Dysmenorrhea - the basis of infertility - Treatment

September 5, 2013

  • Dysmenorrhea - the basis of infertility
  • Treatment

 treatment of dysmenorrhea

The effectiveness of therapeutic measures

Dysmenorrhea, which is severe or moderate, require treatment in a hospital. This is determined by the severity of autonomic symptoms, which greatly affect the overall status and health of women. When expressed phenomena of dehydration due to vomiting and diarrhea treatment is appointed to fill the volume of lost fluids, normalization of metabolic processes. Shown restorative therapy.

 Treatment | Dysmenorrhea - the basis of infertility

Is there a cure dysmenorrhea

To answer this question we need to fully examine the woman and establish the correct diagnosis, that is the cause of dysmenorrhea. From the reasons will depend on how the treatment and prognosis of the disease.

To this end, we investigate blood on hormones in different phases of the menstrual cycle, with the help of instrumental investigations (hysteroscopy, X-rays) revealed malformations of the uterus. It is important to identify inflammatory processes, including flowing hidden. To this end, his wife's repeatedly taken swabs for analysis, crop selections are made, including the following specific provocations that could aggravate the process. Consultation and examination by a neurologist detected violations of the central nervous system. All survey data analyzes obstetrician, establishes the correct diagnosis, and only then proceed to treatment.

Sometimes to eliminate the causes of dysmenorrhea require surgery, and in other cases quite conservative anti-inflammatory treatment or correction of hormonal levels.

And symptomatic treatment is carried out in order to reduce pain and changes in the autonomic nervous system. Appointed by means of restoring the metabolic processes in the tissues, relieves spasms of smooth muscles of internal organs, sedatives.

In most cases, unable to cope with dysmenorrhea, if the woman in time seek medical help. Otherwise, she developed a persistent infertility.

 Treatment | Dysmenorrhea - the basis of infertility


Given the role of prostaglandins in the development of pain, it was suggested to the purpose of treatment used non-steroidal inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Analgesic effects have such well-known drugs like ibuprofen, ketoprofen, meloxicam and others. Be sure to take into account the risk of the possible negative impact on the mucosa of the digestive tract. To reduce the severity of side effects should be advised to take drugs after meals. You can replace the tablet form of release of drugs in the rectal suppositories. The rectum is vascularized, so the active ingredient quickly will the therapeutic effect.

Nonsteroidal drugs need to start taking a few days before the start of the next menstruation. During the first two or three days it started taking them continues. This therapeutic strategy will provide a positive result, will create a comfortable psychological conditions, since the patient will not fear the beginning of the cyclic changes in the body. When expressed clinical manifestations of the disease can combine several medications. The day is recommended to take no more than three tablets.

Vitamin therapy should also be included in the complex treatment. During the second phase of the cycle is assigned vitamin E at a dose not exceeding 300 mg. Vitamin taken alone or in combination with vitamin A (drug "Aevitum") that is determined in each individual clinical case. The drug is part of a complex cyclic vitamin therapy, which is appointed in violation of the functional activity of the ovaries.

 Treatment | Dysmenorrhea - the basis of infertility

Hormone therapy

If you set a hormonal cause of the disease, it is necessary to hormone therapy. The most common hormonal dysfunction manifests itself in violation of the second phase, so the therapy is aimed at its restoration, appointed progestins (or progestogens). Progestin is progesterone. You can assign directly to progesterone Progesterone - norm and pathology  Progesterone - norm and pathology
   or natural counterparts. The good tolerability have natural counterparts dydrogesterone or utrozhestan Utrozhestan - corrects the deficiency of progesterone  Utrozhestan - corrects the deficiency of progesterone
 . The recommended dose is on average 20-30 mg dydrogesterone daily. Appointment utrogestan convenient because this drug is used for the ingestion and vaginal use, the use of these two methods are successfully combined. Progestogens drugs are also medroxyprogesterone injection, intrauterine devices, which contain the hormone component (levonorgestrel). In each clinical situation chosen treatment regimen based on the survey results of a hormonal background.

By the variety of hormonal therapy is the appointment of the scheme COCs or contraceptives. During their reception takes place blocking ovulation Ovulation - How to determine as accurately as possible?  Ovulation - How to determine as accurately as possible?
 Therefore it leads to clinical recovery. Normally, treatment should include taking these tablets for 3-6 months. Duration of therapy is regulated tolerability, reduction of clinical symptoms. If the decision on long-term treatment, it is necessary to monitor the coagulation system. To do this, check the dynamic performance of coagulation.

 Treatment | Dysmenorrhea - the basis of infertility

Treatment of neuropsychiatric disorders

Separately should stay on the treatment of neuropsychiatric disorders. When the severity of this group of symptoms should consult a doctor psychiatrist, neurologist. As a soothing, sedative drugs not only successfully used synthetic drugs, and herbal products. Everything is determined by clinical features and severity of the violation. In marked mental, emotional stress may require the appointment of tranquilizers. Effective small tranquilizers are diazepam, clonazepam. If the background of dysmenorrhea in women develops depression Depression - a little more than a bad mood  Depression - a little more than a bad mood
 , You can use antidepressants (eg, tianeptine). In carrying out this type of treatment the patient should be under medical supervision.

In the case of vivid psychological manifestations may be recommended to pass courses of treatment at a therapist.

Condition of the disease can cause a woman's development of a sense of fear, depression, despondency. There is a sort of "vicious circle", as this will enhance the emotional background manifestations of dysmenorrhea. Breaking this cycle alone is not always possible, so you need professional help. Sometimes it may require more than one course of treatment, depending on the psychological condition of the woman.

In addition to these methods of medical treatment, you can not stay on medication. Good results are obtained by positive exchange rate acupuncture. For the treatment of dysmenorrhea requires up to three courses of treatment. Female reproductive system has a projection on the body in the form of biologically active points. With the right stimulation, or alternation of the processes of oppression activity of these points comes the physiological state of equilibrium, which leads to the onset of recovery. The effect is quite resistant, but we must not forget the need for multiple courses of acupuncture.

The methods do not include drug therapy physiotherapy. The choice of method of exposure is determined primarily clinical picture of the disease, depending on what is prevalent among pathological symptoms. For the treatment of dysmenorrhea apply procedures galvanizing (collar or endonasal), electrophoresis, use sinusoidal modulated currents. An effective method is to balneotherapy. The maximum therapeutic effect is reached at the beginning of the procedures listed on the first day of menstruation.

Article Tags:
  • painful menstruation
