be afraid  Hyperplasia - do not be afraid

Anna Sozinova

Article Tags:
  • spanomenorrhea
