Blood cancer - do not despair - Causes and types

September 6, 2009

  • Blood cancer - do not despair
  • Causes and types

Causes and types of blood cancer

Like other types of cancer, cancer of the blood is poorly understood and largely remains a mystery why he begins. Nevertheless, it has been observed that the need for a genetic predisposition of disease organism. It was also found that leukemia often occur after any physical (e.g., ionizing radiation) or chemical (various chemicals, including drugs) effects, and after a viral disease.

Blood cancer can occur acutely and chronically. Acute leukemia can be of two types:

  • acute lymphoblastic leukemia when in blood lymphocytes appear immature;
  • acute myelogenous leukemia, when in the blood increases the number of immature granulocytes.

Chronic leukemia is divided into chronic lymphocytic leukemia (with lymphocyte blasts), chronic myeloid (granulocytes with blasts).

 Causes and types | Cancer Blood - do not despair

Signs of acute leukemia

Acute leukemia begins abruptly, the first signs of it - a high fever, weakness, fatigue, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, pain in the bones. In some cases, leukemia begins with purulent center, for example, with angina Angina - is it worth it to carry "on their feet"?  Angina - is it worth it to carry "on their feet"?
 Which rapidly moves to the oral mucosa, causing stomatitis Stomatitis - to breath fresh  Stomatitis - to breath fresh
   and inflammation of the gums Gum disease - do not treat lightly  Gum disease - do not treat lightly
   with expressed their bleeding. The patient loses weight quickly.

When viewed from such a patient can detect enlarged liver, spleen and lymph nodes. Be sure to show signs of bleeding: nosebleeds, bleeding gums How to prevent bleeding gums: important rules  How to prevent bleeding gums: important rules
 , Bruises, punctulate haemorrhagic (due to bleeding) rashes may occur bleeding of internal organs.

The diagnosis of acute leukemia is confirmed by laboratory: blood appears a large number of immature lymphocytes in acute lymphatic leukemia and granulocytes in acute myeloid leukemia.

 Causes and types | Cancer Blood - do not despair

Symptoms of chronic leukemia

Chronic leukemia progresses slowly and often imperceptibly. Such signs of leukemia is bleeding, anemia, frequent infections is not too pronounced, so chronic leukemia is sometimes revealed in a random survey. Exacerbation followed by periods of temporary absence of symptoms of the disease to the forefront such symptoms as general weakness, fatigue, malaise, frequent colds.

Chronic leukemia may become acute forms or in blast crisis, which is difficult to treat.

In chronic leukemia, as well as in acute, blood is found a large number of immature white blood cells.

 Causes and types | Cancer Blood - do not despair

Treatment of blood cancer

Treatment of leukemia begins with the destruction of immature white blood cells, they must be destroyed completely, as even one cell can cause a relapse of the disease. For this purpose, appointed chemotherapy (drugs that kill blasts) and radiation therapy. Both treatments are not harmless, since not only have an effect on the blasts, but also on other blood cells as well as the internal organs and systems. In the treatment of these methods, the patient has a severe weakness, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, drop all the hair.

Appointed as corticosteroid hormones that contribute to the maturation of white blood cells. Repeated exacerbations recommended leukemia bone marrow transplant from a donor. Healthy donor cells stimulate the bone marrow of the patient, which usually occurs after recovery. If there is bleeding, transfusions of blood or blood components.

In a patient with blood cancer drastically reduced immunity, so the number of his contact with other people must be kept to a minimum. To prevent getting an infection in the body appointed him antibacterial and antiviral drugs.

 Causes and types | Cancer Blood - do not despair

What may end blood cancer

The acute course of the disease without treatment, leads to the death of the patient, but in conducting proper treatment in most cases, recovery occurs.

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  • blood cancer

Skin cancer - a full recovery is possible - How to develop

October 22, 2009

  • Skin cancer - a full recovery possible
  • How is

What are the symptoms of skin cancer

Skin cancer develops mainly aged 50-70 years and is located in the open areas of the skin, mostly on the face, but may also occur in other areas, especially in the field of ulcer and scarring.

Skin cancer usually begins with a single (sometimes multiple) skin lesions. There are two types of cancer Breast cancer - the verdict?  Breast cancer - the verdict?
   Skin - ulcerative and infiltrating papillary. Ulcerative infiltrating form begins with a smooth knot, gradually increasing in size and ulcerate to form indolent ulcers A crater with a raised edge, frequently covered with a thick crust.

Papillary cancer is a form of lumpy swelling, covered with papillae. It is characterized by this kind of skin cancer faster over the process with the development of metastases and rapid depletion of the patient. Tumor growth occurs both in depth and laterally to the process involving the surrounding tissue.

Cancer skin appendages (hair follicles, sebaceous and sweat glands) in most cases has the same features as skin cancer. But this occurs more malignant cancer often metastasizes to distant organs.

 How is | Skin cancer - a full recovery possible

Stages of development

Current skin cancer is usually a long, metastases develop late and not all patients. Skin cancer is held in four stages of development:

  • Stage I - the tumor or ulcer of less than 2 cm in diameter, mobile, no metastases;
  • Stage II - tumor or ulcer is larger than 2 cm in diameter, grows in the skin and can give one metastasis Metastasis - danger everywhere  Metastasis - danger everywhere
   to a nearby lymph node;
  • Stage III can be in two versions a) tumor of considerable size, its mobility is limited, grows on the entire thickness of the skin and soft tissue, but does not affect the bone and cartilage, there is no metastasis; b) the same or a smaller tumor with metastasis to nearby lymph nodes;
  • Stage IV: a) a tumor or ulcer is widespread skin, sprouted in the soft tissue, bone and cartilage; b) smaller tumor with distant metastases.

 How is | Skin cancer - a full recovery possible


Diagnosis of skin cancer can deliver dermatologist. But this is not enough, the diagnosis requires laboratory confirmation: made microscopic examination of impression smears from the surface of the ulcer to detect abnormal cells. Sometimes research is taken as a piece of cloth and examined under a microscope.

Treatment of skin cancer is most often carried out by means of radiotherapy, which is carried out for a month. As a result of this treatment the cancer cells are killed, tissue begins scarring at the site of the tumor.

The tumor surgically removed only in those cases where it is insensitive to radiation exposure. The tumor is removed as by an electric current (electrocautery), cold (cryotherapy), laser and radiofrequency exposure.

Chemotherapeutic treatment facilitates removal of the tumor can be performed using ointment cytostatics (drugs that kill tumor cells).

With proper and adequate treatment is possible full recovery.

Preventing skin cancer is the timely treatment of precancerous skin conditions, including nonhealing ulcers.

  Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • skin cancer
