The replacement of the ulnar nerve - tingling in the hands of more and more

March 9, 2012

 pinched ulnar nerve
 The ulnar nerve is mixed, it includes a motor and sensory nerves. This is a large nerve that originates from the internal beam of the brachial plexus and reaches the brush innerviruya of the fingers. When jamming (more correctly infringement) of the ulnar nerve is a gradual atrophy (reduction in size and loss of function) of small muscles of the hand.

 The replacement of the ulnar nerve - tingling in the hands of more and more

Why can occur pinched ulnar nerve

Entrapment occurs when the ulnar nerve of his constant squeezing people whose work is connected with a support on the elbows. This occurs in workers who rely elbows on the machine at the office workers leaning his elbows on the desk, and even the disabled, if they are a long time in the chair, resting his elbows on the armrests. Entrapment of the ulnar nerve injuries can occur when the lower third of the arm, at the elbow, with fractures of the inner projection (condyle) of the humerus.

Damage to the ulnar nerve can be primary (trauma, tumor) and secondary, with the involvement of a nerve in the rumen, squeezing, or inflammation of the surrounding tissue. The living conditions of the ulnar nerve damage observed mainly in the lower third of the forearm and the elbow bone fractures. Violation of the integrity of the nerve leading to the development of neuroma (a benign tumor), scarring, dysfunction of limbs, pain.

The reason of infringement of the ulnar nerve may be a tumor originating from the nerve or surrounding tissue.

As a result of the injury gradually violated the metabolic processes in the ulnar nerve, and then the same violations begin in the muscles innervated by them.

 The replacement of the ulnar nerve - tingling in the hands of more and more


If the infringement of the ulnar nerve wrist flexion and abduction in its ulnar side is difficult, no movement of the little finger, bending IV and V fingers is limited, bringing thumb difficult. Paralysis (complete immobilization) intercostals muscle retraction and bringing fingers is not satisfied, there is no extension of the ends of the fingers (distal phalanges) of the little finger and disposal, intercostals muscles atrophy, and the intercostals spaces dramatically sink. All this leads to the fact that manifests a marked effect of antagonist muscles (extensor). The result is a kind of appearance of brush that looks like a bird's claw or paw: fingers unfolded in the proximal phalanges (those adjacent to the brush). III, IV and V of the fingers are slightly bent at the middle and end phalanges, and the end phalanges flexion increases to the little finger, because of which the fingers are not arranged in a single plane.

Can violated sensitivity V and half of the IV finger on the palm side and the V, IV, III finger half on the back of the hand. Often, there are pains that are projected onto the little finger, and trophic (due to circulatory disorders) disorders.

When nerve damage in the shoulder "kogteobraznaya brush" expressed not quite sharply, marked atrophy of the intercostals first period, the rise of the little finger and the internal division of the elevation of the thumb flattened. When lesions of the ulnar nerve in the middle and lower third of the forearm "kogteobraznaya brush" expressed sharply.

 The replacement of the ulnar nerve - tingling in the hands of more and more


To detect lung functional disorders of the ulnar nerve held special diagnostic techniques. For example, the test is Frohman. The patient was offered to stretch a piece of paper, taking it with both hands (bent index finger and thumb rectified). With the defeat of the ulnar nerve thumb on the patient side of the compensatory bends by reducing the flexor of the thumb.

In addition, a diagnosis using X-ray diffraction, X-ray studies using contrast agents, for suspected tumor biopsy puncture is performed followed by laboratory examination punctate.

 The replacement of the ulnar nerve - tingling in the hands of more and more


Treatment of infringement of the ulnar nerve depends on the cause, he was summoned. Conservative treatment aims to restore nerve stimulation and pain. Used means relieves swelling Prevention and treatment of edema - it is important to understand the root cause  Prevention and treatment of edema - it is important to understand the root cause
   tissue, vitamin B B vitamins: the body useful helpers  B vitamins: the body useful helpers
   (they contribute to the restoration of nervous tissue), spasmolytics (improves blood circulation and nerve nutrition) and, if necessary, analgesics.

Furthermore, appointed physiotherapy (thermal, electrophoresis with novocaine Novocaine - why it is so popular in medicine?  Novocaine - why it is so popular in medicine?
 , High-dose irradiation of ultraviolet rays, electrical nerve and muscle), as well as physiotherapy, massage and reflexology Reflexology - a policy of non-drug therapies  Reflexology - a policy of non-drug therapies

For injuries stapling operation is conducted nerve, which can be done immediately after an injury or after unsuccessful conservative treatment for two months. If the cause of nerve entrapment was a tumor, it is removed.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • pinched nerve

Getting rid of a headache in four steps

November 5, 2009

  • Getting rid of a headache in four steps
  • Advice

 Getting rid of a headache in four steps
 In medicine, there is such a thing as a primary headache. Two main types of primary headache, migraine I have a migraine. What to do?  I have a migraine. What to do?
   tenzionnoy and headache (or so-called tension-type headache), familiar to the vast majority of people. Getting rid of a headache can bring not only to the constant use of painkillers when the signs of a migraine, but also, in some cases, eliminate the cause, provoking specific pain.

 Getting rid of a headache in four steps

Analgesic drugs

The most common way to deal with a headache, no matter what the nature of it was not - the standard analgesic drugs sold in pharmacies without a prescription. In most cases, these drugs do provide quick relief from headache. However, one should not forget that the drug is primarily intended to eliminate the cause of pain, and not the symptoms - and constant use of analgesics for a long period of time does not contribute to the final elimination of the headache, but also, in some cases, it may its trigger.

The most effective headache suppress the following drugs:

  • Aspirin
  • Ibuprofen
  • Acetaminophen
  • Naproxen

The obvious disadvantage of this method of struggle with headaches Headache: Causes and Complications  Headache: Causes and Complications
   - Side effects that can cause reception of any of these painkillers. Taking medications, you should always follow the instructions of the pharmacist or the manufacturer: increasing the dose in any case will not help get rid of a headache faster or prevent its occurrence in the next time. Another significant disadvantage painkillers - contraindications: even familiar to everyone in some cases, aspirin is not recommended to take. For example, aspirin to get rid of the headache can not be taken during pregnancy and harmless seemingly anti-inflammatory drug ibuprofen Ibuprofen: anti-inflammatory drug  Ibuprofen: anti-inflammatory drug
   with extreme caution should be taken with a stomach ulcer. Before the use of such drugs should be familiar with contraindications.

 Getting rid of a headache in four steps

The fight against migraine

Although migraine and tension headaches are primary headaches, symptoms of these conditions are fundamentally different. Migraine - intensive "boring", localized in one area of ​​headache, often accompanied by a sharp deterioration in health, sickness. To get rid of such headaches are often recommended more powerful drugs in the first place - a group of drugs triptans. Triptans - a potent drug that can suppress migraine pain and nausea quickly and efficiently, within thirty - ninety minutes after administration. The main drugs of triptans include:

  • Almotriptan
  • Eletriptan
  • Flovatriptan
  • Naratriptan
  • Rizatriptan
  • Sumatriptan
  • Zolmitriptan

 Getting rid of a headache in four steps

Getting rid of a headache at home

The first thing to do when a painful headache - lie down or sit in a quiet, darkened room, try to relax the muscles of the neck, back, shoulders. Getting rid of a headache can bring scalp massage and gentle movements of the neck with gentle pressure - massage promotes a rush of blood to the brain, relieves stress, and therefore particularly useful for tenzionnyh headaches. In some cases, suppress intense headache helps a simple black coffee with no additives such as sugar or milk. Useful in headaches and hot baths with essential oils Essential oils and conception: can help the roses?  Essential oils and conception: can help the roses?
   - The scent of essential oils soothes and relieves stress, and hot water relaxes muscles and increases blood circulation, helping to quickly eliminate the tension headache. Someone from a headache to help get rid of hot or, conversely, ice compresses.

Ways to deal with a painful headache are varied and unique. Even such seemingly simple "medicines" from headaches as coffee or hot tub, is not for everyone, and some of them, and all are capable of inflicting damage - so, by choosing a method of getting rid of the headache, it is necessary to consider in the first place and your own health.
