- Is there a natural cure for cancer?
- Chemotherapy or self
The human body can heal from any disease. Some scientists believe that if the body has all the necessary materials and tools to him, he knows exactly how to heal itself. All we need to do - is to provide the body with what it needs it, and the rest depends on our body.
Back in 2006, I saw the light of a very exciting book that talked about conspiracy theories. It is called "Hidden inventions and discoveries." Its author - an American microbiologist Jonathan Eisen. This book forces to reconsider your views on many things in the world around us. It deals with many issues and medical conspiracy theories of our time, such as the plot around the fluorine, and how deadly mercury in the teeth, the cars could have fifty years to ride on the water ... This book has six chapters about people who did not know each other, they lived in different parts of the world and invented a variety of "medicine" against cancer.
Is it possible to self-healing?
The following information has long been known in the art, alternative practitioners, but gradually it extends beyond the medical community:
Each person in the body there are cancer cells. These cancer cells can not be detected by standard tests and studies not yet begin to multiply and reach a few billion. When doctors say cancer patients, after treatment their bodies no more cancer cells, it means that the test failed to detect the cancer cells, because they have not achieved the size of which are detectable.
When the immune system is working well, the cancer cells are destroyed, preventing their reproduction and formation of tumors.
When a person is diagnosed with cancer, it indicates that it suffers shortage of nutrients. This may be due to genetics, environment, diet and lifestyle.
The last statement is important because it is associated with cancer two factors: improper or malnutrition and the environment, or a poor diet and lifestyle.
This statement points to almost two major causes of most types of cancer:
- nutritional deficiencies in the body;
- toxicity.
Very simple: if our body is not getting the essential nutrients, it can not function properly, which means that sooner or later "break."
Through the strengthening of the immune system
The immune system - how it works?
- The correct full diet, providing the body with all the nutrients it needs in the right amounts. Unfortunately, most people do not provide your body with the necessary nutrients it.
Many people believe that eating properly, but given the sharp increase in the incidence of cancer in the last fifty years, it is clear that we are doing something wrong. Thus, providing the body with nutrients, we are strengthening the immune system, so that the body can overcome the dangerous cancer cells naturally.
In addition, we live in the most "dirty" in the history of the period, when the environment is polluted as never before. These toxins are absorbed by the body and cause various diseases, including cancer.
Dangerous toxins
What are the most common and dangerous toxins that we are exposed to the action?
X-rays, microwaves wave transmission line, herbicides and pesticides, industrial chemicals and toxins, drinking or bathing in contaminated, chlorinated or fluoridated water, smoking, dietary supplements
Food additives - basic classification
, Dental fillings with mercury, medicines and drugs, stress
How to beat stress? Create an oasis
Negative emotions and so on.
Even the ubiquitous household tools such as deodorants, shampoos, hair conditioners, toothpaste
Toothpastes - how to choose?
, Detergents and perfumes contain toxic chemicals that negatively affect the body, destroying it from within. It is therefore important to cleanse the body of toxins naturally and getting the right nutrients.
Oxygen therapy
Treatment with ozone, hydrogen peroxide, and hyperbaric oxygen therapy. In 1924, Dr. Otto Warburg, Nobel Prize winner, discovered that cancer cells proliferate intensively under the conditions of low oxygen.
Thus, if we could find a way to "flood" the body with oxygen, this would effectively help him fight the cancer. Ozone therapy is used throughout Europe and in other parts of the world, but even 90 years after this discovery, the use of oxygen to fight cancer has not received wide acceptance in the medical community.