Dry cough at night: how to facilitate attacks

January 28, 2012

 dry cough at night
 Dry cough at night, occurring after a person falls asleep - a very common phenomenon. Dry cough caused by a variety of reasons, usually exacerbated by it at night - coughing fits begin every two to three hours, and lasted for several minutes. The most common causes of dry cough at night are common cold, asthma, pertussis, and in some cases, emphysema. In general, the cause of dry cough, worse at night, can cause any lung disease.

Dry cough at night may occur as a result of postnasal syndrome, laryngitis (inflammation of the mucous membrane of the larynx, which is characterized by roughness or loss of voice and staccato "barking" cough), tracheitis (inflammation of the trachea), obstruction (obstruction) of the airways. Finally, dry cough, worse at night, can be a direct consequence of chronic dry cough, low humidity, smoking.

To permanently cure dry cough, you need to know the exact reason, he was summoned.

But to make attacks of dry cough at night, less painful, suppress cough, disturbed sleep, you can own, using traditional medicines.

  • In the first place, especially useful when a constant dry cough at night, a variety of herbal teas and teas. Make bouts of dry cough less intense helps broth marjoram, and green tea with honey and ginger tea before bedtime soothes the throat and reduces the frequency of attacks of dry cough (ginger tea is not for nothing is considered an excellent remedy for colds). Good help from a dry cough at night, and tea with anise, which should be drunk just before bedtime. Instead of tea with anise at night and you can drink warm milk with honey, which not only soothes dry cough, but also helps to quickly fall asleep.
  • Very effective, but not very pleasant to the taste, cure dry cough at night - onion juice. Squeeze the juice from one fresh onion, mix a teaspoon of onion juice with a teaspoon of honey, leave to infuse for four or five hours - and the fast-natural cough syrup Cough syrup - how to choose the best?  Cough syrup - how to choose the best?
   ready. To suppress dry cough syrup that should be taken twice a day for a teaspoon.
  • To facilitate the attacks of dry cough can prepare medicinal paste of fruit and honey. For example, to prevent dry cough Dry cough - whether to worry about it?  Dry cough - whether to worry about it?
   at night, fit a soothing throat paste raisins. Dostatotochno hundred grams of crushed mix of raisins, and one hundred grams of sugar, add a little water, and boil the resulting mixture until thickening (ready to paste consistency should resemble a thick sauce). In the morning and at bedtime Dreams: how to understand our dreams  Dreams: how to understand our dreams
   to relieve dry cough can have a paste of ground almonds Use almond: Fertility symbol of peace  Use almond: Fertility symbol of peace
   with honey and a little butter.
  • If bouts of dry cough at night, causing increased dryness of the air, at night in the bedroom can include a humidifier. In addition, the room must be aired frequently and vacuuming so that the air was fresh, and the dust is not irritating the airways and does not cause a dry cough at night.

Article Tags:
  • dry cough

If it laid ear - what can be done

June 24, 2014

 If you lay the ear
 Mortgaged ear - a problem familiar to everyone. In one or both ears of a sensation of pressure, sound muffled sounds - this is unpleasant, although usually not harmful. What to do if laid his ear?


Why pawns ears

The most common reasons that can lay the ears:

  • Eustachian tube dysfunction. This cause ear congestion occurs, probably more often; Fortunately, this dysfunction is temporary and passes without serious consequences for health. Eustachian tube - a channel connecting the cavity with the cavity of the middle ear cavity, and facilitates the equalization of pressure in the middle ear with the atmospheric pressure. It opens, for example, when a person yawning, swallowing or chewing. It is because of impaired functioning of the Eustachian tube, many people ears pop colds and other infectious diseases, such as rhinitis. Often patients complain that they have laid the ears for allergies; This symptom is often accompanied by other signs of allergic reactions such as nasal congestion, runny nose, watery eyes.
  • Air travel. Many people are faced with the fact that they have laid both ears when the aircraft is climbing or sitting down. The sudden increase in pressure in the environment leads to the fact that the body does not manage to equalize pressure in the middle ear, and there are unpleasant sensations familiar to many travelers. Young children on board the aircraft because of this often cry and can not calm down for a long time - they are afraid of the unfamiliar feeling that they can not cope. It may also lay the ears while climbing a hill or climbing on high-speed elevators, which are in high-rise buildings. Severe pain in the ears can be a symptom of barotrauma - damage arising from the sharp changes in pressure.
  • Pregnancy. Women often complain that their ears pop during pregnancy. If the woman is healthy, the reason for this may be a change in blood pressure - is often observed in pregnant women, and decreased hemoglobin Decreased hemoglobin - what can threaten iron deficiency anemia  Decreased hemoglobin - what can threaten iron deficiency anemia
 . This is usually harmless, but moms who often lays his ears, is to talk about this with your doctor;
  • Water. Sometimes after swimming or showering lays the ears due to the fact that water gets in them. Usually it follows after some time itself, but sometimes it leads to the development of ear infections.

The following are less common causes of nasal ears:

  • Sinusitis;
  • Meniere's disease - a disorder that causes problems with hearing and vestibular apparatus;
  • Cholesteatoma - a cyst that forms in the middle ear;
  • Acoustic neuroma - a tumor growing on the nerves connecting the inner ear to the brain;
  • Fungal infection of the ears;
  • Severe forms of otitis media Otitis media - children's problem  Otitis media - children's problem
   - Infection, which is characterized by watery discharge Watery discharge: Signs rules and conditions  Watery discharge: Signs rules and conditions
   from the ears.


What to do if you laid the ear

Before you select the appropriate method of treatment, should be established reason why pawns ears. If you suffer from a stuffy ears in the plane, remember the following recommendations.

During takeoff and landing chew gum or suck on a lollipop (in some people's ears laid during the flight - they are encouraged to bring a large enough supply of candy). You can also use the technique, which is used divers: inhale, hold your nose with your fingers, close your mouth and exhale. Finally, you can just yawn - it helps rather quickly to get rid of stuffiness in the ears. A child during takeoff and landing is also possible to give candy or drink it with water or milk formula Dairy mixture - selection of useful power  Dairy mixture - selection of useful power

The above recommendations may bring temporary relief, and those who have ears pop a cold or during pregnancy. Nose drops with decongestants also help to cope with nasal ears, but they are not recommended for use on stretch more than five days. Pregnant women before pledged to treat an ear to any drugs, you need to consult a doctor.

Patients who laid the left ear (or left), it is necessary to consult a doctor. The fact that in most cases people lays both ears, and there is a small probability that the nasal one ear is any sign of bacterial infections.

In most cases, very easy to get rid of a stuffy ear after showering or swimming. If you lay the right ear, it firmly onto the finger and bow your head to the right, if the left - lean to the left. After a few seconds, remove the finger; As a rule, after this water flows out of the ear, but if it does not, repeat the above reception.

If the ears are laid because of a cold, try inhalation. Pour boiling water into a large bowl, if desired, add a few drops of essential oil (this is optional), lean over the bowl and cover your head with a towel. Turns to the cup alternately left and right ear and face, inhaling deeply pairs nose and mouth. Be careful not to bend too low - Hot steam can cause burns of the skin.

Article Tags:
  • ear disease
