Sinusitis - is one of the most common diseases of any age. The beginning of sinusitis is very easy to be confused with the common cold - as a result, many patients do not seek medical help promptly and the disease becomes chronic.
Why can begin sinusitis
Sinusitis is often complicated by bacterial or viral infections, and allergic diseases nasopharynx. Perhaps the development of sinusitis and dental diseases, after injuries and operations on the ENT organs.
The transition of the inflammatory process in the cavity of the maxillary sinus promote features of its structure from oral maxillary sinus bone separated by only a thin partition, and with the nasal cavity has a message through small openings. Sinusitis often difficult for a viral infection, but it is not caused by viruses, and bacterial microflora, constantly lives in the nasopharynx. Such microflora called opportunistic as it causes disease only under certain conditions, for example, in reducing the body's defenses against the background of a viral infection.
Terms and conditions for the development of pathogenic microflora may appear with colds (supercooling), severe stress
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Against the background of various chronic diseases that reduce immunity (eg, diabetes).
The first signs of sinusitis on a background of acute respiratory infection (ARI)
Often the first symptoms of sinusitis
Sinusitis - symptoms of inflammation in the maxillary sinus
occur when cold or other infection is almost over, the temperature dropped. Repeated temperature rise to high numbers indicates the presence of some complications. And as this headaches, facial pain and nasal congestion is enhanced, and then there are abundant nasal discharge, suggests that SARS complicated sinusitis.
Identify timely sinusitis against SARS is very important, as it is a bacterial disease that requires antibiotics, while SARS is treated only symptomatically.
The first signs of sinusitis on the background of the common cold
When cold the first manifestations of sinusitis can be mistaken for a viral infection. Also, there is high fever, malaise, fatigue, nasal congestion and headaches. But headaches are particularly stubborn and combined with pain in the projection of the maxillary sinuses. Headache is also enhanced by the evening. After some time, there are abundant nasal discharge - fluid, mucous, pus or blood.
To avoid mistakes in the diagnosis, it is best to call the doctor - the timely appointment of antibacterial therapy prevent the development of complications and the transition of acute to chronic.
The first signs of sinusitis on a background of allergic diseases
The easiest way to "not notice" the beginning of sinusitis in allergic diseases, such as allergic rhinitis, when the nose is stuffed up so consistently and constantly worried liquid transparent allocation
Transparent allocation when they are normal?
from the nose. Constant insufficient supply of oxygen to the brain causing brain Frequent headaches.
Therefore, the appearance of high temperature is often regarded as a viral infection, because other symptoms of the disease may well be mistaken for allergy. But with careful attention to the disease can still be noted that the headache was the constant rise, there was a sensation of fullness in the head and pain in the face near the nose, worse pressure.
If you start the treatment of sinusitis on a background of allergic disease, treat it and then it will be very difficult - the infection is often the allergen causing the allergic process and allergy immediately joins the infectious-inflammatory process, forming thus a vicious circle.
What additional studies can detect sinusitis
If you suspect sinusitis patient necessarily prescribe blood tests and X-rays of the sinuses. In general, a blood test for acute sinusitis
Acute sinusitis - occurs as the inflammatory process
necessarily be signs of inflammation - a high erythrocyte sedimentation rate, and an increased number of white blood cells, particularly granular (granulocytes).
On the X-ray of the paranasal sinuses can be seen in the shade of the maxillary sinus on the affected side. This basic research methods that allow a diagnosis of sinusitis.
After the antibiotic treatment and recovery of the general state of the patient, it is carried out a detailed survey to identify possible irregularities in the structure of the nose, or the effects of the inflammatory process in the form of intranasal tissue growths that prevent the removal of secretions from the maxillary sinus. All of the violations being treated using conservative or operative methods.
Galina Romanenko