Hyperopia - than it is fraught? - Vision correction

July 16, 2009

  • Hyperopia - than it is fraught?
  • Causes
  • Symptoms
  • Vision correction

 vision correction in farsightedness

Vision correction in farsightedness

Refractive error can be corrected by glasses, contact lenses, or surgical operations.

Selection of glasses with the farsightedness carried out by means of Optometry. The thickness and bending the lens will depend on the degree of hyperopia, which is a device allows to establish fairly accurately. In addition to the degree of farsightedness, the choice of points necessary to consider what exactly the patient will use them. Most farsighted people buy sunglasses that they were easier to read or work on a computer - that is, to look at an object at a distance of 30-40 cm from the eye, but sometimes a job or a hobby human rights requires good eyesight for a few more distance - in these cases, a patient may require different glasses.

When mixed astigmatism when a person sees bad at close and far away, he may also need two pairs of glasses. In addition, today there are multifocal glasses that allow us to solve several problems due to visual impairment.

Contact lenses correct vision just like glasses, so that the choice between the glasses and the lens is usually based only on the personal preferences of the person. Currently, there are lenses that can be worn not only for one day, but for several days, so more and more people in preference as a more convenient means to improve vision.

Restoring vision with far-sightedness can be carried out with the help of laser vision correction (laser in-situ keratomileusis, LASIK), photorefractive keratoektomii epithelial keratomileusis and laser. The first of these procedures are now used more often. During the operation on the surface of the cornea is cut small "flap", which is lifted and then, acting on the cornea of ​​the laser make it more convex, thereby entering the eye light rays will be focused on the retina. The laser removes corneal tissue very precisely, without damaging surrounding tissue. At the end of the operation the flap is lowered into place; dressings and sutures are used. If the operation is successful, the patient can go home the same day.

Most people after laser vision correction does not feel pain, or feel faint discomfort within a few hours. It is not the day after surgery, most people are beginning to see much better, but full recovery may take a view for some time. In some people, however, blurred vision, and may persist for several days after correction. Do not drive, and be particularly careful on busy streets, as you will not recover visual acuity.

Redness and itchy eyes after laser correction - a fairly common phenomenon; As a rule, these side effects disappear in a few days or weeks. Ordinary eye drops to help relieve the unpleasant symptoms.

Many patients in the weeks or months it is recommended to use special eye drops, which reduce inflammation and reduce the likelihood of infection. If you have appointed such drops, take them for as long as the doctor said.

Within a few days after surgery, you can not swim, intense exercise, eye make-up - in other words, you need to avoid any activities in which the eye can get water, sweat, or any foreign substances.

Vision correction in farsightedness is not for everyone. Usually, it is not recommended to do to people under 21 years, as they have the vision can still change, and change the structure of the eye by means of external intervention can be dangerous.

In addition, surgery for vision correction may be contraindicated in people who have the following health problems:

  • Diabetes - a violation can lead to abnormalities in the structure of the eye, which may get worse after surgery;
  • Diseases related to the immune system, e.g., HIV and rheumatoid arthritis Arthritis - a variety of forms and complications  Arthritis - a variety of forms and complications
 . If diseases such recovery operation is too slow, and there is an increased likelihood of infection;
  • Other eye diseases such as glaucoma Glaucoma - a perspective possible blindness  Glaucoma - a perspective possible blindness
   or cataracts.

Restoring vision with far-sightedness and it should not be performed during pregnancy and breastfeeding. During these periods in a woman's increased levels of hormones that may affect the visual acuity and the ability of the eye to focus, and when hormones stabilizes, vision may change again.


Prevention farsightedness

Guaranteed to prevent the development of long-sightedness is not possible, but you can take steps to reduce the likelihood of its development, and slow its progression, if it has already manifested itself.

The fact that the constant strain on the eyes can lead to vision loss, and that the eyes need regular rest, know, probably all. Arranging during work requiring eyestrain, regular breaks - every hour or two, for two or three minutes - you can prevent the development of long-sightedness or postpone it for a few years.

Even more important for the prevention of this disorder is proper nutrition. Farsightedness often develops as a result of age-related changes of the body, and a man who regularly lacks important vitamins and minerals, they occur very rapidly. If you want to maintain good vision for years to come, make sure that your diet includes the following materials:

  • Beta-carotene. His sources are carrots, sweet potatoes, spinach, cabbage, squash;
  • Bioflavonoids. These substances not only help prevent age hyperopia Age farsightedness - all different  Age farsightedness - all different
 But such conditions as cataracts Cataracts - how to solve the problem completely?  Cataracts - how to solve the problem completely?
   and macular degeneration;
  • Lutein and zeaxanthin. The sources of these substances - spinach, kale, beet greens, squash and pumpkin;
  • Omega-3 found in marine fish (eg, salmon, mackerel, herring), flax seeds, walnuts;
  • Selenium. The sources of selenium are seafood, brazil nuts, brown rice;
  • His sources of vitamin A. - eggs, butter, milk, animal liver and chicken, vegetables and fruits yellow and orange;
  • Vitamin C. It can receive large quantities of paprika, cabbages, strawberries, broccoli, orange, melon;
  • Vitamin D is produced in the human body caused by ultraviolet radiation. In addition, it is found in salmon, herring, mackerel, milk;
  • Vitamin E. The sources of vitamin E are almonds, sunflower seeds, walnuts;
  • Zinc is found in oysters, beef, crab meat, turkey.

Prevention of congenital hyperopia. At present, experts can not answer the question of how to prevent congenital hyperopia, as reasons for its development is questionable. However, prospective parents - not only mothers, but fathers and - should lead a healthy life, and undergo a medical examination at the planning stage of pregnancy. This helps to prevent or reduce the risk of certain disorders in the development of the fetus, one of the consequences of which can be congenital hyperopia.

Article Tags:
  • farsightedness

Hyperopia - than it is fraught? - Causes

July 16, 2009

  • Hyperopia - than it is fraught?
  • Causes
  • Symptoms
  • Vision correction

 sightedness causes

What is farsightedness and causes of its occurrence

Farsightedness or hyperopia - is a type of refractive error (refractive power) of the eye in which the rays entering the eye, crossed not so, as expected, on the inside of the eye - the retina, but behind her. When farsightedness for a good distance and near vision requires constant tension of ciliary muscle, which changes the curvature (and hence the refraction) eyes. Young people ciliary muscle is able to rapidly contract and relax, so even with farsightedness they see a good distance and near. With age, the ciliary muscle "tired", it does not compensate for the reduction in violations of the refractive power of the eye, and it leads to the deterioration of both near and afar. The degree of such hyperopia depends on the initial state of view.

The cause of farsightedness may be weakness or refracting device (refractive hyperopia), or short anteroposterior size of the eye (axial hyperopia). Refractive hyperopia is almost always acquired and developed as a result of processes such as flattening of the cornea, the absence of the lens (for example, after surgery), and so on. Axial hyperopia often is innate - almost all children are farsighted, but further reduced the degree of farsightedness, and sometimes it may even go into myopia.


Signs of farsightedness

Hyperopia manifest violation acuity close objects, and at high degrees of hyperopia appears poor vision and distance. When the voltage of (eg, reading) will appear eye fatigue, which can be accompanied by headaches and blurred vision (letters merge).

A more or less pronounced hyperopia, particularly in children, often develops friendly esotropia Convergent strabismus - the need for regular check-ups  Convergent strabismus - the need for regular check-ups
 . In appearance eye at a low degree of hyperopia is no different, but at higher degrees of reduced dimensions eye, the pupil becomes narrower.

Farsightedness may be weak (2, 0 diopters), medium (up to 5, 0 diopters) and high (more than 5, 0 diopters). The measured value of the refractive diopters (1 diopter - is the power of a lens with a focal length of 1 m). The strength of the refraction glasses and contact lenses Contact lenses - whether they can completely replace the glasses?  Contact lenses - whether they can completely replace the glasses?
   Hyperopia is expressed by a positive number.

Farsightedness can be explicit, that is detected by means of special correcting glasses, and hidden, which is compensated by a good contractile ability of the ciliary muscle (accommodation). Explicit and latent hyperopia together constitute the true or full degree of farsightedness. Due to the gradual weakening of latent hypermetropia accommodation decreases with age, and clear increases. To determine the true farsightedness to study with the help of glasses tension of ciliary muscle is removed, digging into the eyes of a 1% solution of atropine.

Hyperopic eyes are considered more susceptible to glaucoma (increased intraocular pressure).


Diagnostics and correction of sight

Farsightedness can be installed in the study windows. The degree of farsightedness is determined by the strongest of the collecting lens, which is best to see this person. This is a subjective (ie oriented feeling sick) method.

The objective methods of diagnosis farsightedness include refractometry eye (measurement of refraction with the help of special equipment - refractometer) skiascopy (observation of the movement of the light spot in the illuminated pupil during rotation ophthalmoscopic mirror). Using these methods, diagnosis can be made independently from the patient, which is very important during the examination or investigation of very young children.

To correct farsightedness used convex glass, reinforcing the refraction of the eye to the norm. Correcting farsightedness depends on many factors such as a person's age, his profession, a degree of farsightedness, and so on. At a young age with weak myopia Myopia - when visual acuity falls  Myopia - when visual acuity falls
   This is usually not necessary, but the signs of eye strain appears the need for correction. With age, with the transition of latent hyperopia in clear glasses have to be strengthened.

Currently hyperopia can be corrected also by means of surgery. For example, using a laser can reshape the cornea and consequently its refractive power. At high degrees of hyperopia lens replacement surgery is performed on the soft artificial lens.

Prevention of farsightedness is to regularly (at least once a year) visiting the ophthalmologist to detect impairment. This is especially true for children, whose farsightedness is often the cause of strabismus Strabismus - how to find the cause?  Strabismus - how to find the cause?
