Stroke - consequences: recovery and treatment - Treatment

January 16, 2011

  • Stroke - consequences: recovery and treatment
  • Treatment

Stroke, its causes and types

Stroke - an acute ischemic stroke. Strokes can occur when a sharp narrowing of the lumen of the brain or blockage - the so-called ischemic stroke. As a result, narrowing of the lumen of the blood vessel tissue of the brain loses oxygen, resulting in its necrosis or infarction, ischemic stroke, so called as infartkom brain.

Another type of stroke occurs when a blood vessel rupture and out of the blood that gets into the brain tissue, disrupting its function. This is the most dangerous type of stroke, called hemorrhagic that.

The manifestations of these types of strokes are also different. If ischemic stroke Ischemic stroke - all ages  Ischemic stroke - all ages
   characterized by local disturbances in the form of paresis, paralysis and various sensory disturbances in some parts of the body, for hemorrhagic stroke is characterized by the appearance of brain events with loss of consciousness, seizures, and so on. The consequences of hemorrhagic stroke is usually more serious than ischemic and more difficult recovery

 Treatment | Stroke - consequences: recovery and treatment


The consequences of stroke depends on its type, on how extensive brain damage was and how quickly treatment was initiated.

When stroke Stroke - a serious brain injury  Stroke - a serious brain injury
   there may be disturbances of activity of a particular region of the brain. They usually manifest infringements of speech, movement, skin sensitivity, vision or hearing on one side.

After ischemic stroke movement disorders may be in the form of weakness or clumsiness of movement on one side of the body, or symmetrically on both sides. After a hemorrhagic stroke may impair swallowing and overall coordination.

Speech disorder may manifest itself in the form of misunderstanding or her inability to play, blur, violations of reading or writing.

Sensitive violations often occur on one side of the body (the patient does not feel the touch or disturb permanent "chills" through the body). There may be visual impairment or hearing on one side.

 Treatment | Stroke - consequences: recovery and treatment

The struggle with the effects of stroke

Restoring the health of the patient after a stroke - a difficult task, but this should be done and the sooner the better. Immediately after the stroke, the patient has a lot of complications, but most of them are quite treatable, unless, of course, this treatment was administered at the time. This is possible because the stroke causes the formation in brain tissue pathological focus. The core of this center - necrotic (dead) nerve, which are surrounded by injured but alive nerve cells - they are in a state of reduced activity or complete inhibition. If immediately after the stroke to begin treatment, the injured nerve cells it is possible to recover, reducing thus to minimize damage after a stroke (necrotic cells, of course, will not be restored). When microstroke possible full recovery of all the functions.

To begin rehabilitation treatment is necessary even during the patient's stay in the hospital, that is, within a few weeks after the stroke. The question of the appointment of Rehabilitation solved individually in each case, depending on the patient and the severity of stroke. After discharge from the hospital rehabilitation treatment is conducted based clinic.

Especially good in the first weeks and months of recovery give in speech disorders, paresis and paralysis (movement disorders).

During the rehabilitation of patients prescribed drugs, to strengthen and expand the blood vessels, reducing the normal composition of blood and impeding its increased clotting. Appointed as physiotherapy, therapeutic exercises, massage courses, reflexology Reflexology - a policy of non-drug therapies  Reflexology - a policy of non-drug therapies
   (effects on specific points on the skin that are responsible for the work of various organs and tissues). In severe consequences of a stroke patient taught disturbed or lost skills.

With the help of modern equipment (plasmapheresis, hemosorption and so on) if necessary, carry out cleansing of the blood of cholesterol and other harmful substances. After this treatment restores the lumen of blood vessels and their elasticity, reduces the risk of recurrence of stroke, blood pressure normal Blood pressure - dangerous if his swing?  Blood pressure - dangerous if his swing?

If the start time and the right to carry out the rehabilitation of patients after a stroke, it is possible to achieve excellent results from a partial recovery in severe hemorrhagic strokes to full recovery of all the functions in the light of its forms.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • stroke

Hiccups - and if this is something serious? - Kinds

August 27, 2009

  • Hiccups - and if this is something serious?
  • Kinds


Hiccups may rarely occur in healthy people after consuming dry and solid food at the supercooling, after drinking alcohol, and sometimes for no apparent reason.

But hiccups can also be a sign of some diseases. The cause of such hiccups - holding "wrong" pulses in the motor fibers of the phrenic nerve. "Wrong" pulses can occur born influence the central nervous system (central hiccups) of the phrenic nerve (peripheral hiccups), and organs located far from the phrenic nerve (reflected hiccups).

  • Central hiccups

Central hiccup occurs when the brain or spinal cord (tumors, stroke, encephalitis, meningitis, etc.). So, hiccups is a leading symptom in some types of encephalitis. It is also central hiccup in asthenic (irritable weakness, for example, after infection) and hysterical (tendency to demonstrative behavior and constant self-pity) neurosis.

  • Peripheral hiccups

Hiccups peripheral origin is most often associated with involvement in the painful process of the phrenic nerve and its branches (inflammation and swelling of the mediastinum, neuritis Neuritis - nerve damage  Neuritis - nerve damage
   phrenic nerve, phrenic nerve compression scars, enlarged aorta, etc.). Peripheral hiccups may also occur in diseases of the stomach and gall bladder, in which case it occurs when stimulation of the vagus nerve.

  • The reflected hiccups

Reflection called hiccups, which is observed in diseases of the organs located far from the zones of innervation of the phrenic nerve. This happens sometimes when the hiccups helminthoses, giardiasis, in diseases of the uterus and its appendages, and other diseases.

  • Toxic hiccups

The origin of the toxic hiccups can play the role of both central and peripheral disorders associated with intoxication (exposure to harmful substances in the body). Such hiccups can occur in diabetes Diabetes - threatening and incurable disease  Diabetes - threatening and incurable disease
   (blood accumulates a large amount of toxic products of metabolism), uremia Uremia - when the kidneys are dealt  Uremia - when the kidneys are dealt
   (when the kidneys can not cope with their work, and the blood is not cleared), severe infectious intoxication (for example, botulism, when the body affects the poison bacteria). Intoxication is also due to hiccups associated with the use of anesthesia during surgery.

 Forms | hiccups - but if it's something serious?

How is a hiccup

Hiccups in healthy subjects flows of short duration, occurs rarely, so these people rarely go to the doctor.

Painful hiccups different frequent repetition, duration (from several hours to several years), it exhausts the patient can make him even mental changes, so these patients require mandatory testing by a psychiatrist. Diagnostic value of small hiccups, as it does not occur in any particular disease. At the same time it can help identify serious illness.

 Forms | hiccups - but if it's something serious?


Hiccups in healthy individuals does not require treatment, it runs independently. It is possible to stop two or three sips of water or a few deep breaths.

When prolonged hiccups when the diagnosis has not yet been installed or a causal treatment for whatever reason, it can not be applied a treatment aimed at removing the hiccups. To this end, a stimulation of certain reflex (the signal of which can be transmitted to the phrenic nerve) zones finger pressure on the eyeball, the introduction into the nasal cavity of the catheter (rubber tube) and so on.

Good temporary effect allow certain types of novocaine blockade. When the central and especially psychogenic hiccups successfully used various anti-anxiety drugs and hypnosis Hypnosis - ability, sent from above  Hypnosis - ability, sent from above

If you are concerned about the frequent and prolonged hiccups, it is necessary to consult a doctor to make sure that it does not hide behind some kind of a disease.

  Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • hiccough
