Citoflavin in Ophthalmology: will help restore vision after injuries and diseases

April 29, 2012

 cytoflavin Ophthalmology
 Citoflavin has no formal indications for the treatment of eye diseases. Nevertheless, he was appointed to restore vision after suffering head injuries, stroke, metabolic disorders of the retina. Furthermore, cytoflavin administered to reduce the side effects of some drugs.

 Citoflavin in Ophthalmology: will help restore vision after injuries and diseases

Citoflavin the treatment of visual impairment after suffering head injuries, and ischemic stroke

With traumatic brain injuries may result in any parts of the brain, including the optic nerve and nuclei located in the brain. Thus in a particular area affected or completely destroyed nerve cells (neurons). To restore the functional state of the brain prescribe complex treatment, which consists of vasodilators, agents, improves metabolic processes in cells and so on.

In ischemic stroke as a result of spasm of a single blood vessel, a sharp violation of cerebral circulation. In this part of the cells can die, creating a primary lesion and the surrounding hotbed of cells may not suffer so much, and the appointment of proper early treatment can restore its function.

Citoflavin is a drug that improves metabolism Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting  Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting
   in neurons. It increases the amount of energy through more efficient use of glucose and is itself a source of energy, as part of its composition succinic acid decomposes to form ATP. Citoflavin active against the enzyme system cells, forcing them thus to economize oxygen and inhibits the formation of toxic free radicals.

After a stroke or injury cytoflavin helps limit the main lesion and recovery of cells that have suffered, but not killed. Through this action will restore the function of individual cells and the brain as a whole. Including part or all (depending on the severity of injury) restored vision.

Early treatment cytoflavin administered intravenously, spreading it with saline or 5% glucose solution Glucose: The energy source  Glucose: The energy source
 . However, his attempt to appoint as soon as possible after an injury or stroke - it prevents the development of complications and contributes to a more rapid and complete restoration of brain functions. In the future, treatments can be done in the form of tablets.

 Citoflavin in Ophthalmology: will help restore vision after injuries and diseases

Citoflavin the treatment of visual impairment on the background of retinal degeneration

Macular degeneration - a disease that often goes unnoticed, but sooner or later leads to severe visual impairment, up to its complete loss. Macular degeneration can develop in a variety of chronic diseases of internal organs, severe infections, endocrine disorders (eg, diabetes), intoxications (eg, alcohol, smoking, etc.), and metabolic disorders.

In all these cases, retinal dystrophy develops due to disruption of metabolism Metabolism: The basis of life of all living things  Metabolism: The basis of life of all living things
   in the nerve cells of the retina. As a result, improper metabolism in cells accumulate toxic metabolic products, which can cause damage to the retina, which is called dystrophy. Macular degeneration requires immediate treatment, and, the sooner treatment is started, the better the chances to restore vision.

Treatment of retinal degeneration always starts with the elimination of the reasons that caused it. Only after the removal of these causes can actually begin to treat macular degeneration (e.g., with a laser).

Whatever the reason is not underpinned the emergence of retinal degeneration Macular degeneration - loss of vision possible  Macular degeneration - loss of vision possible
 Necessarily prescribed drugs that improve blood circulation and its products have a positive influence on the metabolism of the cells of the retina. Citoflavin able to increase blood flow and improve metabolism in the brain, so it is now commonly prescribed for the treatment of macular degeneration.

Under the influence of cytoflavin retinal cells begin to get more power to postpone it in reserve, as without energy is impossible, no biochemical process. With the influx of energy activates protein synthesis and cell literally come alive. This cytoflavin "suppresses" the toxic effects of free radicals and other toxic substances in the cell come to life, enabling it to recover more quickly. Citoflavin cells reduces oxygen demand, and they can function properly under conditions of oxygen deficiency. Cytoflavin Dose and duration of treatments with the individual retinal dystrophy, as they depend on the patient's condition.

Citoflavin is also used in the appointment of patients with the antibiotic chloramphenicol, which as a side effect can cause optic neuritis. Citoflavin in this case prevents the side effect of chloramphenicol.

Citoflavin - a drug, which is increasingly used in ophthalmology.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • cytoflavin

Astigmatism - modern methods

October 25, 2013

 astigmatism correction
 Astigmatism - one of the most pressing problems in ophthalmology, because today it is believed that the symptoms of astigmatism are found in almost half of the adult population. In children they occur more frequently. Slight astigmatism phenomena are the norm, this is called physiological astigmatism.

 Astigmatism - modern methods

Vision correction at astigmatism - the main methods

Correction of astigmatism mainly carried out by means of selection of eyeglasses or contact lenses, but also using surgical methods, including methods for laser correction.

All conservative correction methods allow to restore normal vision only when wearing glasses or lenses. As soon as a person suffering from astigmatism, stop wearing glasses or lenses, he again sees the bad.

Surgical techniques allow or completely get rid of astigmatism, or significantly improve vision, so they are now used very widely.


Correction of astigmatism with glasses

Astigmatism - is a complex disorder that develops in the form of violation of the cornea or lens, and is always combined with myopia Myopia - when visual acuity falls  Myopia - when visual acuity falls
   or farsightedness Hyperopia - than it is fraught?  Hyperopia - than it is fraught?
 . Pick up points in this disease is very difficult.

When correcting astigmatism cylindrical glass used in which the principal sections have mutually perpendicular arrangement. The main section coincides with the axis of the cylinder, it is optically inactive. Perpendicular to it another major cross-section has the highest refractive power. The main focus of the cross, only those rays which pass the lens in the active section. Thus, the corrected right (corneal) easy (when one principal meridian refracts light normally, with the formation of the focus on the retina, and the other - in front of or behind the retina), astigmatism Astigmatism - lenses, glasses or surgery?  Astigmatism - lenses, glasses or surgery?
 . Proper selection of points can achieve the full vision correction.

To correct astigmatism (when both meridian nearsightedness or farsightedness, but to varying degrees) used spherocylindrical lenses, which are both optically active section. This also allows to achieve a significant improvement in visual acuity.


Contact lenses - they are better than glasses?

Today, for the correction of astigmatism used two types of contact lenses - hard and soft. Hard lenses can be scleral and corneal. Scleral lenses cover the cornea and rests on the sclera. Corneal lenses cover only the cornea.

Soft contact lenses are permeable to oxygen, they are more convenient to use, in close contact with the lachrymal film prior to the cornea and merge with the optical system of the eye.

Today, increasingly used toric soft contact lenses, which are made from materials of the average moisture content. Toric lenses are appointed with the correct (typically stratum, congenital) and wrong (acquisition, corneal or lens) astigmatism. Applied and hard lenses - they are correct even high degree of correct astigmatism.

The advantage of contact lens than with glasses is, above all, the restoration of binocular (two-eyed) vision. Since the contact lens Contact lenses - whether they can completely replace the glasses?  Contact lenses - whether they can completely replace the glasses?
   moves together with the eye are eliminated peripheral visual distortions arising when wearing glasses.

Disadvantages of contact lenses are corneal injury if used improperly, circulatory disorders of the cornea, making the infection in the tissue of the eye, allergic to the materials from which the lenses are made.


Laser correction of astigmatism

Laser vision correction at astigmatism is today the leading surgically corrected. Most often used the laser in-situ keratomileusis, which is abbreviated as LASIK. The method makes it possible to correct astigmatism LASIK degree to 5.0 - 6.0 D (diopter).

A similar technique is REIK - correcting refractive excimer laser intrastromal keratoektomiya. This technique allows for a more individual approach to each patient, and therefore its effectiveness is higher than that of LASIK.

It is used for keratoplasty astigmatism and - donor transplant or an artificial cornea. This operation is used in severe astigmatism, which is often purchased in nature - after burns, severe corneal injury or developing keratoconus (heavy exchange-degenerative disease in which the cornea becomes conical shape).

Nowadays there are quite a number of effective methods for vision correction at astigmatism. But the method of correction for each patient should be individualized, taking into account the state of his vision and the general condition of the body.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • astigmatism
