Otitis media - children's problem

June 3, 2014

  • Otitis media - children's problem
  • Treatment

 otitis media
 Otitis media - the disease is very common in young children. According to statistics, three out of four children at least once sick otitis media before they turn three years. Otitis media in adults is rare.

It called the middle ear cavity disposed between the inner ear and the tympanic membrane. The peak incidence occurs between the ages of 6 to 18 months. Some researchers also noted a second peak between 4-5 years - it is associated with the fact that at about this age, the child begins to go to kindergarten, to interact with other children, which is why the probability of infection by some diseases increases. Experts also point out that if a child in the first year of life suffered acute otitis Acute otitis media: to heal, to not become a chronic disease  Acute otitis media: to heal, to not become a chronic disease
   middle ear, the likelihood of recurrent or chronic otitis Chronic otitis media - how to recognize complications in a timely manner  Chronic otitis media - how to recognize complications in a timely manner
   it will have a significantly higher than in children who first otitis ill older than one year.


The symptoms of otitis media

For otitis media characterized by the following symptoms:

  • Ear pain - from mild to very severe. Sometimes pain radiating to the head - in its right or left side, depending on which affected ear infection;
  • High body temperature (over 38 degrees Celsius);
  • Malaise;
  • Weakness;
  • Some hearing loss.

Other possible symptoms of otitis media, which are often observed in young children:

  • Irritability;
  • Poor appetite;
  • Sleep problems;
  • Cough;
  • Runny nose;
  • Diarrhea;
  • The weak response or lack of response to the quiet sounds.

Since infants can not yet tell the parents that they hurt, suspect otitis media can be in the presence of non-specific symptoms such as fever and irritability. In addition, the child can often touch or rub the sore ear, and try to lie down so as to avoid pressure on him.

Sometimes otitis of the middle ear occurs perforated eardrum and ear begins to flow pus. Such a violation is called acute purulent otitis Purulent otitis - why develop complications  Purulent otitis - why develop complications
   middle ear; with pain in the ear may be weakened since the pressure at the eardrum decreased, but sometimes this form of otitis media leads to the spread of infection.

In many cases, the symptoms of otitis media Symptoms of otitis media - easy to identify  Symptoms of otitis media - easy to identify
   middle ear after a few days become less pronounced, and then disappear completely.

However, one should consult a doctor if the child did not improve within 24 hours after onset of symptoms, if he complains of severe pain (or do you think that he had severe pain because he behaves unusually - became very irritable, can not sleep, and so on), or if there were purulent discharge from the ears.

Chronic otitis media is rare - one out of 100 cases of children otitis, and one of 50 adult patients. Its most common symptom - the patient's discharge from the ear, which, in larger or smaller amounts, can go on for several months. Thus earache generally not, but in many patients somewhat deteriorated hearing.


The causes of otitis media

Most often, otitis media is caused by a bacterial or viral infection (such as the common cold), propagating in the part of the ear, which is called the Eustachian tube. Eustachian or auditory tube is a thin channel between the throat and the middle ear. Its main task - to provide air access to the middle ear and to maintain normal pressure in the cavity and remove from the ear mucus and other contaminants.

The infection, which began in almost any other part of the body can begin to spread and lead to blockage of the eustachian tube and the development of infection in the middle ear.

Block auditory tube may be, for example, enlarged tonsils and adenoids. Patients who develop ear infections often or occur in the chronic form, can be scheduled for surgery to remove the tonsils and adenoids.

Eustachian tube in a child less than an adult, so it is easier to block. Besides, adenoids in children than in adults (about the size of the adjacent structures), and so is much more common in children otitis media.

The likelihood of otitis media can also improve the following factors:

  • A visit to a kindergarten or stay in other institutions for children;
  • Passive smoking;
  • Feeding formula milk instead of breast milk.



Otitis media usually can be diagnosed using an instrument called a pneumatic otoscope. It is a small device with a magnifying glass and a light bulb, allowing the ear to examine the inside. With it, you can see the typical symptoms of otitis media, such as discoloration of the tympanic membrane and the presence of fluid inside the ear. In addition, the pneumatic otoscope allows you to send in your ear gentle stream of air, which does not cause any harm, but contributes to the diagnosis of the disease. If the Eustachian tube is not blocked, is considerably small movement of the eardrum, otherwise it will remain stationary. Besides, during such an examination can reveal perforated eardrum.

In cases where the prescribed treatment does not give the expected result or if the patient developed complications, can be used the following diagnostic procedures:

  • Tympanometry - a procedure that allows you to determine how the eardrum responds to changes in air pressure. During the procedure in the ear administered instrument that at regular intervals, change the air pressure and beeps. It also records the pressure change and the reflected sound from the eardrum. If the sounds are recorded weak high pressure air, it usually indicates the presence of middle ear infections;
  • Timpanotsentez - withdrawal of fluid from the middle ear for further testing for bacteria and viruses, which could cause infection;
  • Computed tomography can be used if the doctor suspects that the infection has spread beyond the middle ear.

Protargol from a cold - applied with caution

December 18, 2011

 Protargolum the common cold
 Who has ever applied Protargolum with a cold knows that this is a very effective drug. Under the influence of protargola runny nose may end even before the week - so much he often takes, no matter what treatment.

 Protargol from a cold - applied with caution

Application protargola in acute rhinitis

Acute rhinitis begins with nasal congestion that is caused by swelling Prevention and treatment of edema - it is important to understand the root cause  Prevention and treatment of edema - it is important to understand the root cause
   mucosa. A few hours from the nose there are abundant liquid separation - exudative phase of the inflammatory process. The last phase of the disease lasts for most - is the thick mucus Mucus - what is the norm for a healthy woman  Mucus - what is the norm for a healthy woman
   and constant nasal congestion due to swelling of soft tissues of the nasal cavity. In viral infections selection transparent, bacterial (bacterial infection and is often attached to the virus) discharge becomes mucopurulent.

In acute rhinitis usually help decongestants in the form of nose drops (eg, naftizina) - they briefly relieve swelling. But it is not a remedy, such drops only temporarily improve the human condition. Use such drops more than three to five days can not be - a constant stimulation of the muscles of blood vessel walls could lead to paresis and expansion rack, do not submit to treatment for a long time.

Unlike pure vasoconstrictor drops Protargolum a remedy, as the vast livelihoods of pathogens and reduces inflammation. The vasoconstrictor action had milder causes complications in the blood vessels, thus it can be applied for a sufficiently long time.

In acute rhinitis we used a two-percent drop of protargola. They are buried in the nose for three to five drops twice or three times per day. Babies Protargolum buried one-two drops twice per day. Usually it is enough protargola week course of treatment.

 Protargol from a cold - applied with caution

Application protargola in chronic rhinitis

Chronic rhinitis can develop in different ways. Some people going proliferation of nasal mucosa, causing him constant stuffiness. This is called hypertrophic chronic rhinitis. Sometimes tissue growths are so pronounced that they are removed surgically.

In other cases, chronic rhinitis occurs without an increase in nasal mucosa, or, on the contrary, with its decrease in volume - the so-called atrophic rhinitis. Often atrophic rhinitis is the final stage of development of any other type of chronic rhinitis. In atrophic rhinitis mucosa is dry, delicate and vulnerable. It constantly cracks and scabs are formed, resulting in an even greater shrinkage. The inflammatory process is supported by the fact that the mucous membrane is not able to prevent the penetration of infection.

Protargol in chronic rhinitis prescribe a course of fourteen days or more. Especially effective this medication at a hypertrophic rhinitis. In this case it is gentle on the blood vessels of the nasal cavity, narrows them, which reduces the flow of blood to the mucous membrane. No additional power supply ensures that the growth of the mucous membrane is reduced or completely stopped. Besides Protargolum suppress the livelihoods of infectious agents involved in the inflammatory process.

In atrophic chronic rhinitis to the appointment protargola are more cautious, as during chronic administration, it can cause even greater mucosal atrophy. But short courses during acute rhinitis and expression of the inflammatory process it is prescribed.

 Protargol from a cold - applied with caution

Application protargola in adenoids

Adenoids - a growth of nasal polyps of the lymphoid tissue. It is a defensive reaction: lymphoid tissue expands in order to protect the body from infection. Therefore, the more often there are sharpening adenoiditis, the more adenoids grow Adenoids - the expansion of the pharyngeal tonsil  Adenoids - the expansion of the pharyngeal tonsil
 . Adenoids often appear in children. A feature of the disease in childhood is that with age (after twelve or fourteen) adenoids regress and independently tested. In adults, too, sometimes there are adenoids, but they do not regress, so they have to be removed surgically.

Exacerbations adenoiditis most often caused by a bacterial infection, while Protargolum able to quickly eliminate the inflammation and thus prevent the next stage of proliferation of lymphoid tissue. When adenoiditis treatment protargola Protargol - Pharmacy survivor  Protargol - Pharmacy survivor
   usually longer, it is administered no less than two weeks.

Protargol used in a cold, but it should be done by a doctor.

Galina Romanenko

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  • Protargolum
