The cause of a pinched nerve in his hand does not have to be some kind of visible injury; often it happens at a constant support for the elbows, for example, office workers. But cause pinching of the nerve in the hand can also be a significant trauma and tumors.
What nerves to the hand most often injured
Our hands are arranged so that the most injured radius and ulna nerve.
The radial nerve - is a mixed nerve fibers of which consist of the motor and sensory fibers. It is on the rear surface of the forearm and innervate muscles located in this area, and the outer skin of the back surface of the lower half of the shoulder, forearm and hand.
The ulnar nerve is also mixed, it is on the inner surface of the shoulder, arm and goes to brush innerviruya all adjacent tissue and part of the fingers.
Entrapment of the radial nerve often occurs as a result of injury or fracture of the shoulder or upper arm. But sometimes the injury may not be very evident, such as squeezing a nerve in his sleep
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Especially if sleep is associated with alcohol or drugs, for any long-term presence of hands in a fixed position (for example, when connected the hands). The reason may be a growing tumor of the nerve or surrounding tissue, and scars left after injuries and surgeries on the hand.
Entrapment of the ulnar nerve often occurs with injuries of the elbow or lower arm. But more often the result of a pinched microtrauma at office workers who constantly abut elbows on the table, or in people who spend long hours in the wheelchair, his elbows on the armrests. Tumors and scars may also cause pinched ulnar nerve.
When pinching the radial nerve
Entrapment of the radial nerve - a slight loss of motor functions
disruptive to the extension arm, while the forearm is flexed, hanging brush, fingers slightly bent. Upset at the same sensitivity as numbness and tingling of the skin appears in the back of the shoulder, forearm, wrist on posteroexternal half, the middle phalanx thumb, index and middle fingers partially.
Entrapment of the radial nerve in the lower half of the shoulder and at the beginning of the forearm causes dysfunction of the extensor finger phalanges adjacent to the brush, and the remaining extension of the phalanges not completely disrupted due to the stored function intercostals muscles.
When jamming of the radial nerve in the carpal joint injured radial nerve ending with a large number of autonomic fibers innervating blood vessels, which leads to edema, cyanosis, and cooling back of the hand. Pain in this are rare.
Restores the function of the muscles innervated by the radial nerve, in this order: the extensors of the hand, the common extensor digitorum, longus, abductor thumb.
Prolonged pinching radial nerve muscles that it innervates, gradually atrophy (decrease in volume) and lose their function.
Entrapment of the ulnar nerve leads to disruption of flexion and abduction of her mouth, complete breakdown of the little finger flexion, bending part, the ring finger and bring the infringement of the thumb. And so as a function of the extensors is not broken, brush takes the form of claws: fingers unfolded in phalanxes, adjacent to the brush, middle, ring and pinky fingers are slightly bent in the middle and end phalanges.
It violated when pinching the ulnar nerve
The replacement of the ulnar nerve - tingling in the hands of more and more
and sensitivity to the back of the hand and fingers. There are pain radiating to the little finger and the blood circulation in this area (the result of vegetative disorders).
Diagnosis and treatment
The main place in the diagnosis of such lesions take special techniques (tests) that performs the doctor to clarify the diagnosis. In addition, X-ray examination is performed in order to identify limb fracture and his character by trauma or tumor, if the injury was.
Treatment for a pinched nerve Policy Pay after establishing the final diagnosis, ie after the establishment of the cause of the jamming.
If a nerve is injured, but his integrity is not compromised, it should be conservative therapy. Prescribed drugs, reduces inflammation, swelling,
Prevention and treatment of edema - it is important to understand the root cause
tissue, muscle spasm and blood vessels, pain relievers. Widely used physiotherapy.
If the integrity of the nerve is broken, then the operation is conducted - the nerve sutured. Operation need and if the tumor has led to pinching - it is removed.
Main during a pinched nerve in the hand immediately consult a doctor - in a timely manner prescribed treatment will lead to the full restoration of hand function.
Galina Romanenko