What is sinusitis and its main symptoms should know everything, because the disease often complicates the course, both bacterial and viral infections. Knowledge of the basic signs of sinusitis
Symptoms of sinusitis: What should I look for
It allows the patient promptly seek medical attention and treat acute inflammatory process. If this is not done, the inflammation goes into a chronic stage and treat it will be much harder.
What is sinusitis and why it begins
Sinusitis - is an inflammatory process in the area of the maxillary sinus - cavity located within the bone of the upper jaw. In most cases, inflammation of the mucous membrane covers only the maxillary sinus, but in some cases may pass as the periosteum and bone of the maxillary sinus.
The illness may be acute and chronic, with chronic processes are more common in adults and acute in children. When inflammation occurs without the formation of pus, then this is called catarrhal sinusitis, with pus - pus.
Symptoms of acute sinusitis
Acute sinusitis in most cases complicates acute respiratory viral infections (ARI, including influenza), childhood infectious diseases (measles, scarlet fever) and diseases of the teeth. Sometimes it can develop after trauma or surgery in the upper respiratory tract.
Acute sinusitis starts with a fever, chills, headache, donating to the root of the nose and in the mouth. Pain worse with pressure on areas adjacent to the projecting part of the nose. Pain in acute sinusitis different intensity and uniformity, increasing coughing, runny nose, sneezing, loud conversation and tilt head.
Often there is also tearing, especially in the light intensity that causes patients to cover a bit or screw up your eyes. Nasal congestion can be either one or both sides. After a while, the nose there are abundant mucous (with catarrhal form of inflammatory process) or mucopurulent (purulent inflammation) allocation. On the affected side is usually reduced sense of smell.
If the inflammatory process proceeds to mucosal periosteum appears swelling cheek and sometimes age (usually low, but sometimes the top) on the side of the lesion.
Symptoms of chronic sinusitis
Chronic sinusitis usually develops in the inadequate treatment of acute inflammation, as well as when there is an obstacle outflow of liquid of the inflammatory maxillary sinus, such as a deviated septum
Deviated septum - is not just a cosmetic defect
, Closing holes sinuses, or thickening of the mucous membrane of the nasal cavities and so on.
Chronic sinusitis occurs more often erased and is manifested in the form of general weakness, fatigue, malaise, decreased performance. Characterized as constant nasal congestion and headaches, worse in the evening and especially at night when the patient takes a horizontal position, and nasal congestion increases. Nasal discharge may be liquid (serous), mucous or mucopurulent. Reduced and sometimes completely broken nose.
During the examination of the patient sees an audiologist in the nasal cavity areas of inflammation and overgrowth (hypertrophy) of the lower and middle turbinates. Hypertrophy shells creates a barrier to the outflow discharge from the maxillary sinus, which contributes to long-term course of the inflammatory process.
Sometimes the growths in the maxillary sinus and nasal cavity polypoid acquire character. Polyps can pave the entire cavity of the nose and down into the nasopharynx.
The course of chronic sinusitis
Chronic sinusitis - the effect on health
undulating with exacerbations and remissions (light intervals). The frequency of exacerbations depends on the immunity of the patient, as well as the presence or absence of obstacles to the outflow of secretions from the maxillary sinus.
As revealed sinusitis
Sinusitis in most cases, can be identified on the basis of specific complaints of the patient and instrumental inspection otolaryngologist who examines the nasal cavity using a special mirror-expanders (rhinoscopy).
To clarify the diagnosis is always carried out X-ray examination - it allows you not only to identify sinusitis, but also to clarify the extent of its spread. Pregnant women who are not desirable to carry out X-rays, the diagnosis of sinusitis can be confirmed by means of transillumination - raying light with changes in the sinus is darkened. Identify possible sinusitis and ultrasound.
It is used as a diagnostic puncture (puncture) of the maxillary sinus, to take on the analysis of emissions. Today fence discharge from the sinuses is often done without punctures, using special catheters.
Confirms the diagnosis as complete blood count, which in acute sinusitis
Acute sinusitis - occurs as the inflammatory process
or exacerbation of chronic inflammatory process can be seen signs of inflammatory changes.
Galina Romanenko